Cuizi took a deep look at this man who redeemed himself like a holy light at first, then spoke quietly and elegantly, consumed a lot of life force for himself, then had a little skin, and finally had a little color.

She didn't expect that one person could leave so many different impressions on her in such a short period of time.

"Thank you!" After saying these two words, Cuizi's soul flew into the body.

It was originally his own body. Although the soul had been away for a long time, the fusion speed of Cuizi's soul and body was still very fast, and soon he could see his eyebrows beating slightly.


Inuyasha, who felt that Cuizi's soul and body were perfectly merging, began to lose his concentration.

His eyes, from time to time, drifted to the slightly bullied Da Haozi!

Ten thousand thoughts floated back and forth in his mind, and Inuyasha was finally unable to get rid of the control of the demon.Under the contemptuous eyes of Xiaoyu and Kikyo, he lowered his head and bit the little pink who had been provoking him.

Chapter [-] Bastard, don't bite!

The souls of ordinary human beings will become very fragile once they are separated from the body, and even a breeze can easily blow these souls away, except in one case...

That is, he died and was sheltered by the rules of the underworld, so that he could save his soul to the underworld.

Although Cuizi has a strong cultivation base and her soul is also very strong, she still feels cold.

At the moment when she returned to her body, Cuizi only felt that she was surrounded by a feeling of comfort she had never felt before.A touch of warmth, the peace of mind that the soul is sheltered by the body, she has not experienced this kind of warmth for hundreds of years.

"Inuyasha...what kind of person are you?" Cuizi smiled, speeding up to adapt to her body that had not moved for a long time.

As everyone knows, once a woman becomes curious about a man, she is already on the brink of danger.

Cui Zi closed her eyes and felt her soul melt into her body little by little.Although this is her own body, her soul has been gone for hundreds of years, so it feels a little strange.

As time passed, Cuizi's soul had mostly merged into her body, and her consciousness began to slowly recover.

The feeling of not being able to control her body for a long time naturally made Cuizi very happy!


She soon felt that something was wrong. Why did her Moon Hungarian department always have a strange feeling?Cuizi didn't understand what it felt like. If I had to describe it, it would be a bit similar to the feeling of mica licking her face.

wet, slippery...

But it's not just that, there's a feeling she's never experienced before, it's itchy, but she can't scratch it!

And, to the bottom of my heart~

"Chiliu, Chiliu... tsk tsk tsk..." A strange sound came to Cui Zi's ears after recovering his hearing.It's similar to the sound of mica drinking water, but there are some differences.

Cuizi's fingers moved, and she was able to control her body slightly.


She heard some other voices, those two women who followed Inuyasha.The witch called Kikyo, and a vixen who even she can't see through, seems to have mica's cry.


Kikyo covered her face weakly, she felt that she was shameless now, how could the master do this!

Bullying a woman like Cuizi who can't resist at all!If the master really wants it, then you can find or find me.It really doesn't work... and Xiaoyu, the stinky vixen.

"Master... perverted." Thousands of words turned into a helpless pervert.

"Husband... a big pervert!" Xiaoyu said contemptuously.But her wiggly little tail and her ears beating from time to time don't seem to be like she realized. Most of the time, she wants to replace Cuizi herself, right?

After all, it is a little fox who has already tasted a little sweetness, how can he not think about these things?

"Meow~" Mica is still very pure. In her eyes, Inuyasha is now acting like she is licking the face of someone close to her.

It's all an expression of love, without so much weirdness in it.


Threads of light entered Cuizi's eyes, and her eyelids kept beating.The sunlight she hadn't seen for a long time stimulated her eyeballs, and it also stimulated Cuizi to speed up the fusion.

In the end, under Cuizi's firm willpower, she slowly opened her eyes.

She looked at her Hungarian for the first time, trying to figure out what was going on with that feeling.


But just when she raised her head, she couldn't help but let out an exclamation, but it was the bastard Inuyasha who bit the little pink with his teeth, and the slight tingling went straight into Cuizi's soul.

And this exclamation also awakened Inuyasha from that misty state.

He raised his head and looked forward.

Cuizi's eyes were both ashamed and angry, and instantly met Inuyasha's innocent eyes.

"Boom!" Inuyasha loosened his teeth in embarrassment. He didn't expect Cuizi's soul to merge so quickly.What should I do if I secretly do bad things and are discovered by others?Online wait, [-] urgent!

Looking down at her little baby who is full of saliva and bite marks, Cuizi really wants to cry but has no tears...

I am so gentle to them myself, is this how cruel you are?

"That... I can explain this matter..." Inuyasha swallowed and found that there was still a faint fragrance in his mouth.

"Pervert!" Cuizi said indifferently, her little foot had already landed on Inuyasha!

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