But the "mystery" thing becomes less and less as time goes on.

Now magic has actually become a mainstream path, and after countless generations of unremitting exploration, they gradually found a way to break through the limitation of "human".

That is... the Holy Grail War!

The inheritance of magicians is also extremely difficult, and it is necessary to ensure that there are excellent descendants.

Because magic is based on the magic circuit in the body, an excellent matrix is ​​essential.

If Matou Kariya likes Chancheng Aoi's character, appearance, soul... etc., then Tohsaka Toshitsu is interested in Chancheng Aoi's body, she is an excellent mother.

And it turns out that Rin and Sakura, who were born to her in the original book, both have a high talent for magic.


Just now, Tohsaka Tohsaka discovered a mother body that was even better than Chancheng Aoi, Higurashi Miei!

"What's the matter? Are you fascinated by other women so quickly? You should leave Xiaokui quickly!" Matou Kariya sneered when he saw this.

I have to say that when it comes to love, Matou Kariya is really... a good person~

"Hmph! What do you know if you gave up your own magic way? That's the witch of Higurashi Shrine." Tohsaka Tokisaka said disdainfully.

In his eyes, magic is the most fascinating existence.

In front of him, the second son of the Matou family, who is one of the three royal families with the Tohsaka family, obviously has a rubbish elder brother who has no magic circuit, so he is lucky to be able to inherit the family's magic, but this guy actually gave up himself!

Really funny!

"Nikkei Shrine? It's the legendary shrine that has been favored by gods for hundreds of years. I heard that their talisman water is super effective. No matter what kind of disease it is, it can be cured!" Chancheng Aoi's eyes lit up.

I have to say that Nippon Shrine's status in neon is really detached now, and Chancheng Aoi, who is far away in Fuyuki City, also knows this.

Tohsaka Tohsaka is not concerned with these, but Miie, the priestess of Higaka Shrine.

As I said before, Nippon Shrine has been favored by gods for hundreds of years, and the witches who practiced here are far more talented than ordinary people.

In the words of a magician, that is... they are the most perfect mother!

Chapter [-] Uncle, your waist is not good~

That little girl... is a perfect being!

Tohsaka Tokiomi looked at the cute Kagome, and the feeling of being close to nature exuded from her body was undoubtedly a super talented magician, which made Tohsaka Tokiomi's heart moved.

Even if the other party already has children, Tokiomi Tosaka can ignore everything before giving birth to excellent offspring.

Even, it is no problem to be the stepfather of that little witch!

"Everyone belongs to the mysterious side. Since you meet, let's say hello." Tohsaka Tokiomi said.As the second candidate for the mother body, Tokiomi Tohsaka does not want to break the line for the time being.

However, it has to be said that he really knows nothing about the world.

He thought that he was perfect in disguise, but in fact, he looked very naive in Chancheng Aoi's eyes, and he saw through his thoughts at a glance.

"Am I being used as a spare tire?" For some reason, Chancheng Aoi suddenly felt much more relaxed.

The ancestors of the Chancheng family also went abroad to be magicians, but there have been no descendants who can practice magic in these generations, and the Chancheng family has also become a country rich man with peace of mind.

But Chancheng Aoi's father suddenly told her that her body was excellent and she was a very suitable mother for the next generation of magicians.

Moreover, she was asked to choose between Matou and Tohsaka... and even admitted that he was partial to the Tohsaka family.

As children of a family, since they have the right to enjoy good living conditions, they should also pay corresponding obligations.

If it was really decided that she would marry Tohsaka Tokiomi, then she would have to marry that man, even if she was reluctant or even resisting.

Although the powerful and powerful head of the Tohsaka family in Fuyuki City is the dream lover of countless women.

Not only looks good, but also has a gentle and gentle temperament.

However, Chancheng Aoi always felt that he was too superficial, as if he had been wearing a mask.Such a man looks good, but it's really tiring to live together.

Moreover, his professionalism is too heavy. After marrying, it is estimated that he will be alone in the empty room every day.

"I'd better not hold out too much hope. After all, that witch has such an outstanding man by her side, as well as a baby..."

Chancheng Kui looked at the family of three over there and sighed helplessly.

As for Matou Kariya...

He has been completely ignored by her, not that he hates him, but the two who grew up together are too familiar.

Because it was too familiar, Chancheng Aoi didn't think of that at all.

He... just, and always will be, a younger brother...

the other side.

The outstanding man in Chancheng Kui's mouth was helping Meihui and Kagome choose clothes.He carefully selected and then picked it up and gestured to Miei, feeling dissatisfied and put it back.

Although he had enough money to buy the headquarters and all parts of the clothing store, he didn't say anything about it.

The clothes he gave were not money, but friendship, not rusticity.

"How about this one?" Inuyasha picked up a pale green silk dress and gestured towards Miei.


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