These frivolous clothes, together, have exceeded the liquidity of his Tohsaka family, which means that he can't afford them.

Cold sweat came down all of a sudden.

"He's meow, why was this guy turned against him all of a sudden?"

Chapter [-] You won't... want the lady to pay you?

What should I do... I'm so panicked...

Cold sweat dripped from Tosaka Tokiomi's face. Since it is the direct industry of Big Brother here, the whole neon gave the green light for it.No one has ever dared to make trouble here, or after making trouble, he is no longer human.

It is obviously a kind of trouble if you have no money to check out after choosing something.

"Humph~" Inuyasha glanced at Tohsaka Tokiomi, who was sweating profusely, and scoffed in disdain.

With such a thing, dare to face him Inuyasha?

"Patriarch Tohsaka, Patriarch Tohsaka..." Inuyasha patted him on the shoulder shyly, and knocked Tokiomi Tosaka, who was calculating how many gems it would take to make it up.

"Huh? What's wrong?" He looked around in confusion.

"It's time to settle the bill, the Tohsaka clan master, these beautiful young ladies are all looking at you eagerly." Inuyasha said with a wink.

"Checkout? Oh, checkout, right? Checkout..."

Tosaka Tokiomi took out a gold card from his arms and handed it to the cashier.Those shopping guides were immediately relieved. Those who can have this gold card are all rich and noble. Although these clothes are expensive, they are nothing.

But as the owner of the Gold Card, Tokiomi Tohsaka was not so relaxed, and instead the cold sweat broke out even more.

Because just a few days ago, he just bought a batch of gems to practice magic, and now the amount in the gold card...


Insufficient balance!

The four big red characters on the monitor completely extinguished the last hope in Tosaka Tokiomi's heart.The cashier immediately looked at him with a strange look, as if looking at a mentally retarded person.

nonsense!Even if you have no money, you dare to pretend to be coercive with "no words and no clothes"?It's like lighting a lamp in the toilet... courting death!

"Sir, I'm sorry, your balance is insufficient." The cashier lady looked at Tomisaka Tokiomi and waved the gold card in her hand to him.


Because it is not included in the shopping guide, I was not able to choose clothes.As a result, she was envious of her colleagues, but now she feels very happy. It's only fair that everyone doesn't have this~


Tohsaka Tokiomi swallowed mechanically, he nodded calmly, and touched his pocket again.

The result, of course, was self-evident, there was only a purse with some change in the pocket.

"Mato-kun, do you have any money with you? I just bought a batch of gems some time ago." Tokiomi Tosaka looked at Matou-san, whom he usually looked down on the most, obviously, it was better than the consequence of not having money to pay the bill. Some face is more cost-effective.


Just kidding, the best person in the world, Kiri Kariya, is also the most unpleasant to the eye, is Tosaka Tokiomi, who is also a magic force in Fuyuki City.

Because of the Matou family's magic way, he has a serious disgust for all magic.

So what about this man who opened his mouth and closed his mouth as a magician, and wanted to marry his favorite Xiaokui since childhood, if Matou Kariya would help him now, it would be a joke!

Although for family reasons, he didn't want to take Xiaokui back to the home full of bugs and very dark.

But this does not mean that he will hand over Xiaokui to others, okay?

"Damn bastards! Everyone is a magic family in Fuyuki City, and they've fallen into trouble at this time!" Tomisaka Tokiomi scolded angrily, completely forgetting how he despised Matou Kariya before.

"That guy...wouldn't he also be a person with fake pictures?" said the middle-aged aunt who had the most dramas.

"I think it is very likely that this gold card may be plated with gold!" Her companion also said.

"Sure enough, don't count on a man who is not good in the moon, and don't count on him anywhere else..." Three hundred pounds of "the light of not wanting to work hard" despised.

"It's still a handsome silver-haired guy~"


Hearing the contempt and ridicule around him, Tohsaka Tokiomi's face paled.He now fully understands the feeling of Inuyasha just now, is it really self-inflicted?

Thinking of him, Young Master Tohsaka, how has he suffered such grievances over the years.

"I really want to set fire to this black-hearted broken shop!" Tokiomi Tosaka thought about the consequences, but decided to admit it.

After all, it is the territory of Big Brother, and Big Brother is now almost the only one in the world.

His little magician family dared to run wild on Big Brother's territory, so he was probably the last head of the Tohsaka family, and he disappeared with the Tohsaka family...  

"Sir, if you don't pay the bill again, I will report it in the name of making trouble." The cashier said solemnly.

Obviously, she's not joking!

Tohsaka Tokiomi is anxious, this matter is related to the face of his Tohsaka family, and even his survival!

"Please wait a moment." Tohsaka Tokiomi smiled ingratiatingly at the cashier, then turned around in his contemptuous eyes, "Xiao Kui... Do you have any money on you?"

"Huh?" Chancheng Aoi looked at Tohsaka Tokiomi at a loss, not knowing what to say for a while.

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