Little Kagome is still young, she really doesn't understand what this is, so she just asks her doubts.

I didn't feel any embarrassment at all!


After Miei saw Inuyasha instantly reverse the form, she relaxed and felt her throat a little dry.

She took out the kettle that she had prepared for little Kagome at home, and as soon as she sent the sweet spring to Meihui in her mouth, she heard what her daughter said, and couldn't help squirting all the water out of her mouth.

She couldn't help thinking of something she "accidentally" saw the other day when she was giving a towel to someone who was taking Kagome's bath.

It seems that it is really much bigger than this...

"Cough cough..." Mei Hui wiped the water from her face, then tapped Kagome on the head slightly hard, "Don't say these things in the future, did you hear?"


Little Loli agreed verbally, but what she was thinking in her heart, I don't know.

No matter what others think, Tohsaka Tokiomi is really ashamed and angry right now!

He now regrets very much why he wanted to come over and say hello in a daze in the first place. It seems that the life in Fuyuki City has made him lose his vigilance and become arrogant.

It is obvious that he is not the only one who can see such an excellent mother body like Higu Mie.

And how could the man the other party liked be a useless little white face?

"Boy, if it wasn't for the sake of my eldest brother this time, I would slap you to death!" Luo Hua said.Hua Guo has always maintained a very tough attitude towards the outside world. Like this guy who dares to come to his own territory to make trouble, Jin Yiwei has always been able to kill first and then play.

As for pressure from other countries?Or even use it as an excuse to crusade?

Sorry, you can say whatever you want, but if you don't listen, that's my business.As for the fight...

you can try~

"Yes, yes... I sincerely apologize for that." Tokiomi Tohsaka wanted to say.

After this lesson, Tohsaka Tokiomi has changed, he has become very careful in everything he does, and he has become more and more eager for strength.

The Holy Grail... With it, I will definitely be able to return the humiliation I suffered today a thousand times over!

Yes, I must get the Holy Grail!

For this, you can pay any price, even if it is a bet on yourself and the entire Tohsaka family.Inadvertently pushed by someone, Tosaka Tokiomi, who is even more obsessed with the Holy Grail than the original, was born.

"Thank you, brother, I was really rude just now." As expected from the Tohsaka family, what he said in his heart was completely different!

If it is a girl paper, it is directly arrogant, if it is a man, this is hypocrisy.

And in Inuyasha's eyes, Tokiomi Tosaka is unusually hypocritical!

at this time……

But it was Tosaka Tokiomi, who had just relaxed and didn't want to be shy to stay here.Seeing that he was getting nervous again, wouldn't someone rush out and press him to the ground again?

Uh, how can I say it?Sometimes people really can't stand FLAG indiscriminately~

click, click, click...

A group of burly...Mom, came out of the store, it looks like it is the manager's private office?

"Huh? Inexplicable sense of sight, how come it seems that I have seen these shrews somewhere?" Inuyasha touched his chin, and there was always an inexplicable feeling reminding him that he seemed to have seen such a scene before.

However, before Inuyasha could remember where he had seen it before, the group of shrews had already passed by his side.

They walked straight to Tohsaka Tokiomi, who was in a daze, and pressed him to the ground at once!

Uh, that's the kind of pressing that's face to the ground.

eh?Did I say this before?It doesn't matter, anyway, the poor head of the Tohsaka family was pushed to the ground again without face, but this group of caring aunts changed his direction this time.

"Ahahaha...they are actually in the store today? So that cold woman is here too?" Luo Hua said with a dry smile.

If he had known before that these shrews were here today, he wouldn't have said anything.

Although their Jin Yiwei can easily deal with these burly aunts, after all, Jin Yiwei's standard of acceptance is very strict.But these shrews were actually someone's personal bodyguard, and their presence meant that someone was here too.

That is, the cold woman in Luo Hua's mouth.

"Luo Hua, they are..." The more Inuyasha looked, the more familiar he felt, but he still couldn't remember where he had seen this scene.

"Big brother, they are the guards trained by the most powerful Okita chaebol in Neon today."


Inuyasha couldn't help but scream, the surname Okita was so familiar.Now a disobedient apprentice likes to pull her eldest sister and second sister together to squeeze someone out.


Although Neon is not big, the surname of Okita should be more than the general manager and the others, right?It may be said by another Okita family.

After all, after Inuyasha took the lead with the three Okita sisters, the original Okita forces should have dissipated.

"It's Okita, eldest brother. Speaking of the Okita chaebol, we have to mention the talented and beautiful swordsman Souji Okita who shined in the Ikedaya incident. That's really..."

"EMM...I know more about this matter than you~" Inuyasha secretly said.

Although it is not clear what happened between them, the current Okita chaebol should have been developed by the Okita family back then.

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