Sesshomaru impatiently knocked off Inuyasha's thief's hand that was swaying in his mouth, and turned over and pressed his stinky brother under him.

"If you dare to move again, I will eat you." She said fiercely.

"Okay, okay~ Come, come..." In the end, killing the elder sister was still no match for this bitch. He reluctantly allowed his thief's hands to move around, his face was covered with blush, and his warm water eyes.

"It's enough for me, stinky brother!" But in the end, Inuyasha was defeated by the murdered sister~

After breakfast.

Inuyasha arranged a barrier along the entire village, because the real troubled times were coming.

Coupled with the fragments of the Four Soul Jade scattered by Inuyasha, not only the human beings who were chaotic because of the struggle for power, but even the monsters began to chaotic, bringing endless killing and competition.

In this era, the magic power of countless demon kings and demon generals is condensed in the jade of the four souls, which is simply a treasure from heaven.

Although it is divided into [-] pieces, each piece can bring benefits to the monsters!

Therefore, Inuyasha needs to set up a big barrier to protect the safety of the entire Maple Village.


Next, he went to a demon slayer village. Shan Shan was one year older than Kagome, and now the three-year-old Xiao Shan is very cute.Inuyasha warned the old-fashioned shrimps not to touch the jade of the four souls, and it is best to reduce the number of tasks.

If you get the fragments of the Four Soul Jade, just throw it away.

Although Shrimp understood the reason, but out of absolute trust in Inuyasha, he naturally agreed.

… … … … … …

And Inuyasha also did the same thing and arranged a large barrier around the village of the demon slayer. Compared with the village of Maple, the village of the demon slayer, which already had a huge wooden wall, was going to be stronger.

"Big brother, are you leaving?" Little Loli, who was only as tall as Inuyasha's knees, raised her head to look at Inuyasha.

"Well, before you go, big brother will give you a present."

Inuyasha took out a long knife from the space ring and threw it to the little Loli who had been looking forward to it.

As a result, the coral couldn't hold such a heavy thing at all. One P share fell to the ground, but the small hand still held the long knife, and at a glance, I knew that it had the potential to practice martial arts.

"this is?"

"It's called Spider Cut Maru, and it's also called Knee Maru, but it's a very famous knife." Inuyasha pinched her nose.

"Kenmaru? Inuyasha SAMA, isn't it, lost, is it?"


Look at the cockroach that appeared in the aisle, and his stinky old face.Inuyasha squeezed the little coral flesh whirling face again, turned around and teleported away from the demon slayer village~

Leaving the cute little coral behind, looking at the direction he left, hugging the long knife in his arms tightly.

the other side.

Inuyasha ran directly to the bone-eating well, just now Goudan had stuffed the large bags of the girls from the Crystal Palace into the system space.

Before the realization of his big conspiracy, it will take some time to ferment.

Before that, he would use this time to play the game of the so-called Holy Grail War.Stop by to redeem his wife, the dumb-haired girl who likes to eat curry sticks!

Chapter [-] The country of ice and snow is most suitable for field battles~

Germany, a glorious and lonely country.

His main ethnic group is the Germanic people. During the Roman Empire, together with the Celts and the Slavs, they were called the three major barbarians in Europe by the Romans, and they are also one of the representative ethnic groups of Europeans today.

It is a pity that the Celts have almost disappeared, and most of the people living in Britain today are Germanic.

In 476 AD, the Germans living in Germany overthrew Western Rome, but in 962 they established the Holy Roman Empire.

There is no need to say more about these long-dead glory, after all, the Holy Roman Empire has already been destroyed.In this world, there have also been two world wars, all of which were provoked by the German Empire.

However, due to the rise of the world's carpenter emperor, the Ming Empire has become their biggest enemy.

And in the two world wars, they were both pressed to the ground and rubbed!

Later, I didn't know what happened to the big brother, the Ming Empire, but suddenly he became a good person and gradually gave up all kinds of colonies outside.It only retained most of its territory in Asia, and began to let other countries fight there, just like watching a monkey show.


In the end, the German Empire, with its high eyes and low hands, was defeated by the attacks of countless alliances.

There is no need to say more about the various sanctions and compensations that follow.

Out of the small town in northern Germany, it is a deserted world of ice and snow, where there is always a blizzard.Even many explorers who love adventure will choose to turn around here and start walking back.

It stands to reason that these lunatics who disregard their own safety will not choose to give up because of the mere heavy snow and strong winds.

It's because someone can set up a barrier here to disperse the barrier of ordinary people!

It is estimated that no one would have imagined that a huge magic workshop that lasted for thousands of years was running hidden in this ice and snow at this time.Thousands of years of searching, just to find the supreme principle of magic - magic.

On this day, this isolated place once again welcomed long-lost guests.

clack clack...

The black shoes stepped on the ice and snow, making a sound, which was the sound of ice and snow particles being squeezed and solidified.

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