The person at the head is an old man wearing a white aristocratic costume, with an old face but a tall stature.

He is the eighth-generation owner of Einzbern, or the humanoid terminal, Ubustakuhayd von Einzbern.

Known as Ahad Weng, a participant in the Third Holy Grail War.

Ahadeon waved to a group of people with dull eyes behind him, and they stepped forward and put the injured Emiya Kiritsugu on a stretcher, carrying him and quickly returned to the direction he came from.

"Magician killer, it is quite a trick to kill a magician, but not so good to kill a wolf." Ahad Weng said.

The wolf corpse in this place, plus the claw marks on Emiya Kiritsugu's body, it is not difficult to guess what happened just now.

in fact.

They had entered Einzbern's territory a long time ago, and Ahadeon could pass through the magical conch... No, it was the crystal ball of the third Hokage, and he could see everything around it.

As for why Inuyasha dared to bully Dog Dan so recklessly, it was because he could perceive and block this kind of prying eyes.

"First meeting, user of the fourth method." Ahad Weng said respectfully.

Even Einzbern, who has been developing for thousands of years, does not dare to show any disrespect to the magician.

Because of the magicians who are beyond the rules of human beings, each one is a nuclear bomb-level existence.

Although he had never heard of this silver-haired man's deeds, there was no doubt about the use of time just now.


"Ubsta Kuhayd von Einzbern, the eighth-generation patriarch of Einzbern, when we first met, you can call me Inuyasha, this is my name," Inuyasha said.

"Your Excellency Inuyasha, I don't know why you are here in Einzbern this time."

Ahad Weng's straight-to-the-point way of speaking is very appealing to Inuyasha, and he doesn't like wrangling with others.

Um...except when I'm being mean.

"I heard that your Einzbern family is looking for a son-in-law, and I'm here to marry your daughter!" Inuyasha pointed to himself, the purpose of his trip was indeed the same, and his wife was such a good girl, he had to grab it.

"Excuseme?" Ahadeon looked at Inuyasha with a very confused look, and didn't quite understand what he meant for a while.

In his consciousness, you are a noble magician, what kind of Holy Grail War are you playing with us magicians?

Obviously, he does not think that Inuyasha's purpose is simply to come over and be a son-in-law.An artificial man, how could he attract the idea of ​​a magician, and he was a user of the long-extinct fourth method.

"Okay, let me put it another way. I want to see the Holy Grail War and try those legendary heroic spirits. How about their combat power."

"Well, that's right..."

Looking at Ahadeon's old face full of "You can't lie to me", Inuyasha can't wait to go up to be a shoehorn.In these years, no one believes the truth, and there are a lot of people who believe the lie!

Chapter [-] Ahad: Is this person familiar?

Inuyasha, who was about to break in, was respectfully invited in by the owner of Einzbern, Ahadeon.

In this way, it also saves him a lot of effort.

Even though this place is completely covered with snow and ice, the inside of Einzbern's castle is very warm.

What can do this is obviously magical magic, and the entire Einzbern is protected by an enchantment.

The cruel wind and snow could not invade this castle.


After Bai Xue entered the castle, she sneezed unaccustomedly.She had already adapted to the world of ice and snow, but walking into this "hot" place made her feel very uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Goudan patted her dog's head gently, and a magical energy covered Bai Xue's body, which made her feel comfortable.

"I didn't expect... this woman didn't have a short answer." Ahad Weng muttered to himself.

He just thought the dog egg was just a vase, who made her look so beautiful?Have you ever experienced a fighting spirit?

But if you think about it carefully, if you can follow a magician like the "fourth method user", it should not be a useless woman. How could Your Excellency Inuyasha be the kind of superficial person who only looks at the appearance?

Inuyasha: I'm sorry, I really do!

Following Ahad Weng all the way, Inuyasha found that the decoration of the castle was very particular, and it was completely the classical aesthetics of Western Europe.


The "people" walking in this magnificent castle are completely mechanized with their own purposes.They are all very low-level artificial humans, without self-awareness, and even counterfeiting is very cheap.

When there is a problem with their bodies, Einzbern will directly abandon them and throw them into the gloomy basement.

Inuyasha shook his head, he no longer had the luxury of compassion.

Followed Ahad Weng all the way into his private room, if it was an honor to be the first outsider to enter the patriarch's room, but he had no luck at all.

Although Ahad Weng is an artificial human, it does not have the old-fashioned smell that humans will have when they age.

The room was clean and tidy, but no matter how Inuyasha looked at an old man's room, he felt disgusted.

If it was Ellie's room or Illya's room later, he wouldn't leave if he was driven away.But fortunately, this is the study room, and the bedroom has to be in a deeper place. Inuyasha said it was acceptable.

After being seated, a servant with a strange hat on his head brought in two cups of black tea.

The soup is clear and pure, such a cup of black tea, it is estimated that [-] to [-] percent of the people in the outside world cannot afford to drink it...

"Thank you~" Inuyasha took two cups of black tea very himself, and then handed one of the cups to the dog who was standing obediently behind him, "Come, come, don't be with Aha! Deon is polite, eh? You yourself Don't you drink?"

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