
Inuyasha sighed, he finally understood why Einzbern, who had a thousand-year-old heritage, was still unable to win the Holy Grail War, because he had such a mentally retarded patriarch!

In the third Holy Grail War, Ahad Weng summoned all the evil in this world, but he was a weak chicken and was killed in just four days.

In the fourth Holy Grail War, the magician and killer Emiya Kiritsugu was pulled in, and he tried his best to get Avalon, but the Holy Grail was cut off by Dao Mao.

During the fifth Holy Grail War, he had to summon Hercules with the Berserker rank, and as a result, none of the martial arts and Noble Phantasm he had retained.Then came across the Golden Glitter of the Anti-God Noble Phantasm, and Hercules knelt down...

This is the history of blood and tears on the road of the Holy Grail War of Ahadeon, the patriarch of Einzbern.

"Listen, I'm here to follow your Einzbern name and fight those heroes in history. The Holy Grail doesn't matter to me at all, the root cause is within my reach!" Inuyasha said arrogantly.

Under Ahad Weng's gaze, he picked up the teacup and squeezed it lightly, and the ruby ​​red tea scattered with the luxurious teacup.


When Ahadeon was puzzled, he saw Inuyasha snap his fingers gently, and all the debris on the ground disappeared.The teacup carrying the tea was sitting on the table unharmed, and it was even steaming.

Ahad Weng was shocked, he knew that it was Inuyasha showing him his strength.

This method of manipulating time is simply incredible, plus what he has learned in the video, it is obvious that Inuyasha is very strong.

At least he was stronger than him and Emiya Kiritsugu, but he couldn't see through the upper limit!

"The only purpose of my love for Inzbern is to see the third method reappear in the world. The Holy Grail is of no use to us at all. The reason why I invited Emiya Kiritsugu was also because of his fighting ability. Now there is a more powerful magician, Why don't I..."

Ahad Weng had no friendship with Emiya Kiritsugu, and even if he did, it was nothing in the face of absolute interests.

Obviously, the strength that Inuyasha is showing now is enough to surpass the strength of Emiya Kiritsugu.

the other side.

Inuyasha sat there quietly, enjoying Dogdan's shoulder massage.

He was confident enough, and he knew very well that the old man's purpose of lingering on and surviving was to witness the miracle of the third method reappearing in the world. In front of this purpose, he could give up everything.


The fingers tapped on the teacup, making a crisp sound, awakening Ahad Weng from the thought of profit and loss.

He looked at the confident Inuyasha, and then thought about Emiya Kiritsugu, who was covered in injuries just now, and made a decision in his heart.

"Okay! I Ainzbern will provide you with the holy relics necessary to summon heroic spirits, and you will represent the Lord I Ainzbern in the Holy Grail War and win the final victory!" said.

"It's a word! I don't have high requirements for servants, go and find Avalon, King Arthur's scabbard, and give it to me!" Inuyasha also stood up.

"Uh... the requirements are really not high..."

In a short period of time, Ahad Weng had become accustomed to this bastard's shamelessness.Reaching out and holding the hand that Inuyasha stretched out in front of him, the two shameless guys, thus finalizing the Holy Grail War.

As for Emiya Kiritsugu, then treat his 163 wounds with kindness and let him go back and forth.

Compared to Tokiomi Tosaka, Emiya Kiritsugu's hatred value is not high...

And Inuyasha can be sure that after Emiya Kiritsugu knows about the Holy Grail War, he will never give up this opportunity to realize his ideal.Emiya Kiritsugu like this will definitely try his best to disrupt the Holy Grail War.

In this way, wouldn't it bring a different kind of joy to the Holy Grail War?

"Let's go, I'll show you the little Holy Grail that will be used in this Holy Grail War, you will definitely like it," Ahad Weng said.

"Really? I want to see..."

Inuyasha turned around and followed him out of the office. Originally, he always thought that Ellie was only created after Emiya Kiritsugu came to Einzbern, but now it seems that Einzbern began to fight for this Holy Grail War very early. get ready.

The ceremony was terminated due to the destruction of the Lesser Holy Grail as a vessel during the Third Holy Grail War.

After learning the lesson that the Holy Grail was repeatedly destroyed in the previous Holy Grail Wars, the little Holy Grail was made into an "artificial man" that can move freely.

The most outstanding cyborg, created with the "Holy Maiden of Winter - Justisa Lizleich von Einzbern" as a blueprint, has magic circuits all over his body!

Chapter [-] You Are Really Not Human!

The castle of Einzbern is very large, and Inuyasha followed Ahadeon for a long time before stopping in front of a gate.

Completely different from the authentic retro Western European style, this gate is completely constructed of silver-glowing steel, full of the style of future technology in the movie.

There is no such thing as palm prints or irises, and Ahadeon, who is a humanoid terminal, controls everything in Einzbern.

When he walked to the steel gate, the gate had been perfectly separated from it.

"You will be the first human in hundreds of years to see this," Ahad Weng said, pausing and turning.

"Hmm~" Inuyasha touched his chin noncommittally.

"Well, as expected of a magician, he is so calm!" Ahadeon thought to himself, and his evaluation of Inuyasha was getting higher and higher.

If Inuyasha knew what Ahadeon was thinking, then he actually wanted to tell Ahadeon that he was not the first human to enter this place after the magicians abandoned it, because he is not a human at all...

After entering the steel gate, the inside and the outside are completely two worlds, which is like a production line.

In other words, it is a modern scientific research room.

Magic, magic... in the final analysis, things that are not beyond the scope of human beings can also be reached through modern technology.What used to be magic, when human beings can reach it with technology, will be downgraded to magic.

So here, there are countless things that artificial humans are studying.

Without exception, it is all about the study of the soul. After all, Einzbern was created for the disciples of the Third Law.

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