He looked up and down Naiko, who had a good orange size, and seemed to be thinking about how to kill her to silence her so that the news would not be revealed.

Orange was calm, she didn't believe that the other party dared to kill people in the clock tower.

"What? You want to kill me?"

"Then let me treat you to a meal, as a hush money, don't say it out...".

Chapter [-] Want to learn the fourth method? (Ask for a flower ticket)

London, somewhere in a big hotel.

Aozaki Orange was boringly fiddling with the food on the plate with a knife and fork, even though it was very delicately decorated.

But it's really hard to swallow.

After all, you don't have to look forward to the food in England...

"Why did I agree to this pervert and come to such a crappy place to eat." Looking at the face on the opposite side, although he was handsome, but how to look at the satyr's face now, Miss Orange was even more unhappy.

Being a minimalist, Miss Orange doesn't like this kind of formality.

She likes to eat something that resolves quickly and then provides a lot of energy so that she can quickly get back into magic research.

These noble things in the eyes of the world, but she despises them very much!

"Wow! What's this? Why is it so unpalatable, no wonder everything tastes good after Danny Mao comes into the world."


The taste of England is really embarrassing.

Even the style of things is all sorts of heavy-duty Deutsches Ellie, who is dismissive of these foods.

After Inuyasha tried a bite, he put down his knife and fork. In the past few months, he returned to Nippon Shrine to eat, and it was the first time to experience the horror of English cuisine.

It's really hard to imagine that the English people are still enjoying it, and even refuse to accept food from other countries.

"I'm leaving." Miss Orange said, throwing down her knife and fork.

Not to mention that she didn't want to come with Inuyasha in the first place, but after she came here inexplicably, this dish was really not to her taste.

Inuyasha leaned his body on the back of the luxurious seat, even though Orange insisted on leaving now, but he had a way to make her stay willingly.


Inuyasha knocked and heard a crisp sound.

It sounds good, it's a good cup!

"Since the fifth method cannot be inherited, are you interested in learning about the fourth method?" Inuyasha said lightly.

Don't look at his calm tone, but he is confident enough to let the orange come back obediently.

She is a very strong woman, otherwise she would not have been so strict with herself since she was a child, even at all costs.

And now, in order to prove that she is not lost to her sister, she will do whatever it takes.

【Only magic can deal with magic】——Worzki Shod!

To deal with the younger sister, Miss Qingzi, who has inherited the fifth method, there are only the remaining four of the five magics.

The second, third, and fifth are clearly occupied, so Miss Orange can think about the first and fourth methods, but there is no clue at all.

"Not interested in!"

Zui said no, but his body returned to his seat very honestly.

Unexpectedly, Miss Orange also has the cute point of Aojiao.

"Since the little orange is not interested, let's talk about it in another place. The food here is unpalatable."

"On the last point, I totally agree."

The two completely ignored the face of the waitress who came over to fill the tea, and criticized the luxury hotel as worthless.

Anyway, the bill was settled, and Inuyasha left here with Ellie and Orange.

Looking at the things on the table that basically only moved one mouthful, the waitress was confused. Do you really care about so much money?

In some remote corner of London, a man and two women came here.

Are they trying to fight?

Of course not!

Inuyasha opened a door that looked very dilapidated and walked in first.

As soon as you enter the door, the inside is completely different from the dilapidated outside, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is resplendent.

"I said, the people of the Einzbern family don't live in the slums. It turns out that they are hidden and not leaking." Aozaki Orange said.

There is no way, the characteristics of the Aeribot are too obvious, even a magician with a little common sense can recognize it.

As the original and fifth method booker, how could Aozaki orange not recognize it.

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