A Hell Called Serestral

Chapter 73 - A Wish

Aries knocked at the door of Pieffer's room. No one answered. He searched for her in the dining area but she was not there either. Since he was already facing the table filled with aromatic dishes, he decided to satisfy his growling stomach before resuming his search.

Delicious foods made him stay at the dining table for hours. When he stepped out to the front yard, the first thing that caught his eyes was the marvelous full moon. He used to hate it, the sparkling stars, and anything that gives light to the darkness of the night. It was Pieffer who had changed his view about that round and shining orb.

For her, the moon was the most wonderful thing the night could give. It was the brightest light in the darkest night, a source of hope.

Aries remembered one of his promises to her. If all the light around her would fade away, she asked him to be her brightest and unfading light.

A smile curved on his lips as he finally found Pieffer.

She was in the backyard, gazing intently at the radiant moon.

Aries quietly approached her but froze halfway when Pieffer glanced in his direction with chilling pitch-black eyes.

"Pieffer?" he cautiously called out her name.

The princess blinked and her pitch-black eyes returned to sapphire blue.

She blinked a few more times as if something irritated her eyes. She rubbed it before glancing back at Aries with confusion.

"What…" her voice faltered as confusion turned into fear.

"Don't be scared. I'm here," Aries grabbed her hand and gripped it tight.

Pieffer closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against the broad and firm chest of Aries.

They stayed like that in silence for a few minutes.

"Thank you, Aries," Pieffer had softly spoken. She looked up at him with a nervous smile and told him, "I thought moongazing would help me calm down."

"You should have come to me."

"I don't want to disturb your rest," Pieffer moved away from him. "I know how exhausted you are. You've been through so much since you came back to us."

"I just talked to Cari," Aries was staring seriously at the princess. "I asked her to help me remember my past lives. She told me that you asked the same thing from her."

"You will not stop me, right?" Pieffer returned his gaze with the same seriousness.

"You will remember unpleasant things."

Pieffer smiled and told him, "I don't think we ever experienced a lifetime with only happy memories in it. Sufferings are part of anyone's life," she squinted before asking, "Are you doubtful of my endurance?"

"I just… don't want you to suffer…" Aries looked away, feeling ashamed. "But I already made you endure so much pain."

"Agony is part of what we signed up for. Either we give in or we endure until the end," Pieffer held his cheeks and made him look back at her. She was beaming courageously at him. "You said those words to me ten years ago."

"I thought I can be a hero," Aries sighed with disappointment. "Instead I became an assassin."

"We can still save Serestral and become heroes," Pieffer gazed up at the moon and her sapphire blue eyes glimmered with hope.

"They say that we always do," Aries smiled.

"It will not end tragically for us this time," Pieffer positively declared.


It was Gale who had yelled excitedly. He was approaching Aries and Pieffer while supporting his twin brother.

Gust was exhausted after reinstating the barrier in one of the borders around the House of Twins. But a smile of relief curved on his lips upon seeing Aries.

The twins stopped in front of him then Gale asked with hesitation, "Is it true? Your memories are back?"

Aries smiled before replying, "In this lifetime, yes."

"Brother!" Gale exclaimed and jumped at Aries. "Don't forget us again! Okay?!"

"I'm glad that you're back," Gust joined Gale in squeezing Aries.

"Hey!" Jodien pulled the twins away from Aries. "You nearly killed me!"

With his muscular arms, he seized Aries by the torso and lifted him a few feet from the ground.

"You are already dead," Aries frowned.

The Celestial Knight laughed and rudely ruffled the hair of Aries.

"You're right," he agreed then laughed a little louder. "I'm already dead!" he laughed again before clearing his previous statement, "What I mean is you nearly ruined this wonderful vessel!"

"You will be reborn with a body of your own," Aries sincerely promised and everyone around him fell silent.

Jodien broke it with laughter and he finally put Aries back on the ground.

"Since Sunrei had been reborn with his original body, the rest of us are also hoping for it," he tapped Aries at the back and told him, "Best of luck."

"Now that you mentioned it, what did Sunrei do to be reborn with a body?"

"I didn't notice anything special," the Celestial Knight answered with a shrug of his shoulders. "You can ask Gani."

"Where is he?"

"He went straight to the kitchen," Gale replied while helping Gust get up on his feet. "Sunrei, Pines, and Tauren accompanied him. Fighting humans that don't want to let go of the corrupted souls possessing their bodies are exhausting."

"Let me," Aries carried Gust on his back. "Jodien, you should go with Pieffer to the dining area. I will be there after taking Gust to his room."

"Sure," the Celestial Knight agreed. "My vessel is getting hungry."

"Gale, lead the way."

"Okay!" Gale walked ahead of Aries. The wide smile on his face was not fading.

Gust had already fallen asleep with his head resting on the left shoulder of Aries.

It feels so good to finally see my family in one place without any complications. I hope this happiness lasts until the end of time.


Aries returned to the dining area right after tucking Gust on the bed. Gale decided to stay beside his twin brother since he was already a little drowsy.

Sunrei, Pines, and Tauren were no longer there. Gani and Jodien were enjoying a scrumptious dinner while Pieffer observed them in silence.

Aries settled on the empty chair near her and asked, "Where is your brother?"

"He and Pines are already sleeping," she answered with a smile. "Tauren returned to the House of Bull."

"You finally came around," Gani looked up from his plate for a second.

"I have questions for you," Aries grabbed two empty plates, filled them with various dishes, and gave one to Pieffer.

"You…" Pieffer faltered with a blush.

"Sorry," Aries cleared his throat. "I can't help myself but watch every time you eat."

"Hey! Are you here to ask questions or flirt with the princess?" Gani glared. "I will leave if it is the latter."

Pieffer smiled and told Aries, "I already asked him. He had the same answer as Jodien."

"I'll just ask Cari about it," Aries glared back at Gani. "You can leave and rest if you need to."

"You can try asking that crazy Zodiac Knight," the axe-wielder sneered. "But I don't think she can give your question a proper answer."

"How can you be so sure?" Aries raised an eyebrow.

"Well, back then, you and Sunrei were the only ones left fighting," Gani smiled. "Therefore, the only person who can answer your question is none other than you or," the Celestial Knight beamed wider before saying, "You can also try asking the real Sunrei."

"Thanks," Aries flashed a sarcastic smile. "You are very helpful."

"I am," Gani grinned. "Jodien and I will now take our leave. Feel free to flirt with the princess."

The two Celestial Knights waved a hand at them before exiting the dining area.

"I tried asking them more questions about our previous lifetimes," Pieffer sighed and leaned her head at the backrest. "Both replied that they could not remember things clearly. Only the feeling of rage remained lucid to them."

"I think they are telling the truth," Aries also sighed and leaned his head at the backrest. "I will still ask Cari. She might remember something that could help us."

"Let me talk to her," Pieffer offered.

"We can ask her over dinner," Aries suggested.

"Are you worried? Do you think that when left alone, we will only end up killing each other?" Pieffer smiled teasingly at him.

"A little," Aries laughed while the princess frowned. "It's getting late. We should get some sleep."

"Fine," Pieffer snapped at him then walked out of the dining area as fast as she could.


They were done reinstating the rest of the barriers within two days. They were just on time for the seven days deadline.

"Tomorrow is the day that your body will be resurrected," Guardian Aika appeared in the dining area while Aries and his comrades were enjoying another delightful dinner. She blurted out those words without letting them finish eating. Spoiling their appetite was the least of her worries.

"Be prepared," the annoying guardian added then blinked an eye at Aries.

"Your vessel," Cari sighed with dismay. "I spent a century perfecting that."

"Don't worry," Guardian Aika tapped her disciple on the shoulder. "I will take good care of that vessel."

"I'll just burn it," Cari shoved the hand of her master away from her.

"You might need it in the future," Guardian Aika smiled wickedly as she asked, "Don't you agree?"

"Fine! Keep it!" Cari impatiently yelled then walked out of the dining area.

"Thank you, my dearest disciple!" the guardian exclaimed at the entrance then glanced seriously at Aries. "Be prepared."

"You already said it," Aries was also getting impatient.

"The souls inside your body are constantly fighting against each other to obtain ownership over it. They will try to stop you from returning. You have to be stronger than all of them."

"I am ready for that."

"Are you ready to defeat that soul?" Guardian Aika gave him a serious glare.

"I am," Aries answered without hesitation.

"We will see tomorrow," the guardian tapped him hard at his shoulders. "You should rest and gather all the strength and courage that you can. Good luck, Aries."

Aries was nervous but he had already decided. Whatever happens, he would get his body back.


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