A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 118 - 117 – You Guys Are Fucking Weak.

We were already on the third day of the trip.

The entire trip had been calm, but also a little uncomfortable. As my mother was very beautiful, the other adventurers always looked at her as if they wanted some kind of relationship with her.

But at the same time, they were afraid to say anything since they knew exactly who she was.

My mom also seemed to have noticed their gaze, but she said she would just ignore it. She also said that the only person who could touch her was my father, and I told her not to say that in front of me.

It wasn't embarrassing, but I didn't want to imagine weird things happening between them.

Even though I'm an adult, they're my parents, I don't want to have the vision of the two of them having sex in my mind. Wait, I'm already thinking about it.

I cleared my mind in the next instant and started looking out of the carriage through the window to distract myself. We had passed through many villages, we had even visited one of those villages to get some water.

All residents were very receptive, which made me very happy.

And I was also worried since the village didn't have very strong protection and was close to the road. Wouldn't they be attacked by bandits and monsters very easily? I remembered that attack by the Orcs from a few days ago.

But I didn't say anything about it, we just went back to the carriage and said goodbye to them, and so we come to the present moment, where we are quiet inside the carriage. The carriage was rocking a lot and my ass had already started to hurt again.

"Noah, aren't you feeling well?" Seeing my uncomfortable face, my mom leaned closer to me and asked.

"Is nothing," I responded immediately.

"Looks like you're nauseous, don't tell me you have this problem?" My mom smiled. Was she trying to make me angry?

"It's not that, it's just that I'm feeling a lot of pain in my ass." Saying that was extremely embarrassing. Do I have more fragile masculinity than I imagined? I should rethink this.

"Got it, here." My mother reached into her bag and then pulled out a large piece of cloth that had been folded.

"Is this a blanket?"

"Yes, use it to put it under your ass, it will help." She had a smirk on her face, but what an idiot woman.

"Right, thanks." But I didn't deny it, I grabbed the blanket and tucked it under my ass. Looking at the other adventurers and the merchant, I noticed they were laughing at me as they watched this.

Was that her goal? Make me feel self-conscious in front of them?

I decided to remain silent and continued to look outside the carriage as the landscape passed quickly. We were at a very nice speed, I think we would get to the village faster than I thought.

And I couldn't help but wonder what the village would be like after I've been away for almost two months... Or maybe it's been two months already? All I know is that I've been out of the village for a long time.

I'm also particularly looking forward to seeing Lari, when I left she was the person who cried the most. She was also desperately wanting to come to the capital with me.

Remembering that, my mother's words popped into my mind: "I'd even say she's in love with you." Remembering this made my face red immediately and my mom seems to have noticed it.

She smirked again but said nothing. Did she notice I was thinking about Lari? It can not be.

And so we move on.

Playing and talking inside the carriage. After so long, my mother had become more comfortable talking to the adventurers and the merchant, so they seemed to be enjoying themselves.

But I don't know if talking about monsters and battles could be considered fun for a merchant... No, he's having fun.

As for me, I had also talked a little with them, but I preferred to remain quiet while thinking about some things about the capital and also about my arrival in the village.

I'm acting just like a kid right now, aren't I? My old self would never be this anxious about things like that.

And so, night had come and we set up camp.


We are now only a few hours from the village. In the last few days, we had some problems with small monsters, but they were all killed by the other two adventurers.

And at this point, we had also just encountered a group of goblins. Little green men dressed in torn and old rags covering only their privates. Plus they're holding rusty swords.

Probably adventurer swords they killed, that's pretty normal.

And when this group appeared, the two men jumped out of the carriage and decided to attack. My mother left the carriage too, but she continued to watch from afar those two idiots killing the goblins.

It was painful to watch.

They were cutting the Goblins in half as they looked at my mother and smiled. They seemed to be thinking "Watch me, see how amazing I am." And also "Now she will fall in love with me"

Man, I felt sorry for them, my mom was looking at them like they were just a big piece of shit. I could see by her face that she was sorry for those two men who waved their swords anyway.

But let's go back to a few minutes ago when the battle started.

Their spells were used to no avail before, the men couldn't hit the goblins. They used their mana so much that they even got tired.

As their mana had run out, they had to approach the goblins and cut them in half with their big swords. But everything that had happened before had already made my mother feel sad for those two.

And we come to the current moment.

Now they were swinging their swords as they smiled at my mother. It made her disgusted.

First, because she was married, and the second reason was that those men would probably be killed by her if they decided to fight each other.

Even though they have more strength and agility, I can agree with that.

My mom is much stronger than her Status shows, sometimes I even think the data that is in her Status is fake.

And after some more time watching those two men, the battle was over. The men had even been wounded by those goblins. Adventurers who are probably a level above many others have been wounded by goblins.

Sometimes I understand why the goddess said the level of this world was too low.

But the adventurers were lucky that the merchant could use light magic. He healed their wounds with ease.

As soon as they arrived in the carriage, they noticed that my mother was already there and waited for her to say something. But to their dismay, the only words my mother said were.

"You guys are so fucking weak."


After a few more hours of travel, the village had finally appeared in my vision. I poked my head out of the carriage and started watching her, it was as I remembered it.

In that time nothing had changed.

Lots of wooden houses everywhere, the main street where we were arriving. And most importantly, the forest surrounding the village.

The forest started a few meters from the village and circled it. Of course, the forest extended far back and to the sides of the village, it was a huge forest and very full of life.

If we compare the size of the village with the extent of the forest, it was as if the village were a small neighborhood compared to the entire capital. As soon as we started to approach, some residents noticed our arrival.

They could know it was us because they see my head out of the carriage.

"Welcome back, Noah." A boy about 12 years old screamed as soon as he saw me. I think I've seen this kid before, it must be one of those kids I played with when I was little.

When I say minor, it's when I was about 9 or 10 years old. After a certain age, I stopped playing with the village children regularly, I was very focused on my mother's classes.

But come to think of it, it hasn't been that long.

I'm sorry I can't remember you very well. I know I've only been gone for two months, but I couldn't remember the names of these kids even when I was living here.

The closer we got to the village, the more people noticed my presence and greeted me with a smile on their faces. It seems people here like me more than I remembered, isn't that amazing?

Maybe they're still grateful to me for protecting them when the attack happened a few years ago? Maybe it's something like that. Or maybe it's also because I'm the son of the "owner" of the village.

But I just waved at them with a smile on my face, I was really happy to be so well received, I confess it's been better than I expected.

"Okay, let's go down." My mother said then jumped out of the carriage. Many residents approached us after that, especially the curious children.

Some were younger and most of them were the same age as me.

As soon as I went down the carriage, the children came over and started asking questions about the capital. Come to think of it, many of them never left the village, did they?

But I wasn't paying attention to them, but to the person who suddenly appeared as he ran desperately towards me.

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