A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 120 - 119 – Is It Possible For Monsters Like This To Exist?

After that somewhat embarrassing event, we left the bathroom together. I thanked God that I was able to control myself, as I didn't want to do anything to Lari, that's out of the question.

I really may have been attracted to her, but she's a lot older than me, and on second thought, I better treat her like a big sister.

'I thought my heart was going to explode right then.' I couldn't get the sight of her body out of my mind, but now it was easier to control my arousal.

When we left the bathroom, Lari seemed to be disappointed that I didn't do anything to her, I don't understand what's on this girl's head. Doesn't she understand that she is much older than me?

Doesn't she also understand that she has worked for our family for years and would it be crazy to do something like that?

What if my mom finds out we showered together? And what would society say if they found out that a woman like her tried to throw herself at a 13-year-old child?

I decided to forget about what happened and also asked her never to do anything like that again.

With my sermon, she looked upset, but she accepted.

"I'm sorry I did this, I was so happy you came back that I ended up losing control." That's what she said as she bowed to me and apologized.

After this little conversation, I asked her to take care of her chores and went straight to my room.

After jumping on the bed, I started thinking about it again.

"Dude, that was dangerous."


A few hours had passed since I had arrived in the village.

The adventurers and merchants stayed in some residents' houses, so we were alone in the house. Just me, my mom, and Lari.

We were sitting at the table now, it was dinnertime. When I sat down, it felt like our family had come together again, but when I remembered that Lisandra and my dad weren't here, I stopped thinking about it.

Our entire family wasn't here and I didn't know if that would happen again in the future. I had my doubts.

"Lari, sit with us." Lari was serving the food, but soon afterward my mom called her attention, so Lari sat down beside me with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Hehe." She smiled as she looked at me: "It reminds me of old times." She said as she continued to smile. My mom watched this silently as she stuffed some food into her mouth.

Old days? It's only been two months.

"Lari, didn't Lucio show up in the village?" At my mother's sudden question, Lari stopped smiling.

"Oh, he didn't show up once while you were gone."

"He didn't send any letters either?"

"No, but where exactly did he go? This time he didn't tell me." Lari looked confused.

"Lucio didn't tell you? He is trying to negotiate with a merchant from Hvaleyri." Hvaleyri, this is a city far away from here. Is my dad there at the moment? Is what he needs that important for him to have to go this far?

"Hvaleyri, this is quite far." Lari said the same thing I was thinking: "But what exactly is?"

I was also curious.

"You've noticed that in the last few months the amount of meat we've received has decreased, haven't you? Even we raising some animals or hunting in the forest, it's not enough." My mom looked worried.

"I've only been away for two months and things have already reached that level?" I was also surprised. Since I was born we never had any problems with meat or any kind of food.

"I don't know if you noticed, but the village has grown in size." With my mother's speech, I was reminded of what I had seen when I arrived.

It was true, there were a lot of wooden houses. But when I started to analyze it better, I started to notice that the number of houses had increased a lot, how could I not notice?

"You noticed, didn't you? We even had to cut down some trees to build new houses and increase the size of the village."

"But what happened? Why increase the village all of a sudden?".

"Well, it all started last's months." My mom started telling me everything that had happened, and in two months a lot had changed.

Just two weeks after I had moved, something happened in a nearby village. It was a village about a day from here. But I had never seen her before, as the way to get to her is not through the main street.

You would have to take another way was on the right after walking a few kilometers along the main road. I searched my mind and remembered seeing this road when we were approaching the village.

"So if I followed that road I would arrive in a village?"

"Well, yes."

And that village like ours was controlled by the country. Our country was called Southlein.

That is, even though they are not big cities, all villages paid their taxes to the country.

It was common and everyone knew it.

But that was just to put it context, now began the real story behind the sudden growth of our village.

As my mother had said, just two weeks after I left the village, that village a day's from here was attacked.

"Were they attacked by bandits?" I asked my mother.

"No, it was monsters."

"I understand."

And after the village was attacked by monsters, some refugees managed to get here to ask for help. There were just two teenagers, two boys who had their bodies injured. Seeing that, my mother couldn't stay still.

Taking only a few men, she went to that village and exterminated the monsters that were attacking her.

It wasn't that difficult, the village was only being attacked by weak monsters. But even though they were weak monsters, that village had been devastated and many lives had been lost, my mother then felt bad about it all.

"And so you decided to bring all the residents to live here."

"It's not that, it wasn't my own decision."


"I had someone send a letter to the capital addressed to a high-ranking nobleman I have the contact with."

"You have good contacts."

"Yes, but that doesn't matter now! Continuing... And with the help of this nobleman, I was able to inform the king about what had happened to that village, and after discovering this..."

"Did he just ask you to unify the two villages?"

"Exactly that, it was like he was throwing all the responsibility on me."

"No, he did it," I replied while smiling wryly.

"But whatever. As I couldn't just send thousands of children and women away, I had to unify the villages, so now we are like this. We don't have enough meat supply to supply the village."

"We only having problems with meat?"

"Yes, with the increase in residents, the people who were able to cultivate increased, so we don't have a problem with that."

"I understand."

"But the number of people who can hunt has not increased. Normally we would survive almost solely from hunting, but now it's not giving anymore."

"Didn't men come from the other village?"

"Most of them were killed while protecting their children and their wives, so most of what's left are children and women who don't even know how to hold a sword." My mom sighed.

"I understand."

"But I think it's okay, your father should be able to negotiate."

"Hope so. But now that I found out about it, things really have changed... When I got here I thought nothing had changed, but I was wrong." Maybe that's why I didn't recognize that boy when I arrived in the village.

No, that boy knew my name, so he is a resident here. Sorry again.

"Now that you know about this, I think you already know what to do, don't you?"

"Do you want me to go after animals to get meat?" I asked surprised.

"I also want you to do this while your father negotiates, but I also want you to work as a guard with me." My mother was serious.

"Did something else happen?" I seriously asked my mom. Lari who was beside us didn't seem to have noticed the atmosphere.

"That was weird." My mother stopped eating and was thoughtful: "All those monsters were weird."

"The monsters that attacked that village?"

"That's right. They looked normal, but they weren't acting like normal monsters."


"I'll give you an example. You know monsters are usually dumb and can't think of anything but killing humans, don't you?"

"Yes, exactly that." Normally they would just attack you anyway, just try to kill you.

"But all those monsters seemed strange, especially with the reports I heard. Goblins opening doors and acting just like humans, can you believe that?"

"What do you mean as humans?"

"You know that when a human is a bad person, he wants to torture and see his victim suffer. And monsters, however, only think about killing you."


"But those monsters seemed to be having fun. The goblins walked just like humans, it was like they were human children."

"Are you going to say they talked too?"


"Are you serious?" My eyes widened.

"Yes, even if it's in a language I can't understand, they were talking to each other."

"Maybe they were just grunting and you're..."

"No, I'm sure they were talking." My mom looked really serious.

Dude, is this serious?

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