A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 124 - 123 - The War Will Begin.

When that great black sphere touched the magical barrier that protected Southlein's thousands of soldiers, the barrier was swallowed up by the sphere, making it even larger. Seeing this, the magicians and soldiers despaired.

The horse soldiers prepared to retreat, the mages desperately tried to create another barrier, but the sphere was sucking all the magic they used, it was impossible to do anything.

"Run!" Southlein's soldiers tried to retreat at the commander's shout, but they could not run for more than a few yards.

The black sphere descended at high speed and crashed to the ground.


With a huge explosion and muffled screams from people who had been hit directly by the sphere, the soldiers met their death.

After the sphere hit the ground and some soldiers, it expanded in size and was swallowing everything in its path. It was like an explosion, but the sphere only swallowed the soldiers and the grass.

She wasn't breaking everything like an explosion.

The soldiers were swallowed up one by one by that great "explosion" that grew more and more.

Beastled's soldiers looked on in horror as the enemy soldiers screamed in despair and were swallowed up by the black mass created by the sphere, before long the camp and frontier of Southlein and Beastled had turned to hell.

Soldiers dying on one side, and the other side were frightened soldiers afraid that something would happen to them. Beastled's soldiers also began to notice that that black mass was approaching them, so they backed away a bit.

But they calmed down as the black mass was stopped by a barrier that had also been created by the eight soldiers.

Within seconds all the soldiers of Southlein were swallowed up by that black sphere. That thing had expanded so much that it was perhaps as tall as a four-story building.

And its extent could be compared to that of a large village.

Every soldier from Southlein that was within that dark mass was all turned to nothing but ash. It wasn't hot, but they were all mysteriously turned to ash.

Once that magic disappeared, there was nothing left.

The tent, the soldiers and their weapons and armor, even the horses were gone.

The only sign in that place was a hole in the ground where the first impact had taken place and the ground that was now devoid of vegetation. The grass also disappeared, leaving only a circular mark on the ground.

It was as if the grass had been ripped up to transform the local into a large earthen arena.

After that, the eight soldiers turned to the soldiers of their own country and found only beastmens afraid that they would do something. But as no one rebelled against them, there would be no reason for them to do anything.

The Beastled commander was watching all this from a distance, his mouth was open and his body trembling.

'How strong are these guys? They killed a group of over 1000 soldiers in just a few seconds.'


Shortly thereafter, news reached the castle in the capital of Southlein.

A considerable distance away a smaller group was watching everything that happened, they watched their army disappear in front of their eyes. After that, they could do nothing but flee from there.

When they arrived at the castle, the men who saw that scene were scared and seemed not to be well because of the shock.

Many of them were young, unaccustomed to war. For those who were so young seeing their friends dying in front of them was something, they weren't prepared for.

All of them awaited a smooth negotiation between both parties.

In order not to attract the attention of the residents, the small army that remained had to go directly to another town where the soldiers lived a few kilometers from the capital.

We can call it a military city that was called Thasria.

A city made up only of soldiers and their families. In other words, it was not difficult to keep a secret that the soldiers had gone towards the border, but now it made no sense to hide.

The king decided to send them to the city of Thasria, but only to rest for the moment. His border was now open and Beastled's soldiers could invade, but he couldn't just send another group of soldiers there.

If he sends another group, they might end up annihilated like the first one, he was thinking hard about what to do.

"King, what do we do?" A man was in front of him. But he was not like the first man who knelt in front of the king and was afraid of him.

This man was the chief commander of the entire army in the country, Homan Gardkim.

"Call all the most influential nobles to the castle, it looks like a war is about to break out." The king said as he looked at another man inside the room who worked as his messenger.

"As you wish." The man didn't show it, but he was very nervous.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Homan asked as a drop of sweat ran down his forehead.

"We have no other option. At the moment our border is open and I'm just waiting for the invasion." The king looked nervous.

"Didn't you leave someone there to watch their movement?"

"Someone is watching, but even if Beastled makes a move, it would take us a while to get the news. During this time, many villages or even cities can be invaded."

"I understand."

"So it's time for us to declare war against them so we can seek support from other countries if necessary." The King thought of contacting Northlein immediately.

But he also began to wonder if they weren't suffering from the same problem.


Sometime later, the high-ranking nobles who were in the capital were gathered in just one room.

A large table had been set where everyone sat. The king was at one end of the table in a chair much like a throne, while the other nobles used common chairs.

After the introductions, the king began to explain everything that had happened in detail. He even told about the massacre of his army, where more than 1000 soldiers had died

Hearing this the nobles were nervous, mainly because some of them were young and had never seen one war in their lives.

Most of them were heirs and their parents were already dead, they just heard about the wars of some old men in their families or read in books written by people who witnessed everything.

"So are you thinking of starting a war?" A man about 30 years old asked the king.

"This war started a long time ago, I was just hiding it from everyone." The king said without caring, bothering most of the nobles who were there.

The king couldn't just apologize as he was the greatest authority in this place, he would just have to say what he wants without caring what the nobles would think of him.

Looking at their faces, the king could see they weren't happy about it.

"I see, so there's no way to avoid." Another man said.

"Looks like we're going to have to ration some food in my territory in the future." Another young man said.

Many of them were already making assumptions that they would suffer too much harm, but that's likely to happen. All the nobles here had their territory spread across the country, and if a war broke out, they'd end up in trouble.

For its territories cannot be compared to the capital or any big city.

The king told some things and asked the men for opinions, but they all couldn't say anything. They just accepted that they would have problems in the future and that they would immediately return to their territories.

They had to be there to take care of everything and not let their territories go extinct during the war, that was the biggest fear of all the men in this room.

Many of them were also afraid of being attacked, but they couldn't deny the king's request.

"All of you need to give 70% of your troops to fight during the war, I think you have no objections to that, do you?"

None of them could deny the king's request.

Each territory has its army made up of 2000 to 3000 soldiers, so they understood because the king was after his soldiers, the main army of the country would gain a lot of strength.

But since the soldiers in their territories are also residents of Southlein, they had an obligation to fight a war if necessary.

The king knew that the territories would be in trouble if he took all the soldiers, so he asked for only 70% of them. It's still a very high number, but it's still better than taking all the soldiers.

And so it was decided that a war would break out.

The soldiers had already started to be gathered by the commander, the nobles had returned to their territories and sent their soldiers to fight the war, and news of the war had begun to spread through the capital.

A week later, the stores were closed, the school had suspended their classes, and all the residents were hiding and hoping the war would pass without them having too many problems.

The war would start.

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