A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 129 - 128 – This Feeling Is Not Bad.

I climbed the stairs and arrived at the door of the bedroom where Lisandra was. Everything was very silent, I even doubted that she was inside.

Knock~~ Knock~~

I knocked twice on the door, then heard a voice coming from inside.

"Who is it?" It was Lisandra's voice, a sweet voice as usual.

"It is me." Lisandra seemed to have realized who is, so she came running to the bedroom door. She opened the door with all her strength.

As soon as she saw me, her eyes filled with tears.

With no time to say anything, Lisandra threw herself at me and hugged me with all her strength as she cried.

"Why did you leave me here?"

"Why did I leave you? Didn't you want to continue studying?" I put my hand on her head and started stroking her.

"It doesn't matter, you left me here alone! Do you have any idea how scared I was? Suddenly armed soldiers breaking into the school and saying that a war had started?" She pulled her face away from my chest and looked at me intently.

"Sorry." I pulled her head closer again and continued to pet her gently: "I had no idea this was going to happen, I sure as hell wouldn't have left you here if I'd known that."

"You promise?"

"You are an idiot? I would never leave my daughter in a place that could be invaded at any time. And after listening to what the king told me, I have to get you out of here as soon as possible."

"Did you talk to the king?" Lisandra seemed to have calmed down, so I released her.

"Yes, I just left the castle. The king told me some interesting things, and when I started to think about it a little better, I don't think it's safe for us to stay here in the capital." I said as I walked into the bedroom and closed the door.

"It's not safe? What do you mean? We have huge walls around the capital and also several guards, they won't be able to invade the capital."

"You're right the capital has plenty of protections, but I have a bad feeling it won't be enough, that's why I decided to take you back with me, I guess you don't mind, do you?"

"Do you intend to take me back?"

"Yes, don't you want?"

"Of course I want to, being here alone is boring and we also don't have classes at the moment, there's no reason for me to stay here."

"Great, we're leaving today, get your things ready," I said and then went to the closet where her things were kept.

"Now? Can't we wait until tomorrow?"

"No, the sooner we get out of here the better. Believe me." I looked seriously at Lisandra and she seems to have realized that I wasn't kidding so she started to help me pack her things.

But you must be wondering why I want to be leaving so suddenly.

The answer is simple, it's because of those monsters. There's something wrong and the capital isn't safe.

With the monster army and the beastmen army, Beastled has much more firepower than us. And with that magic, I'm also sure their mages are much more powerful.

Most of our military force is in the field right now, the capital is very vulnerable.

And since they have such a huge army of monsters, they will send some to the capital. I don't know how many, I don't know how strong they are, but I'm sure I don't want to be here when it happens.


After I helped Lisandra pack her stuff, I immediately helped her carry her stuff and left the bedroom.

"Do you intend to go right now?" She got tired just from packing her things. Is this girl not doing physical activities?

"Yes right now." I left the bedroom and Lisandra came right behind as she breathed a little too fast.

"You said you don't want us to stay here, so the capital will be attacked, didn't you?" Lisandra looked a little worried.

"That's right, I think we're going to be attacked, so I can't keep you here," I answered honestly.

"But if we're going to be attacked, we can't leave our friends here, don't you think?" As soon as we got downstairs, Lisandra grabbed my hand and forced me to look at her. When I looked at her, she had tears in her eyes.


"Since you are so scared, I'm sure something will happen... So we can't leave my friends here, I want to take them with me, please." She was almost starting to cry.

"What a big deal." How many friends did she make in this place? Won't we have a little difficulty?

"Please, I promise I'll get them here real quick, and you should also talk to Sara so she can leave with us."

"What? Do you want us to take Sara too?"

"You aren't her friend? Do you want to leave her here knowing that the capital will be attacked?" Lisandra was looking at me with disappointment. Do not look at me like that.

"Okay, I'll talk to her." I ended up giving up and accepted it.

"Great, I'll go to my three friends' houses and bring them with me."

"Wait, won't they want to bring their parents too? We can't take that many people." To tell you the truth, maybe we could take a lot of people.

"Don't worry, they all live alone and they don't have any other family members, they'll come alone." Lisandra smiled at me and then said "bye".

I wanted to go with her, but she said it would be fine and she would be back soon. As for me, I went towards the kitchen to look for Sara, by the smell that was coming out of there, she was preparing something.


"I can enter?"

"Of course, come in." At Sara's words, I walked into the kitchen.

When I walked in, I was surprised. It was like a restaurant kitchen in this place, I didn't think they were so professional here.

"This place is well organized, why not open a restaurant instead of an inn?" I played with Sara and she gave a small laugh.

"I'm not good enough at cooking to open a restaurant." She said a little awkwardly. But I think she was wrong, I think she cooks well enough to run a restaurant.

"But now I want to get straight to the point. Are you willing to come to my village?"

"What?" At my words, Sara dropped the spoon she was using to stir one of the pans: "What do you mean? Did something happen?" She turned to me and looked at me seriously.

She also looked very worried.

"It hasn't happened yet, but it will."

"What will happen?"

"The capital will be attacked. By my calculations, it won't be long before that happens, so I want to get out of here today, don't you want to come with me?"

"But that..."

"I honestly didn't want to have this conversation with you... I was sure you wouldn't agree to go with me, but Lisandra begged me to take you and your family."

"I understand. Where is Lisandra now?

"She went to get some friends to take with us, she seems to care a lot about her friends, that's surprising. Lisandra hasn't even been here that long but she's made good friends."

"Yes, she is a very dear girl." Sara picked up the spoon again and began to stir the sauce that was inside a large pot: "But are you sure this will happen? This attack."

"I can't give you proof that this will happen, but I give you my word that something will happen in the capital in the next few days."

"You know... You always had a good intuition."


"You always said that my inn was going to be a success, and my inn turned into one of the most visited inn in the capital, isn't that amazing?"

"Yes..." I scratched my cheek a little awkwardly.

"You also had very good intuition on some guild missions, remember when you told me about your adventures? You always knew how dangerous it was, you're amazing."

"You're embarrassing me a little."

"Oh, sorry about that." Sara picked up the saucepan and removed it from the heat, then she turned to look at me, "I trust you, if you say something is going to happen, I can only believe it." Sara shrugged and sighed.

"Only that? Will you trust me so easily?"

"Wouldn't you like me to trust you?"

"It's not that, it's just that I didn't treat you very well when I showed up here a while ago, I thought you were upset with me."

"I was upset with you! You didn't even tell your kids that we were friends, I felt really bad."

"I'm sorry for this." I ducked my head a little to apologize.

"But now, good to see you still care about me."

"Hahaha..." I smiled a little awkwardly, I don't quite know how to act in this kind of situation.

"Can I hug you?" Sara said as she smiled gently.



Before I could respond, Sara hugged me and patted my head. She was older and was also a little taller than me, I confess I'm very embarrassed right now.

But that feeling isn't bad either.

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