A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 142 - 141 – I Need To Follow Orders.

"Yes sir." The man responded and nodded as he looked at the king. The king looked at the man thoughtfully but had no reason to doubt him.

"What is your name?" The king rested his arms on the arms of his throne and took a deep breath. Seeing this the man in front of him just smiled a little and then lowered his head as he responded.

"My name is Mitle, I'm an adventurer who started working in the army a while ago."

"I don't want to know about this. But are you sure you can command an army? You look pretty young."

Hearing the king's question, the man opened his mouth to answer as he looked into the king's serious face.

"I'm sure I can do this. And I'm not that young when I look majesty, I'm already over 30." Mitle looked a bit bothered. Mitle was the kind of person who didn't like to talk about his age.

Mainly for having a complex with your appearance so young.

"Are you over 30? Unbelievable. What kind of drugs have you been using to keep you so young? I would like to know about that." The king said in a playful tone and Mitle responded while smiling.

"I don't use any drugs, but if I did I would share my knowledge with your majesty." The man said this with conviction, making the king smile satisfied.

But after that little conversation, the king became serious again and looked to Mitle to give his orders. Realizing that the mood of the conversation had changed, Mitle also became serious as he paid attention.

The guards in the room also noticed the atmosphere.

"An army is already prepared west of the capital. Go there and take some more soldiers with you. Then take the army east and intercept the approaching Beastled army."

"I can do this, but I would like to get some information. How many enemies, how many soldiers will I command and what types of enemies are they, can you answer that? I don't want to be rude to your majesty, I'm sorry if I'm being impolite."

"Don't worry about it, I'll explain everything. The first thing you need to know is that the approaching army is not human. It's a monster army." Hearing the king's declaration, Mitle became a little uneasy.

"An army of monsters? So Beastled can command monsters?" Mitle had never heard of such convenient magic either before.

"Exactly. We don't know how they did it either, but they managed to gather a huge army of monsters, big enough to rival our country's army."

Mitle swallowed hard.

"How many enemies will I face?"

"Honestly, we can't even calculate exactly how many there are, but there are probably more than 15,000 monsters. Orcs, Ogres, Goblins, Kobolds, and other types of monsters are among them. In the army, there were even demons."

"Is this serious? And you want me to face 15,000 enemies? No matter how much majesty asks me, this is…" Mitle, who was calm before, started to get nervous. The number of enemies was too large and Southlein's main army was not here, how does he could face this army of monsters?

The soldiers around who had not yet heard the number of monsters were also with their hearts racing and were starting to get desperate. So many monsters, wouldn't the capital be destroyed?

"You don't need to worry about that. You have only 200 soldiers-"

"200? Is this serious?" Mitle this time forgot to maintain his composure and stood up in front of the king. He couldn't stand still while being sent to his death.

"Wait for me to finish talking, understand?" The king looked coldly at Mitle and he was quiet as he held himself back to not start arguing with the king.


"The army you're going to command isn't human either, you know what I mean?" Mitle's eyes widened again at that information. He had never heard that Southlein's army had monsters at its command.

The king chuckled.

"Hahaha. I didn't mean to brag, but those 200 monsters are probably enough to destroy Beastled, so you don't have to worry."

"How strong are these monsters? And what are they?" Mitle decided to ask. He was a little afraid that the king would be irritated by his sudden question, but the king acted nonchalant about it and answered it.

"I don't even know what they are. I think you've seen Kime at the castle, haven't you? She is responsible for creating those things. What I can say is that they are monsters that are perhaps even stronger than a demon or A-rank adventurer, they are scary."

The king said this, but he seemed to be happy. Mitle heard this and sighed in relief.

So the 200 monster army was very powerful, it brought some calm to Mitle's heart.

"Are you sure these two hundred monsters are enough?" He asked the same question the king asked Kime when he found her in the lab just a while ago.

Seeing this, the king seemed to be enjoying himself.

"I have no doubts. And don't worry, I just want you to command them, you don't have to be in the front line, do you feel calmer like that?"

"Yes sir." Mitle knelt again in front of the king and bowed his head.

"So now go. The army is waiting for you. And don't forget, if you manage to fulfill your role, a great reward awaits you." The king smiled at Mitle who now looked excited.

'A reward? Maybe I'll even earn a title of nobility.' Mitle got more carried away than he should have and left the king's room. Along with some soldiers, he marched towards the west of the capital where the army was.

But while on his way to that place, he remembered that he hadn't asked what the monsters looked like.


Mitle walked carefully towards the supposed army that was waiting for him. Soldiers walking behind him looked nervous and afraid that something would happen to them.

They were going to meet monsters that were from his army, but even so... These monsters... Would they obey Mitle? He had a lot of doubts.

"Stay calm, the king said that we will not be attacked. I don't know what these monsters are like, but don't despair when you find them, it might be bad if something like that happened."

Mitle was afraid that if they showed fear, the monsters would treat them as weak and not obey them. It was a valid concern for Mitle and the three soldiers who followed him.

The closer he got to the monster army, the more restless he became.

He walked carefully and approached the place where the army was supposed to be, and then he stopped walking suddenly with his eyes fixed on only one location, on an army of ugly monsters.

Tall monsters with their green, wrinkled skin. Looked like the skin of a goblin, only it was in an even worse state.

They were monsters over two meters tall. Defined muscles could be seen all over his body, it was like a bodybuilder.

If it was just that, Mitle could still tell they weren't that ugly.

They would be like goblins and Orcs, but now, something else made them even more disgusting.

Female breasts had been put on the monsters, green and big breasts. Some pervert who has no control over his excitement might have enjoyed this scene, but everyone here was disgusted.

Also, all the monsters had long hair and wore lipstick and their mouths looked a lot like Orc's, full of sharp teeth that could chew on anything with ease.

Another frightening thing was his eyes that popped out of their sockets and were completely black. It was as if his eyes had been painted.

And coupled with the fact that this monster had no nose, just small holes above its strange mouth, it made its face look even stranger.

There were an awful lot of these monsters there. Mitle thanked the goddess that the monsters were wearing an outfit that covered at least their private parts. He didn't know if these monsters were male or female and he didn't want to find out.

But... The way they acted, their long hair, and the lipstick they wore, showed that they were female monsters.

They were all standing still and seemed to be talking to each other. This scene alone made Mitle completely surprised. Monsters would not have the ability to speak to each other that way, let alone using human language.

The soldiers behind Mitle were shaking and begged to go back. I could see in their eyes that they were very afraid to approach that large amount of strange monsters.

Mitle could understand them, but he would have to follow the king's orders.

"Stay here, I'll go there alone, okay?" Mitle smiled at the men, but deep down he was also a little afraid to go near those things.

Mitle could feel that just one of those things would be enough to kill him in one punch.

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