A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 145 - 144 - I'm Not In Love.

Inside the capital, the atmosphere was tense and heavy. The soldiers inside kept the gates locked while they listened to the screams of battle outside. The stench of burning flesh and blood stung their noses and made them want to vomit.

But over time, the screams subsided and the end of the battle seemed to be nearing. The soldiers placed wards in front of the gates in fear that Beastled's army had been victorious.

But all the tension they felt disappeared the moment a voice shouted outside.

"We won, we won!" Mitle's voice resonated. It was the voice of someone happy who couldn't hold back his tears. After nearly two hours of bloody battle, the battle had finally come to an end.

And they had been victorious.

With these screams, the soldiers inside raised their hands as they shouted.


A scream loud enough to wake anyone who dared to sleep during battle. A scream that was heard by almost every villager within a radius of a few kilometers.

A smile appeared on the face of every resident who heard those words. But they were happy for another reason.

The residents hadn't been notified about the capital being attacked, so they were mistaken and thought their country had won the war against Beastled.

So it started to spread.

Families shouting at each other around the apartments and people celebrating happily, making other people realize what had probably happened.

In a few minutes, the whole environment was happier and more pleasant. The guards were able to rest and people were celebrating something that hadn't happened inside their homes as they hadn't been allowed out.

Of course, some sensible people didn't believe the war was over, and the guild master was one of those people.

"These idiots, they're celebrating like the war is over." The guild master looked at the soldiers walking down the street as they smiled happily and cheered.

Mitle was among them. With a smiling face, as if he had been reborn.

The guild master sighed and closed the window as he went into his room and sat down in his chair.

"I found some interesting things. So the king was hiding it all along, how many people know about it besides the soldiers who witnessed it all?" The king began to think about those monsters.

He could only see when the gate was opened for the other soldiers to enter. Tall green monsters with a body that mimicked a woman's, those monsters slaughtered a giant army of monsters.

'Perhaps Emma knew about this?' The guild master thought, but soon after began to reason: 'No, if she had known the king would win so easily, she would not have despaired to getting her daughter out of here.'

The king got up and made his tea.

'Now that I have seen the strength of these monsters, we will surely win this war, but what about after that? Are these monsters going to stay on our side? Did the king think of that?" The guild master had no idea what these things were, but he was afraid.

Strong monsters in the capital.

"That's not a good idea." He popped his cup of tea into his mouth and sat back in his chair as he thought some more about everything that just happened and the state of the war.

The main army of each country did not yet appear to have clashed. Beastled's monster army was easily annihilated, so Beastled's king would be forced to make some movement because the plan to attack the capital failed.

Royma hadn't contacted him in all this time. All the other masters in the country came in contact and declared that they were not under attack and that they were stable, but Royma did not contact him.

The only problem the master saw now was how to get in touch with her to find out what happened.

In his mind, Southlein had already won this war as the monster army the king had was probably going to join the main army.

So at the moment he only cared about the future after the war and his friend who was missing.

The guild master sighed and stood up.

Trying to get in touch with Royma one more time, he found that she was still missing, she wasn't in the guild at the time.

Or maybe the guild was destroyed...

He didn't know exactly where the monster army had passed, so it left him in a state of unease.


A few meters from the guild, a girl was lying on her bed as she stared at the ceiling.

She was Merian, but everyone knew her by the name "Isabell".

"I wish I had gone with him. Staying here alone is very boring." She whimpered as she rolled over in her bed and then put her face on the pillow.

She started to roll over on the bed again as she whined.

"He left alone and left me here. Despite everything, I miss him, he could have at least warned me he was going to leave!"

Merian sighed.

"But I also never showed signs that I wanted to go or that I liked him. I knew I should have acted differently around him... But now it's too late." But Merian was not discouraged.

"Now I need to know when he's coming back. Wait, am I not being too invasive? I've never had a decent conversation with him and I'm acting as I'm in love with him. I should be the oldest, but I'm acting like a teenager."

Merian's face turned red.

"I don't love him, he's just the first person who approached me, that's all. I'm the oldest and I need to act my age."

Then she looked up at the ceiling again as she forgot about Noah for now.

"But what was that earlier? I felt a lot of mana. Perhaps the capital was attacked?" Then Merian remembered what happened when he went to check: "But there was no one attacking inside the capital."

After thinking some more, she concluded.

"So it was outside!" She jumped out of bed and then dressed in a black cloak that had a hood that covered her entire face. She also placed her sword in its scabbard and prepared to leave.

Now she was near the residential neighborhood on the second floor of an inn. When the war was announced, the inn closed its doors and she didn't leave once because she didn't want problems.

She didn't want to get involved in the war and end up causing problems for her mother, if she did it, she believes will be severely punished.

But now that she had felt that something close was not right, she perked up a little.

"I'll just have a look, I won't intrude." She said as she climbed out of the window and jumped onto the roof above the door of the inn on the first floor. It was a small roof that was sometimes used by homeless people to protect themselves from the rain.

After that, she thrown into the building next door and hung onto one of the porches, where she used the porch railing to climb over the roof of the building. She looked down and noticed that no one was looking.

"Excellent." A few guards walked the streets but weren't concerned with looking at the roofs of the buildings.

Merian ran over the buildings as she stared up at the sky where rain was about to fall. Also had a lot of birds flying around here, especially near the capital's gate.

After getting close enough, she was on top of one of the stores. She bent down and looked at the gate that was locked.


"It stinks, it stinks of blood." She covered her nose.


She made a confused sound as she looked across the street and noticed the guild master leaning out of the window as he also looked at the capital's gate. Then he went inside.

"So he felt it too." Well, he's a lot closer to the gate, so she believed he probably must have been worried too.

But Merian was disappointed that the gate was locked. As the wall was so high she couldn't see the other side. She could only smell blood.

"Anyway, there seems to have been a pretty fierce battle around here, doesn't it?" Merian smiled and then lay down on the roof of the shop and looked up as her hood came off her head and revealed her long silver hair.

"If Noah had been here he probably would have meddled." She rolled on the roof while giving some weird laughter.

"Hey, who's up there?" When she suddenly heard a woman's voice coming from inside the store. Merian again pulled on her hood and then ran as she giggled and jumped between the buildings.

If Noah saw her now, he wouldn't believe this is the same grumpy girl who always treated him badly. Maybe this time he would fall in love with her?

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