A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 170 - 169 - Return To The House.

After the man disappeared, it didn't take even a few minutes for him to appear in front of the capital's gate.

Being respected and known as an important subordinate of the king, he was allowed inside while wearing his hood to fully hide his strange-looking face.

Of course, the most important thing was to keep your horns hidden.

After entering, he came face to face with the streets empty and only a few soldiers walking around there, hurrying he arrived at the castle immediately.

But he didn't go to the king's room to report what had happened but instead ran directly to Kime's lab who was currently working on creating an organism to create monsters even stronger than the previous ones.

Passing the maids trembling in his presence, he reached the lab and opened the door.

"How impolite" Kime was sitting in a chair with her back to the door. Even with him opening the door suddenly, she didn't turn around and already seemed to know who was the person who had entered.

"I have some important information for you." The man said as he walked over to Kime.

"What happened this time?"

"Southlein's army was all destroyed in an instant, but they still don't seem to have received the information."

"Oh?" Kime stopped moving his hands and looked at the man who had also already taken a seat in a chair inside the lab.

"You weren't seeing everything? This is a surprise."

"Well, I was a little busy. But how was the army destroyed? Was the monster army bigger than we thought?"

"If I tell you it wasn't that?"

"Too bad, I even stopped my 200 children from going there so that their army could be destroyed."


"The master asked us to go back now, so I thought letting them destroy Southlein was a good thing to do before leaving. Fufufu." Kime chuckled happily as she removed the goggles she was wearing.

"So you already knew they would be destroyed?"

"I could imagine that. If I didn't send my 200 children there, they would surely be killed and lose this battle. But honestly, I didn't think it was that fast."

"But I must say you're wrong, it wasn't the monsters that defeated Southlein's army, and that's why I'm here."

"Now I got a little interested." Kime loved to receive new information and was a little curious girl. She looked like she was about to explode with curiosity about what exactly had happened.

The man in front of her who saw it sighed.

"It was Hades' subordinates who did this."


Hearing the man's words, Kime jumped out of her chair and looked at him in surprise.

"Are you sure about that? You weren't mistaken?" She asked quickly as she started to sweat. She looked impatient and scared, and the man in front of her could understand that.

We're talking about that Hades.

"I can't be wrong. Do you remember the master told us about Hades' armors? They were there and they were the ones who slaughtered the entire Southlein army."

"It can't be..." Kime dropped into her chair and then started to think about various things.

"But…Does Hades know we're in Southlein? Maybe that's why he started a war?"

"Maybe he knows we're here and that our master is interfering. But he seems to have taken possession of Beastled very recently, we didn't even have time to notice."

"Aaah, dammit, it had to be that Hades to hinder us."

"Well, but if we leave this world to him I think it will be destroyed quickly. Didn't you also hear about the dungeon that appeared? This must surely be his work too."

"No, I don't think so." Kime disagreed.

"Why do you think that?"

"I don't know, I just have a feeling that this dungeon is not the work of any of our master's brothers and sisters."

"It is possible?"

"Of course it is, haven't you ever heard of demons? I don't doubt that somehow they managed to interfere in the world of the gods."

"You're thinking about it too much."


"But now we need to warn our master about Hades being here. Maybe she already knows, but it's good to talk with her."

"Okay, I'll talk to her about it. You can go there and tell the king about the destruction of his army. I'm sure you will have a lot of fun." Kime started laughing at the situation as she stood up.

"Don't say that, you don't know how hard it is to deal with that old man." The man said and then said goodbye to Kime.


In the throne room, the man had already arrived and was facing the king who was sitting on the throne while drinking a cup of wine.

The king looked happy and excited, he certainly didn't know about recent events.

The man realizing this put a smile on his face and then began to speak.

"Your Majesty, the war is over." The man said that. He wanted to see how the king would react in this situation.

The king who heard this raised his wineglass and began to laugh.

"BWAAHAHAHAHA. So it was that easy." He said as he also rose from the throne. He was so excited he had almost started to jump, but he still kept himself in check.

The hooded man watched that scene as he smiled. The king who had noticed this thought the man was also happy just to win the war, so he was satisfied.

But his happiness was turned to despair just seconds later with just one sentence.

"Your army has been utterly destroyed, your majesty." The environment was silent. The smile on the king's face disappeared instantly as he struggled to stay upright.

He couldn't think straight.

"What did you say?" The wineglass in his hand shook uncontrollably. He had a shocked expression on his face. His skin was pale as if he had died.

"Your army was destroyed."

"No, but it can't be." The king began to shake uncontrollably as his face grew even paler and he slumped to the throne with no strength. He looked like he was having some kind of fit.

"It can't be, it can't be." The wineglass that was in his hand fell onto his lap and stained his entire outfit in purple as he shivered and repeated those words with an indescribable expression on his face.

"I saw it myself with my own eyes."


"The enemy had some kind of secret weapon that created full-scale magic and engulfed the entire army in an instant. I was far away, but I was almost caught by the magic, but even so, I managed to escape and got here."


The king didn't even seem to be listening to what the man in front of him was saying. His face was too pale and he seemed to be sweating profusely as he shivered. The man noticing this finally realized that the king was not well.

'It seems that this news affected him more than it should. He wasn't prepared for this.' The king looked like he'd had a breakdown or something.

Noticing this, the man asked the guards to take the king to his room and call a doctor immediately. The king was taken unconscious to his room while he was still muttering the words "It can't be."

'I think we just screwed up someone's life.' The man thought as he pulled his hood down and hid his face even more.

He hid a sardonic smile.

'But fuck it.' He continued to smile as he walked out of the king's room.


Meanwhile, Beastled's army was already approaching their country's capital.

In the distance, they could already see the city surrounded by a high, slightly worn wall. Whoever looked closely at the wall could see that it was in a deplorable state, it wouldn't be long before it fell.

Holes had already been drilled in the structure and some locations, the wall had already been broken enough for monsters to enter. The only protections were walls made of wood created by the residents themselves.

Within minutes the army approached the main gate of the capital.

Unlike the capital of Southlein, the capital of Baeastled had two gates. One gate back that was normally used by the nobles and also by the most important merchants who visited the city.

And the main city gate was used by common residents and regular visitors from other locations.

But as the war was going on, they no longer receive visitors.

"Hey, they're back." A soldier shouted as he opened the gate. Then other guards at the gate began cheering as they watched their thousands of companions approach.

About the number of residents in the city that might be overwhelmed by the arrival of thousands of soldiers.

Most of the male residents of Beastled had been taken to war, so at the moment the capital was deserted and most of the residents were women.

So the soldiers that were used in the war were just ordinary residents and now they were just going back to their homes. In an atmosphere of celebration, the soldiers began to return.

The armors that had also arrived had already entered and had already run straight for the castle.

The guards didn't even care about them, they only cared about welcoming their companions who were almost crying with happiness.

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