A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 18 - 18 – The Burial Of Bodies.

It was already morning, the sun was shining more than usual today, in addition to the heat being more evident, and it was also the day that the bodies would be buried, and the tribute would take place in the village.

The whole night was a complete mess to organize everything, I tried to help in everything I could do, but sleep came to me quickly because I hadn't slept at all the night before when I realized I had already slept and I just woke up now.

Everyone in the village was already in the middle of the village, where wooden coffins with bodies were positioned everywhere, it was a scene that I really didn't like to see, but I couldn't just close my eyes and pretend that everything is fine.

Some coffins were open and displayed the bodies of some people, men, women, even children. And other coffins remained closed because of the condition the bodies were in, it was not comfortable for family members or for anyone here to look at a completely cut and bruised body.

'Now I understand.' As everyone continued to look away, my mother didn't care and approached one of the coffins, and I understood what happened yesterday for her to lose control.

Four coffins next to each other, only the woman's coffin was open, and my mother was beside her, stroking her pale face, my mother tried not to look sad, but tears were streaming down her face.

An entire family was killed in one night, their lack of control was understandable, they must have found the bodies, I can't judge them, maybe I would do the same.

I couldn't do anything to console her at that moment, I just watched from a distance as she cried beside that girl's coffin. Lisandra and Lari were also watching my mother, since the "ceremony" started, they were by my side.

My father was not here, he was helping some other men in the village to dig the holes that the bodies would be buried in, it seems that the whole night was not enough for this to be finished.

"Noah, I don't feel well, can we go home?" Lisandra approached me looking like a frightened child, I can understand what she is feeling, certainly not used to something like that.

"I don't think that's a problem. Lari, stay here with my mom, okay? As soon as they start burying the bodies, could you call me?" Lari was a little distracted while looking at my mother and the bodies, but she agreed with that.

Then I took Lisandra's hand and went home, I think it would be okay to do that, she is not feeling well staying in a place like this.


After 2 hours of waiting inside the house with Lisandra, we were called by Lari for the bodies to be buried, her eyes were red, she seemed to have cried for some reason, but I preferred not to ask why.

"Lisandra, do you want to stay here, or do you want to go with me? If you want to stay, no problem." She still didn't look comfortable, but I still decided to ask.

"I think I better go, it's a matter of respect, isn't it?" She smiled at me.

"Yes, it is." I couldn't deny that, so I smiled at her and took her hand, pulling her off the couch, she got up and we went out of the house, along with Lari.

When we arrived outside, we found many people already carrying the coffins with the bodies. The open coffins were now closed. There were also many people crying while carrying the coffins.

Many bodies were being carried by their own family, so it became very painful for those people, who ended up breaking down in tears as they tried not to let their relative's body fall.

Whenever someone had difficulties, I helped in some way, of course, my father was also there supporting everyone.

I even received a compliment from my father for helping the residents, it was something that made me genuinely happy.

"You can go down." With the order of one of the men, the first coffin was placed inside a deep hole dug in the ground. The row of holes was huge, it seemed like it had been a lot of work to dig all that, I should have helped a little.

And so it went on for a long time.

Bodies being placed in holes, and then a large amount of earth being thrown over the coffins, and also a lot of commotion and tears. I could see my mother putting that woman's coffin in a grave with the help of other people.

She seemed to be suffering so much that I started to feel bad while watching that scene.

And then, all the bodies were buried.

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