A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 185 - 184 – Dogs.

After that destruction, Isabell continued with her blessing activated.

Upstairs, she could feel the armors moving quickly downstairs to know exactly what had happened. Since they probably knew Isabell was here, she couldn't make a surprise attack.

So Isabell prepared her magic and waited for the armors to approach.

Without a sword, she didn't have the confidence to do a hand-to-hand fight as she didn't believe her hand would be okay if she punched a piece of metal.

"Right, they're coming." Isabell was still a little nervous, but she did her best to control herself as she created arrows of light in front of her and waited for the armors.

About 20 seconds passed before one of the armors reached the main corridor. They were at a distance of approximately 20 meters from Isabell, they had arrived from a short hallway on the right.

Once they reached the main hallway, they looked at Isabell curiously.

But Isabell, who didn't wait for a second, threw her arrows of light towards the two armors. Her arrows flew with a incredible speed.

Unfortunately, the armors managed to avoid the attack and hid in the corridor through which they had arrived.

Isabell didn't care and continued to use her arrows to break the wall, producing various sounds of explosions as the wall was broken.

The wall that was made of brick and concrete was broken, producing a great amount of dust. Dust was mixing with the bursts of light that were happening, greatly impairing the view of the armors.

But the armors could sense Isabell's presence, it didn't harm them.

'If I keep shooting for so long I will have problems. I don't think I'll be able to hit them anyway.' Isabell, who sensed the presence of the armors, could see them moving away.

Soon after, they went towards the second floor of the castle.

Isabell wasn't quite sure what they wanted to do, but she entered the castle and passed through the curtain of dust.

'Should I face them directly? First I need to find a sword.' Isabell looked around and noticed many bodies of guards on the floor. Along with the bodies, there were some swords, but they weren't of good quality.

But even so, if Isabell used her magic these swords could be usable.

Isabell took one of the swords and looked up, there she noticed that the armors had stopped right above her.

Then Isabell felt something strange, so she pulled away immediately. Also, the existence of the armors disappeared completely, leaving her very confused about what was going on.

Shortly thereafter, the ceiling above her head broke, and a large black mass fell. This seemed to want to engulf her.

'How disgusting,' Isabell thought as that black mass spread down the hall, it expanded further and further, looking like it would fill the entire first floor of the castle.

'What is the objective behind this? They know I can get away easily.' Thinking this, Isabell put magic on her sword and then quickly ran to the second floor of the castle where the armors had previously been.

Isabell who no longer felt the presence of the armors ran towards where they were previously but was unsuccessful in finding them.

The armors were completely gone.

The only thing left was a dog that was vomiting the black mass that was filling the first floor.

As Isabell approached, the dog that was about 1 meter tall and 2 meters long, looked at her. He was a completely black dog and had three red eyes on his face.

One on the right side, one on the left side, and one larger eye in the middle of the two other eyes.

Plus a small horn that was curiously brown on his forehead.

His mouth was so big it could be capable of swallowing Isabell's head whole.

'I've never seen this monster before, is it one of Hades' creations?' Isabell thought as she took a step forward.

With a swift movement, his magic-encased sword sliced ​​through the dog's neck.

The dog began to vanish as it was consumed by Isabell's magic.

"No, it was probably created by one of the armors." Since the dog disappeared like the previous tentacles, it was the creation of one of the armors.

But Isabell didn't care about that now, what most she wanted to know was where the armors were since her magic wasn't detecting them.

She concentrated even harder trying to find them, but unfortunately, she couldn't detect anything but the black mass that was vanishing downstairs.

'Maybe they've figured out some way to avoid my detection?' She thought as she jumped over the hole created there.

She walked for a few more seconds before the ceiling above her head broke again.

From there, another dog fell with its mouth open aiming straight for Isabell's head.

But she, who noticed this, bent down and then swung her sword as she spun her body, hitting the falling dog's neck.

'How many of them are there?'

Isabell wondered this in her mind and suddenly all the castle walls around her started to break down as more and more dogs emerged.

The roof was also breaking and dogs were falling. Within seconds the entire hallway was filled with disgusting black dogs.

Isabell wasn't scared, as she knew it wouldn't be hard to beat them.

What worried her most was where the armor that was creating them is. Those armors have to be around.


The dogs that advanced towards Isabell at the same time were cut off by his sword and arrows of light were created and thrown at them. Their numbers dwindled rapidly and Isabell began to sweat.

She had been using her blessing for a long time and was also being forced to use magic to destroy thousands of dogs.

'This is tiring me.' She thought as she ran down the small hallway as she swung her sword and cut the dogs in front of her.

'I thought the number of dogs was dwindling, but they keep showing up.' It was as if the armor was still here creating more and more dogs to fight Isabell.

The girl was having no way out. She walked the halls swinging her sword and using her magic to pierce the dogs' bodies.

"Where are you?" She didn't want to show her voice to the armors, but she wanted to try to get their attention somehow.

But while she was desperately trying to destroy the nearby dogs...

'Damn.' Isabell received the bite of three dogs at once. This makes her unbalanced a little and she used her sword to block the bite of one of the dogs.

As she only avoided the bite of one of them, the other two managed to hit her.

The dog on the right managed to bite her leg and the dog on the left managed to bite her arm.

The dogs continued to squeeze her bite as they tried to keep Isabell from moving.

But Isabell did not despair. Increasing the amount of magic surrounding her body, the dogs began to be injured and stopped biting her as they walked away.

The wounds Isabell had sustained were deep, but soon afterward they had already started to heal.

'Fuck.' Isabell grunted. She reached down and placed her hand on the floor. Then several "Stakes" of light appeared throughout the corridor, piercing all the dogs nearby.

Including the dog that was still biting her sword.

He was pierced and then his body disappeared.

"Urgh." Isabell, who had used a great deal of magic, felt a headache just as it had before, it was a very strong pain, strong enough to make her dizzy, and this make her lose her balance.

The dogs farther away seemed to have noticed this. They waited for the light stakes in the hallway to be undone and ran toward Isabell. The girl continued to dizzy, but even so, she noticed the approach of the dogs.

Fortunately, they only came from the left, so she didn't have to worry about dogs coming from all sides.

But even though the number of dogs was noticeably fewer this time around, it was still complicated. As she felt dizzy, she didn't quite know how she was going to go about fighting them.

Using her sword would be suicide, it would be difficult for her to face several dogs at once while she felt that way.

And because of that, she chose to use magic again.

Looking at the wolves running towards her, she was seeing everything spin. Because of that, she decided to close her eyes to see if she would help a little. She closed her eyes and focused only on listening to the sound of the dogs.

So, she again used her light magic to launch projectiles towards the group of dogs.

It was like a "Machine Gun" that fired small balls of light that pierced the bodies of all the dogs.

Within seconds the group of dogs was turned to nothing.

But right after that, Isabell felt her pain increase.

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