A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 203 - 202 - Some Really Scary News.

Emma invited Sara to sit down and Noah got up to make room for her on the couch. Sara was feeling a little bad about "stealing" Noah's seat, but he reassured her that it was okay.

And while this was happening, Lisandra, Lari, Dala, and Clachel arrived in the living room carrying two trays with two teapots. And with as several cups.

"Excuse me," Dala said as she placed the tray with the teapot and cups on the small table that was in front of the sofa. Next, Clachel also placed the tray she was carrying there.

After that, the two began to serve tea to everyone. But ignoring all this movement, Emma looked intently at Sara.

'What is it?' Sara looked startled at Emma. It was a face she had never seen before, she had never seen Emma act like this before.

"So, what I have to talk about is about the war, but promise you won't panic or anything," Emma said as she looked intently at Sara.

"But didn't you panic before?" Noah who was standing nearby said that and started laughing. Emma looked at him with sharp eyes, making the smile on Noah's face disappear in the same instant.

'I was just trying to joke around a little.' Noah thought as he crossed his arms.

"About the war, we lost," Emma said this directly, without stammering and without caring about the weight of her words. Everyone around was quite shocked at how sincere she was.

And Sara, standing in front of her, didn't seem to understand the meaning of her words.

"What do you mean?" She said with a startled expression in disbelief.

"That's right, we lost the war. Our army was destroyed." Everyone was frightened by how frank Emma was being. Wasn't she going too far? Sara didn't look well.

The woman had begun to tremble as she looked startled at Emma.

"No, no, that's a lie, that's a lie." She shook her head several times in denial. And a few seconds later, she began to look around.

"Isn't it? That's a lie, isn't it?" She looked at everyone's face looking for an answer, but everyone was silent and bowed their heads wanting to say nothing. And so she realized that none of it was a lie.

But even though she realized it was the truth, her mind refused to believe it.

The words "It's a lie" resounded, forcing her not to believe anything Emma was saying. 

"It's a lie." Sara smiled at Emma at the same time tears began to appear in her eyes. And again she repeated, "It's a lie." As she advanced towards Emma and held be shoulders.

With jerky movements, she rocked Emma's body while looking into her eyes.

"IT'S A LIE, ISN'T IT? OUR COUNTRY IS OVER? WHAT IS THIS?" She shouted as she rocked Emma's body uncontrollably. She wasn't even thinking straight, and no one around her knew what to do.

"You need to calm down, I'll explain everything. We lost the war and the capital was attacked."

Everyone looked at Emma as if to think 'She really can't explain the situation properly.'

"THE CAPITAL WAS ATTACKED? WHAT HAPPENED? TELL ME QUICKLY!" Sara shouted, losing all her composure. 

'Is that the kind lady I know?' Noah thought as he looked at Sara a little surprised. He never thought he would see Sara act this way ever in his life.

She was always so calm.

"Calm down. The capital was attacked, but it seems to be recovering now, so don't worry."

"Tell me what is happening there."

"Some damaged buildings have already been restored, people who were injured are being treated, and a lot of 'help' has already arrived in the capital. Everything is gradually returning to normal."

"You're not lying to me, are you?"

"I'm not lying, here is the letter I received from the queen." Emma handed over the first letter where it talked about the attack that had happened and how things were at the moment. Sara read it carefully and looked quite downcast and frightened.

As she read, everyone was looking at her.

"It doesn't look good. Look at how many people have died! How do I not know that my friends are not among the people who died? And Ria? Rose is almost dying of worry over her! What if something happened to Ria?"

Sara kept talking, she was really beside herself at the moment.

She started crying again as she tried to get more answers, but unfortunately, that was the one news they had.

While that whole scene was going on, the tea had already been served. But still, no one touched the cup of tea, everyone was looking at Sara looking for a way to calm her down, but no one dared to say anything.

Emma was the only one who did something. She hugged Sara affectionately while also controlling herself not to cry.

Even if she is trying hard, seeing your friend crying and desperate like that messes with her feelings.


With Sara calming down, and the adventurers left, Emma, Lucio, Noah, Lisandra, Lari, Dala, Clachel, and Sara stayed talking until lunchtime.

Lunch had been prepared by Dala and Clachel with Lari's help.

Since there wasn't much room at the table, some people sat in the living room. Sara, who had calmed down, ate everything quickly, looking hurried.

Emma saw this and approached.

"Are you in a hurry?"

"Oh yes, I need to go back and talk to Rose, she must be feeling lonely and she hasn't had lunch," Sara said still sounding downcast. No, Emma could see that she was not feeling well.

"It's okay. You don't have to make lunch today, take some food for her. Dala, can you prepare a lunch box for Sara to take to Rose?"

"Sure, I'll do that right away," Dala replied. She picked up a small bowl, putting food inside.

"Thank you so much." Sara thanked Emma and smiled forcedly. Seconds later walked toward the living room.

Emma walked her to the door and just then Dala approached carrying the bowl that was wrapped in a cloth.

"Here you go."

"Thank you so much again, now I need to get back."

"Right. Tell Rose to come over to my house later."

"Oh sure. And speaking of which, you can tell Noah to come to visit me today or tomorrow? I'm wondering if he can talk Rose into leaving the house."

"I'll do that, don't worry."

"Okay. And about everything I heard today, don't worry, I won't tell anyone about it."

"I would appreciate it if you would do that."

After that, Sara said goodbye to everyone and then left in the direction of her house while carrying the lunch box prepared by Dala. On the way, she ended up running into Rieli again.

Rieli realized Sara's state, so she didn't ask too much about what had happened.


"Mom?" As soon as the bedroom door was opened, Rose sat up in bed and looked at the door. There, Sara appeared carrying a lunchbox in her right hand and also a fork in her left hand.

"It's time for lunch," Sara said as she approached the bed.

"I'm not hungry," Rose said as she looked at the food inside the bowl.

"Stop talking that. Here, eat. I'm not making lunch today, so you better enjoy it. And this food is really good, try it."

"Hmm..." Rose looked at her mother for a while, analyzing her expression. Then she opened her mouth.

"Mom, has something happened? You look sad, and your eyes are red. Were you crying? What happened?" Rose asked trying not to show concern, but even so, she felt her heart racing.

"Nothing happened, I just got a little emotional while talking to Emma about Noah."

"You're not lying?"

"I'm not lying, now eat."

Rose took the fork from Sara's hand and then began to eat. After the first forkful of food, she soon began to devour all the food. It seemed to be the tastiest food she had ever eaten.

"This food is better than yours." She said with her mouth full.

"Really?" But Sara who heard that didn't seem to mind. Rose again noticed how thoughtful and sad her mother looked.

"Okay, explain to me what happened. Who was it that made you sad? It wasn't me, was it? I promise I'm going out, so don't be like that."

"It's not that, don't worry."

"Then what is it? You're not acting normal."

"Unfortunately I can't tell you right now. But I'm not hurt or anything like that."


"Don't look at me like that. Noah's going to come here today or tomorrow. When he comes, I want you to talk to him, all right?" Sara said as she got out of bed and prepared to leave the room.

"So you're going to leave the responsibility of telling what happened to a child?"

"Don't try to provoke me. Now finish eating and then get up. Today you will have to do the housework."

"What?! No!"

"Don't act like a child. What would Noah and the others think if they saw you like that?"

"Haaa~~ All right, I'll clean the house."

"Good." Sara left Rose's room and then went to her room.. She threw herself on the bed and began to think about everything that had happened.

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