A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 205 - 204 - The Death Of Another King

"So, are you going to tell me why you are locking yourself inside the house? Your mother said something yesterday, but I don't think it's because of that." I sat on the bed along with her after she calmed down a bit and finished eating.

I had to stand there looking at her while she ate, it wasn't a very good feeling so I just went to the window and opened it. I stood there looking out.

Some neighbors saw me and seemed to be talking about it, but I ignored it.

'I'm a kid, don't make strange rumors.' I thought as I looked at the old women whispering among themselves as they looked at me. They didn't even bother to hide that they were talking about me.

But I ignored it and pretended I wasn't seeing.

And now that Rose had finished eating, I was sitting with her so that we could talk.

"What did my mother say? It wasn't anything weird, was it?" Rose's face was a little red. What kind of thing is she hiding from me?

"She had told me about you being very worried about a girl named Ria. Is that why you're locked inside the house? And is there any point in you locking yourself away because of that?"

Locking yourself away and being isolated because you are worried is not a very smart choice or one that makes any sense.

"That's it."


Surprised that was really it, I ended up speaking too loudly. Is it serious that you are locking yourself away because you are WORRIED?!

"But it's not just because of that. I'm locking myself away because I feel guilty too."

"Guilty about what? Did you do something to her?"

"It's not that. Just think about it."

I thought for a while and finally understood what she meant by 'guilt'.

"Are you feeling guilty for not bringing her with you even though you knew about the attack that could happen?"

"That's right." Rose bowed her head looking dejected.

"So that's it... But you're not to blame for anything and you know that, didn't you?"


"My mother probably didn't know her, and the carriage was full. She could have come along with my mother on the horse or something... But do you know the circumstances of this girl?"

"What do you mean?"

"Whether she has family in the capital and whether she would agree to go with you if you called her."

"She has a small child and is also married. From what I remember she also lives together with her mother and father."

"And would you be able to bring her whole her family? Because you know she would never leave her family behind."

"Yes... I don't think Ria would ever leave her family behind."

"Then you don't have to feel guilty. Even if you called her, she probably wouldn't come."

"But we could have arranged for another carriage to take her family, couldn't we?"

"You were only able to get that carriage because of the guild master. Do you think it would be that simple to find another one?

"Probably if we went to the stable and talked to some people..."

"But talk to who? Everyone was locked indoors because of the war. And surely no one would lend the carriage this way, knowing that you and the others might damage or lose it."

"We were with your mother, she's a famous adventurer, surely people wouldn't mind lending it to us."

"Are you sure about that?"


Rose bowed her head and kept quiet. 

But I couldn't stand to see it anymore, so I decided to move closer to her and put my hand on her head. I know it's not a very nice thing to treat an older woman like a child, but I needed to do this.

"Stop trying to justify all this. It's not your fault. And this friend of yours probably wouldn't come even if you called her, understand?"

I stroked her head a little more, Rose looked at me without reaction.

"Are you kidding me?" She held my hand removed her from her head.

"I didn't mean to tease you, I just wanted to make you happier. Aren't I cute?"


"You've never acted that way with me before. I even thought you were in love with me a while ago."

"What kind of crazy things are you thinking? Now get out of my room."

"You're not going to leave the house? If I can't do this your mother will be angry with me. Please!"

"I just want to change my clothes... This one is completely sweaty."

"Oh... All right, I'm going out now."


"When will you stop eating?" The king said to the horned teenage girl in front of him.

"You showed up to just eat and mess up your room, what exactly did you come here for?" he said while trying to remain patient. 

But the girl in front of him didn't answer him and continued eating.

'Damn.' He shouted in his mind as he got up from the table. Then he went straight to his room to lie down. It was already night and he just wanted to sleep now.

He reached his room and threw himself on the bed. Soon after he was covered by a maid who was standing next to his bed. After she did this, she turned off the lights and left the bedroom, leaving the king alone there.

The fox boy stared at the ceiling for a while, but soon after threw his blanket aside and stood up.

"All right, can you talk to me now?" He asked as he continued to stand in the middle of the bedroom.

His tail wagged anxiously as he waited for an answer. But unfortunately, he was completely ignored. The only thing he got was a cold draft of air that came in through the window.

"Didn't that wretched maid close the window?" He said as he approached the window to close it.

When he got closer, he came face to face with the full moon shining in the sky. Also, he couldn't help but notice the lights and parties that were going on in the streets.

"Are these people partying so late? It looks like they need a little discipline. Would I be treated as a villain if I put some bans around here?" The king smiled sarcastically as he closed the window.

After closing it, he lay down on the bed again.



But as he continued trying to sleep, he began to hear some strange sounds. It was as if someone had thrown stones at his bedroom window that was made of wood and glass.

"Hm?" He got up confused and went to the window.

"Who's the bastard who's doing this? I will kill you if you end up breaking the glass in my window." He said as he opened the window furiously to surprise whoever is throwing rocks.

"What?" But when he opened the window, he noticed that the lights all over the city were already out, and the sound of all the voices had disappeared.

Also, the moon that was once full had been covered by the clouds, so his room was not very well lit.



Suddenly the sound of something falling to the floor caught his attention.

He looked back and could see only darkness, there was no ambient light that could help him see.

"Is that you? Do you want to talk to me? Hades?" He asked and stared into the darkness.

'Urgh, he shouldn't do that in such a sinister way?' The king thought as he felt his body shiver from the strong cold wind that was coming in through the window. 

"Is there someone there? I hope you sent a handsome subordinate this time, and not that grotesque dwarf." The king said as he smiled.

But the silence continued, no one answered.

The king remained motionless as he stared into that eerie darkness inside his room.

It was as if time was passing in slow motion.

"Listen, I don't like this, could you please come over?" He said as he felt his heart become a little uneasy.

The king who didn't quite know what to do took a step back as he felt a little sweat drip down his face. At the same time, the noises of footsteps were heard.



They were soft, low footsteps coming directly from that darkness in the corner of his room.

In a few seconds, the king had already put his butt up against the wall. As he looked back, he realized that his back was to the open window.

"Shit." He said as he felt a cold, painful wind hit his body.


At the same time, the sounds of footsteps were getting louder and louder. And after a few seconds of anguish, a figure that the king knew very well appeared from the darkness.

"What are you doing here? I thought that-"


Before he could finish speaking, the king felt his neck being pierced. Feeling his consciousness fading, the only thing he could see before he died was the ground approach.

He had fallen out of the window.

A loud sound was produced as he crashed to the ground.

Some people nearby who were partying near the king's mansion could see his body in pieces lying there.

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