A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 215 - 214 - We Become One

[ So, what do you think of my proposal? ]

Ward sat down on his bed and began to think about what to say. He was very doubtful whether he should accept this.

It's worth it giving up his body to get his parents back? What if his parents didn't come back? What if his parents came back, but he ended up losing control of his body? This scares him.

Even if he trusts his friend, he still has a bit of mistrust.

'Maybe I don't trust him 100%...' Ward thought as he smiled, totally ignoring Will's question.

[ I'll let you think for a while, no problem ].

Hearing Will's murmur, Ward got up from his bed and took a deep breath. After calming down, he decided to ask Will two important questions.

"Hey, Will."

[ Huh? ]

"You're not going to try to take my body for yourself, are you?"

[ Of course not. We'll control it together. When I'm done with what I have to do, I'll turn your body over to you again. ]

"Got it. And my parents? Will they come back as soon as I give you my body?"

[ It's not that easy. I can only keep my promise when I finish what I have to do in this world. ]

"And I can trust you to bring them back?"

[ You don't trust me? ]

"I trust! But..." Ward swallowed dryly and tightened his grip.

[ Don't worry, you can trust me, I'll get your parents back for sure. ]

"I understand. I'll think about it some more and give you an answer. How about you talk to me tomorrow?"

[ No problem, I'll be waiting for your answer. ]

After that Will disappeared and Ward lay down on the bed and took a deep breath. 

'Should I accept this? Should I talk to my sister?' Ward wondered if he should let his sister know about it, but he decided not to. She certainly wouldn't accept it.

She doesn't know Will and she never talked to him. She certainly wouldn't trust him enough to give her brother's body to him.

Even if it was someone she trusted, Ward still believed that his sister would deeply refuse to let something like that happen.

'But she's right, this is dangerous.' Ward looked up at the ceiling of the bedroom and then began to think about his parents. What would happen if they came back? Wouldn't that be the coolest thing in the world?

He could hug his parents again and he could live happily with them.

'Looking at it this way, this is a wonderful and dangerous proposition.'


"Ward, are you there?" Luna who had finished eating built up some courage to go up to her room. When she reached the door she knocked a few times and called Ward. From inside the bedroom, her brother answered with an excited "Yes".

Luna who heard this breathed a relieved breath and opened the door.

"So, how are you feeling?" She approached a little cautiously since she was still worried about what she had seen earlier.

"I'm fine, just a little sleepy."

"But haven't you had enough sleep? You should get out for a while and walk around town. What do you think about doing that with me? I was thinking we could go out for dinner today."

"Do you have any money? I thought I spent it all on my clothes."

"I borrowed some money from Raquel..."

"You just started working and you're already taking your paycheck in advance?" Ward smiled at his sister. And realizing that her brother had started acting normal, Luna smiled happily.

"All right, let's go out to eat. Quick, go wash your face." 

"Okay, okay." Ward got up and went to the bathroom.

Then that, Luna inside the room sat on the bed and breathed a relieved breath.

'It looks like he's back to normal, but I need to pay close attention to the way he's acting. I'll also try to talk to him about it later, maybe he knows what happened.'

Luna thought and then smiled at Ward coming out of the bathroom with a wet face.

After Ward dried his face, Luna took off the apron she was still wearing and remained only in her dress. Reaching the first floor, Raquel looked at Ward while analyzing him, because of this the boy hid behind Luna.

"Why are you staring at him so much?" Luna gestured a few times so that Raquel wouldn't say anything strange.

"It's nothing, it's just that I was a little worried about him. You overslept, you know? I thought you might have gotten sick." Raquel moved closer to Ward and stroked his head.

Ward a little embarrassed tried to pull away, but unfortunately, he couldn't escape Raquel's hand.

"Okay, we're going out to dinner tonight, so you don't have to wait for us."

"Sure, have a nice dinner."

After saying goodbye to Raquel, the two walked down the main street until they found a restaurant that looked nice and wasn't too expensive. Fortunately, there were plenty of restaurants.

Many of them were full, but others were empty.

Luna and Ward chose a restaurant that appeared to be middle-class, where ordinary citizens were eating.

After sitting down at the table, they were served by a beautiful woman wearing a brown apron just like Luna's. And after they finished eating, they went back to the inn.

"What's happening? You don't look happy," Luna said to Ward as she walked into the bedroom.

"I'm just sleepy."

"It's okay, you can go to sleep now. It's already dark outside."

"Okay..." Ward threw himself on the bed and then took a deep breath looking extremely tired. Before lying down, Luna looked at him for a while looking worried.

'He was acting normal during dinner. I wonder what happened to him this morning and this afternoon?' Luna couldn't understand how her brother had gotten into that state.

And when she asked him, the only answer he gave was "I talked too much with Will during the night and ended up not sleeping very well."

Of course, Luna didn't believe anything like that.

Of course, lack of sleep can drive a person "crazy" or make a person have nightmares. But still, it was something that didn't make much sense.

'I hope he wakes up tomorrow acting normal.' Luna lay down and didn't take long to sleep.

Ward on his bed, on the other hand, kept his eyes open waiting for a good opportunity to call for his friend.


"Hey, Will." Ward sat up in his bed in the dark and called out for his friend. Beside him, he could see his sister's bed which was being illuminated by moonlight today. His sister was sleeping peacefully in silence.

[ What? ]

"I thought about the proposal you made to me this afternoon."

[ So, what did you decide? ]

"..." Ward was silent for a while and clenched his fist as he closed his eyes. He was feeling extremely nervous now even though he had already made a decision.

He looked at his sister once again and felt his heart palpitate.

'Should I accept this? But my sister's sad expression...' As they went out to dinner, Ward could see the real state his sister was in.

She was not well.

'If I bring my parents back, surely my sister will feel better.' He thought as he finally opened his mouth to answer Will.

"I have decided that I will lend my body. But in return, you will have to bring my parents back."

[ Sure, no problem. ]

With a cheerful tone, Will replied to Ward.

"All right. Can you wait until tomorrow so I can say goodbye to my sister first?"

[ But didn't I tell you we're going to be together? You don't have to say goodbye to her. ]

"..." Ward looked at his sister for a while. Then he approached her bed and leaned close to her.

He moved closer to his sister's face and kissed her on her cheek.

'If I disappear for any reason, just know that I'll always be here, okay?'

Ward turned away from Luna's bed and lay down on his bed.

"All right, you do that."

[ Sure. ]

Ward closed his eyes and pretended that nothing was happening.

From the shadow in the corner of the bedroom, a small shadow appeared and walked towards Ward's bed quickly. The small shadow climbed up the bed and then climbed on top of Ward.

Ward felt something on top of him, so he began to tremble in fright. But still, he did not open his eyes and remained still without uttering a word.

'Please. I want to see my parents again in the future.' Thinking this Ward felt his chest being torn in two. He felt his chest being torn, but he felt no pain.

But it was uncomfortable, he felt as if someone had pierced his chest and was getting inside his body.

[ All right, now I've joined with the part of me that was inside you.. Sleep peacefully and tomorrow when you wake up you can have fun with me. ]

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