A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 228 - 227 - Hydra.

Two of the armors ran straight into the forest called Fiorentina in search of Goblins and Kobolds. In just a few hours they could see the dense forest in the distance, plus some small green men nearby.

"It looks like we have arrived. As our master said, the amount of Goblins and Kobolds around here is very large." One of the armor said as he looked around and noticed the number of monsters across the plain.

There were groups scattered here and there.

"Yeah, let's just get them all quickly. I think there must be hundreds of thousands of these monsters here." The other armor accompanying him moved a little further forward and approached a group.

It was a group of about 30 goblins who were sitting on the ground resting.

As soon as the armor approached, the 30 goblins stood up at the same time.




They started shouting looking angry while holding their wooden clubs and some rusty swords that were surely stolen from some dead adventurer who decided to venture there.

I would say it was a foolish choice since this place is so dangerous for a novice adventurer.

But the armors didn't care about it. They didn't even get attacked before they could capture all 30 goblins in just a second and quite simply.

With just a wave of the hand from one of the armors, a large amount of black magic hovered in the air and engulfed the goblins. After the goblins' eyes glittered a little and turned dark, the goblins became silent.

"That magic is working very well."

"What, did you doubt our master?"

"Of course not. Now let's stop talking and let's get as much of those monsters as possible."

"Are we going into the forest or are we going to catch monsters only in the plains? There are plenty of them around here." The armor looked forward and found another large group of about 50 goblins.

It was an army.

The large group was being led by a goblin who was twice as big as normal and was also quite fat. In addition, he had a two-handed sword on his back.

"For now we'll take the monsters from the plains and we'll gather them in just one place. If the quantity isn't very nice, we'll go into the forest."

"All right." The armor ran forward to the group of 50 goblins and left his brother behind.

His brother who was left behind was walking slowly while the goblins followed him. And after walking for a few meters he left the goblins there. And just after a few minutes, his brother appeared bringing the group of 50 goblins.

The groups of goblins were joined together, forming a group of more than 80 goblins.

The armors began to run across the plain to take goblins and kobolds. It didn't take long for a group of thousands to be formed.


At a considerable distance from there.

Another two armors who had gone out in search of the monsters had approached a completely rocky place.

"This place is horrible to walk, it looks like I'm going to fall any moment." One of the armors grumbled as walked over the rocks.

"It's true. This ground is all uneven, plus there are a lot of caves around here. But whatever, where do we find those Armadillos?"

"From what the master said they stay around here. They are four-legged monsters that turn into balls to attack."

"A rather peculiar monster."

"Yes, it is true. But now let's quicken our steps. Be careful not to fall into one of those holes."

"Don't worry about that."

The armors moved on walking with a little difficulty until they finally found one of those "Armadillo" their master had talked about.

In one of the caves just below their feet, a small monster with four legs and a large "helmet" on top of his body was walking there seeming to be looking for something.

"So they do exist. They are ugly, aren't they?"

"This is no time to think about it, just jump down there and get him."


Armor threw himself off and fell to the ground just below. The rocks below his feet shattered on impact and the Armadillo just ahead was startled into a ball.

"That's funny." The armor said and pointed his hand at the Armadillo so he could activate his magic.

But the moment the Armadillo realized he was being threatened, he started to run... No, he began to spin rapidly.

He spun to the bottom of the cave quickly.

"This guy is fast!" The armor exclaimed in surprise.

"You idiot, don't let him get away, go after him."

"All right... I'm faster than him."

Saying this the armor took a deep breath and quickened his steps. 

Leaving a large trail of dust behind him, he ran deep into the dark cave in search of the Armadillo. But just after turning onto the only path inside the cave, he was taken by surprise by a ball flying toward his chest.

"So they attack like that." But calmly he avoided Armadillo's attack. 

The Armadillo crashed into the wall, cracking the wall and causing some stones to fall from the ceiling.

"Your attack is really powerful. You're going to be useful." The armor turned to the Armadillo.

Before the Armadillo could run away again a black aura hit him, causing his body to return to normal and he stood still.

After that, the armor left the cave while bringing Armadillo along with him.

"You took your time. Is that monster that strong?"

"He's not strong."

"Whatever. Let's go after some more. I saw a few more of them coming through there." Armor pointed to another cave just ahead.

"And why didn't you go after them?"

"I was waiting for you."


In a marshy place, a considerable distance from the capital, two of the armors were walking on the black ground with a little difficulty because of the quality of the terrain.

"This place is full of mud." One of the armors complained as he took another step. But as soon as he stepped on the ground again his foot sank into the black soil.

"Yeah, and stinks around here too. Look at these trees, they're practically rotten." The other armor looked at the trees nearby. In addition to the black leaves and black trunk, a few grubs were walking there.

"I just want to get out of this place soon. Where are the damn demons and Slimes?"

"I don't know. There's a lake up ahead, maybe we can find something there."

"But isn't it dangerous to go closer? The master said there are hydras around here."

"We'll just run away in case something happens."

"All right."

The armors walked with difficulty to the small lake that was just ahead. Around the lake had a large amount of mud and also moss. 

Also had many trees and strange little animals.

But what was most striking was the water in the lake.

The water was purple. It looked like poisonous water.

"There are some over there." And while they were watching the lake, one of the armors was able to see a group of three black Slime jumping on the mud on the other side of the lake.

"You go ahead. I'll look around here for something."


The armor walked around the lake until approached the Slimes. As soon as he got close the Slimes tried to jump towards him to corrode his armor.

But with one quick movement, he managed to get the Slimes under his control.

"Right. And my brother, where is he?" After catching the Slimes, the armor looked across the lake looking for his brother, but he was no longer there.

"He must have wandered off to go after the demons. I think I'll stick around and look for more Slimes." The armor turned and prepared to walk away and continue his hunt.

But as he turned to leave, he felt the ground shake a little. After looking back again, the armor noticed that the water in the lake began to move. It was as if was having an earthquake just below the lake.

And after a few seconds, something big jumped out of the water.

"What the hell is that? Is that the hydra? I didn't imagine I would find one so quickly." The armor said startled as he watched the hydra's body emerge from that dark, disgusting water.

From within the water, a dragon-like monster emerged. Three black heads swung every which way as they removed the moss from its eyes.

"I think is better I get out of here quickly." Armor prepared to flee, but the moment it tried to take another step.


A roar made his entire armor creak.

He looked back and noticed the three heads of the "little" hydra looking directly at him.

"Damn, it's too late.." He smiled in his mind noticing that he was doomed to fight this thing.

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