A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 23 - 23 - Will I Be Able To Leave This Room Alive?

"I'll ask again, can I know where you were?" Lari looked really annoyed, so I had to trick her somehow, can I really do that? It's worth trying.

"I was in the bathroom, I had a stomachache, so ..." Was that the best excuse I could find? This is not good.

"You can stop lying now, I looked all over the house, you weren't in here. I'm going to ask you again, where were you?" As I thought, it would not be so easy to deceive her, and I think no way can happen.

Seeing that there was no use trying to hide, I decided to tell the truth: "I was in the forest, I went hunting some monsters." She said as she removed my dirt-soiled shoes. Lari didn't look surprised, but she was still quite irritated.

"Why did you do that? You know it's dangerous." Lari got up from the bed and started walking towards me, so I moved away from her a little, she was really scaring me.

"My mom didn't allow me to leave, so I decided to hide, isn't it simple?" I answered her sincerely, Lari stared at me, I thought she would do something, but she just took a huge breath and then walked away.

"Is it that important to you? Going out into the forest? It doesn't make any sense." She sat on my bed again, I went to her and sat next to her: "Yes, it is important to me, I cannot say that it is very important, but it is still important, I think you understand, right?

"I see, and you know why your mother denied your request, don't you? She even cried, don't you feel guilty for cheating on her?"

"Of course I do, but I need to do this." If I don't do that I won't be able to level up and I won't be as strong as I intend to do.

"I see, I'll talk to your mom in the morning, okay?" Lari said as she smiled and got up from the bed and walked towards the door, she was no longer looking irritated, but now I was even more scared.

"Wait, please, don't tell her. If she finds out that I'm leaving, I will be in serious trouble, and you know it." I also got up and ran to her, practically begging her not to tell my mother, if she does I will be in trouble.

Even though I begged, I was unsuccessful: "There is no use begging, I will tell her, and I hope you will apologize to her for doing this." Lari seemed determined to tell my mother, but I still kept trying to stop her: "Look, I didn't get hurt, and I won't get hurt, she won't know."

"It's no use, I'll tell her anyway. Now change your clothes and go to sleep, tomorrow you'll have a lot to explain."

"Wait a minute."

"What is it this time? I already told you that I'm going to tell her anyway."

"That's not it, is it ... Can you wash my clothes tomorrow? I'm not very good at this."

"Sure, don't I always do that already? You can leave her with me." Lari smiled at me, then smiled at her back and watched her as she left the room.

'I am doomed.' After changing my clothes, I threw myself on the bed and started thinking about what I would say to my mother, I really thought that nobody would find out that I left, I should have imagined that she would visit my room.

Now there is nowhere to run, I just have to apologize and also endure everything that my mother will say, this will certainly be tiring.


When I woke up the next day, I already got up worried about what was coming next, I got ready while I prepared to go to the table where breakfast was being served, wondering what my mother would say.

But I would have to face her anyway, so without delay, I walked to the table.

When I arrived, my mother, Lisandra, and Lari were already seated drinking coffee, they had not even waited for me, it seems that I slept more than usual.

"Good Morning." I sat down calmly and started to serve my own coffee with the things that were on the table, the first one who answered my greeting was Lisandra, and soon after she was quiet.

Lari also answered my greeting and was quiet shortly after.

My mom wasn't saying anything, so I was starting to get even more worried and anxious, so before she started saying anything, I decided to apologize to her.

"Mom, I'm sorry for going out at night, it was that it was important... Even though I saw you cry like that, I still cheated on you and hid out." I sincerely apologized, I was sorry.

'Deceiving someone you care about is something I can't stand, those guys should have that same thought.' The image of my "Friends" came to mind, but it soon disappeared as if they never existed.

"I see, at least you weren't hurt, right?" She responded coolly and put some food in her mouth.

"Yes, I didn't get hurt ..." I didn't have much to say next, so I kept quiet waiting for her to say something else, but throughout the breakfast, she remained silent, it wasn't a nice atmosphere.

When we finished breakfast, Lisandra went straight to her room and Lari went to wash my clothes that I left in the room, leaving only me and my mother in the room, the weather was making me apprehensive.

We continued in the room quietly, until she decided to say something. Surely she was holding herself up for not saying anything during breakfast.

"So, how about we talk better now since we're just the two of us here?" My mom put her plate aside, put her hands on the table, and stared at me, it really worried me.

"Sure ..." I couldn't go against it, will I be able to leave this room alive?

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