A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 234 - 232 - The Floor Didn't Break? This Is Amazing.

"Lyace, don't have anyone coming, isn't it?" Luna was still crouching inside the house while apprehensively waiting for Lyace to say something. But Lyace was not moving and saying anything.

No matter how many questions Luna asked she was being ignored. 

Because of this, she stood up and walked over to him. After she approached and leaned Lyace's shoulder, the man remained motionless, causing Luna some discomfort.

'Is he okay?' She swallowed dryly before again calling out to him.

"Lyace?!" She gave a slightly louder shout, and thankfully after that Lyace gave a small jump seeming to have woken up.

"Huh? What is it?" Luna pulled away and Lyace looked at her confused. He seemed a little out of his mind at the moment, and that made Luna quite worried.

"What happened to you? Why are you so distracted?" She reached over and put her hand against Lyace's forehead to see if he had a fever. Then Lyace grabbed Luna's hand and pulled it away from his forehead.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

"You don't look fine. You were paralyzed in front of the window as if you were petrified. That scared me, you know."

"I'm sorry about that, it's just that I had a bad feeling." Lyace smiled and scratched his head a little awkwardly. Then he turned and looked out the window again.

"Bad feeling? Does it have something to do with your son and the others?"

"I don't know, I just feel that something bad has happened or is going to happen."

"Stop it, you're scaring me."

"All right, I'll stop. Now you can sit back down, I think it's going to take us a while to get out of here."

"Haaa~ I'm already tired. Why not just leave the capital and go to another city? Wouldn't that be simpler?"

"But I plan to do that. Today we'll leave the capital and travel to the nearest city. After that, we will choose some country to live in. The further away we get from that place, the better it will be."

"You're really afraid of Meduz, aren't you?"

"Of course, that girl is a demon, she is not normal..." Lyace who finally realized the situation they were in, stopped talking suddenly, causing Luna to be uncomfortable again.

"Are you okay?" She asked again.

Lyace turned around and looked at her. Luna noticed that he had an expression of fear but remained silent.

"It's okay," Lyace said to calm her down. Just then he turned to look out the window again.

'There's no way we can escape, that woman is a monster.' Lyace bit her lips as she felt a huge sense of sadness and anger after thinking about her son and the other two girls.

'Are they okay?' He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After that, he sat down on the floor of the house to calm himself down.

Luna looked at him and continued in silence.

Lyace continued with his eyes closed as he tried to create a situation in his head where they could get out of the capital without being killed.

Unfortunately in every situation they were caught and killed by Meduz before they had a chance to leave the capital.


After realizing this, Lyace shouted something enough to scare Luna and get the attention of the few locals who were around.

Lyace's change in behavior was something Luna was not expecting.

Lyace lowered her head and stared at the ground a little despondently as she continued to try to think of something.

"You also realize that we won't be able to escape, don't you? I've been thinking that for a while now, I think we can't get out of here without a fight."

"Fight? Are you kidding? Since when are we strong enough to fight that demon?"

"It's fighting and die or die without fighting. I'd rather try to do something before I die." Luna smiled with determination. Lyace looked at her and seemed extremely surprised that Luna was so confident.

'This girl, she doesn't care about dying anymore.' 

That was the conclusion he came to.


"It sucks having to hide these bodies. ​I should have just left them in the middle of the street," Meduz grumbled as he threw the last body into a hole he had dug near the wall of the capital.

The last body, which was Lisa's, was thrown over the body of her sister and Burmax that were already at the bottom.

After her body was thrown, Meduz used earth magic to plug the hole. So that it wouldn't start to stink in the future, she buried them deep.

"Okay, now it's off to go after that little fox girl and that dog man. Master, can you tell me where they are at the moment?"

[ Just go to the suburb, they are hiding inside an old wooden house just at the entrance to the neighborhood. ]

"Okay, thanks for that." Meduz again went invisible and then jumped over the buildings until he reached the suburb of the capital. When she got there, the first thing she did was cover her nose with her hand.

"What a stinky place, damn it." She grumbled as she held her breath.

"I need to do something, otherwise I won't be able to stay here, my nose is too sensitive." She whined.

Then she used wind magic to create a shield around her body that threw the bad odor away. It still stinks, but it was more bearable to walk around the suburb that way.

"So, which house are they in? Old wooden house... But they all these houses have those characteristics." Meduz who was standing on top of a building right at the entrance to the suburb looked around looking for a house that fit his master's descriptions.

But since all the houses were the same, she couldn't find it.

"Master, give me a hand here. I can't trace the magic of those two."

[ Right, you incompetent girl. They are right there in that house with a piece of canvas on top of the roof. ]

"You don't need to treat me like that..." Meduz whined sadly as he jumped from the building. She fell to the ground, causing a large curtain of dust to rise.

The people around were startled because Meduz was invisible.

After this, she walked towards the house her master had told her about. When she approached the house, the first thing she felt was a nostalgic magical presence.

'Thank you, master. I will finish this work quickly.' Meduz revealed her sharp teeth and then immediately kicked the front door with all her strength, causing the door to be blown to pieces.

From inside the house, Luna's scream could be heard.

"How are you guys? I told you that you couldn't escape, didn't I?" Meduz said as he revealed himself.

Luna who was previously sitting on the floor got up quickly and then tried to run to the second floor of the house. But the wooden staircase that was in a precarious state collapsed when she took the first step.

"You monster." But Lyace who was close to Meduz tried to hit her with a punch, but his hand was easily held by the demon girl. 

"Arrgg~" Then his arm was twisted and broken, causing Lyace to throw herself to the ground and start moaning in pain.

"You bastard." Luna who was a little further away grabbed a piece of the wooden ladder and make some sort of stake so she could attack Meduz.

"You can't hurt me with a piece of old wood. That there is very fragile, just like this man's head here." Meduz pointed at the wood in Luna's hand and then raised his left foot over Lyace's head.

The man who had his eyes closed while crying like a child because of the pain in his arm didn't even notice Meduz's foot.

"Stop!!!" And the next moment, Meduz's black boot was stained with the blood from Lyace's head that was mashed between her foot and the wood. 

"Amazing how the floor didn't break." Meduz smiled in admiration as she lifted her foot. On the sole of her boot pieces of Lyace's brain were stuck, so she swung her foot to get rid of it.

At the same time, Luna did not control herself and vomited. She was not a strong girl for this kind of thing, seeing Lyace die in front of her made her stomach turn.

Because of this, all the food she had consumed in the morning was thrown out.

"You wretch, I'm going to kill you," Luna said as she wiped her mouth of vomit with her hand.

"You're not going to kill me and you know it. And just to warn you, the other three are already dead too. Don't worry, I buried them."

"... I swear I will kill you, I swear." Luna looked at Meduz angrily. She was feeling a hatred she never felt before.

It was like she was on the verge of madness. 

She didn't feel this when she saw the bodies of her parents or when her village was destroyed.

'Why am I so angry? Is this because of Ward? Or because of Lyace and the others? I don't know anymore.'

Luna began to cry as she screamed and advanced towards Meduz with her "weapon" made with a piece of the wooden ladder.

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