A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 242 - 241 - Misunderstanding On The First Day Of Dating?

After Noah yelled at Lari, she looked up at him with tear-filled eyes as she smiled.

"I kissed you." She smiled and brought her hand to her mouth. She began to caress his lips as she smiled. Noah looked at her startled, she was acting bizarrely.

As much as she has a history of acting in absurd ways in things involving Noah, he was feeling uncomfortable with what was happening.

Even though it is every man's dream to get a kiss from a beautiful woman like her, he didn't want that. 

"Why did you kiss me?" He asked her while still stunned.

"I don't know, I just wanted to kiss you. It was wonderful..." Lari continued to smile mischievously.

Seeing this Noah began to feel a little irritated. But since there was no point in him getting angry here and Lari was still crying, he controlled himself not to say something unnecessary.

He then left the room and left Lari.

'I need to get out of here or I'm going to end up arguing with her. I don't want to have to do that now.' Noah ran his hand over his mouth and recalled the kiss that happened a minute ago.

He then shook his head to the right and left.

"Is not the time to think about that." He left and then started walking towards his house. But minutes later he was called by Lari.

She appeared right behind him and looked tired.

"Why did you leave? I had to run to catch up with you." She said as she smiled. She wasn't crying, but her eyes were red and drew the attention of everyone.

Especially since she was running after Noah.

"I just wanted to get away from you."

"Away from me? Why?" Lari managed to get close and started walking beside him.

"Why do you think? You just kissed me without my permission."

"You didn't like my kiss?"

"That's not the point here. I'm dating Ciaphia now, you shouldn't have done that."

At Noah's words, Lari stopped walking and then bit her lips in frustration. Then she shouted so that everyone around could hear.


With a sudden shout, Noah turned around and looked at her.

He remained calm.

"I already told you, I can't see you as a future wife. To me, you are and always will be my big sister."

"But I don't want to be your big sister!" Lari tapped her foot on the floor as if she were a child.

"All right, Lari, that's enough. I already said that nothing is going to happen between us, just accept that. I'm controlling myself so I don't get angry, understand?"


"You just kissed me in a forced way, don't you think I'm being too nice? I could just cuss you out and want to stay away from you forever."

"No! Anything but that!"

Of course, Noah would never stay away from her forever because of that. But still, he felt irritated.

He felt irritated and also a little upset that he had gotten that kiss from Lari.

He kissed Ciaphia and now he kissed another girl. It wasn't his fault and he wasn't expecting something like that, but he can't help but feel guilty that it happened.

"So just be quiet and let's go home. When we got home you can talk all you want." Noah started walking.

"..." Lari then became quiet and continued walking behind Noah while caressing his lips.

And because of Lari's earlier screams, all the locals nearby were looking at the two of them. But Noah just ignored everyone and continued walking as if nothing had happened.

Right now he was just thinking about how to explain to Ciaphia that he kissed Lari against his will.

He even thought about hiding it, but knowing Lari's personality well, she would surely try to build a narrative that would favor her. This way she would pit Ciaphia against Noah and make the two of them break up.

So Noah decided to explain everything when he gets home so that no misunderstanding ends up happening.


Arriving home, Noah walked in and found Lisandra and Ciaphia sitting on the couch as they talked. As soon as he entered and Lari appeared right behind, both of them put a serious expression on their faces.

No, only Lisandra, because Ciaphia was looking worried about what Lari would say. Because of this she took Lisandra's hand and squeezed it.

"I found her. She was hiding inside a closet in one of the abandoned houses." Noah entered and went into the kitchen.

Then he grabbed a glass of water and went back into the living room.

"In a closet?" Lisandra exclaimed in surprise as she looked at Lari.

"Yes. When I opened the cabinet she fell on the floor, it was funny." Even with his words, he did not smile.

Ciaphia seemed to notice that Noah was not feeling well.

And after she stared at him for a few seconds, Lisandra who had also noticed Noah's expression, decided to ask what happened.

"What happened to me? Well, I guess I'd better tell you two everything that happened." Noah looked at Ciaphia a little apprehensively and then began to tell everything that had happened.

The whole story was entertaining until he got to the part about the kiss.

When Noah told about the kiss that Lari had given him, Ciaphia opened her mouth and thought about saying something. But she just looked at Noah for a while and then closed her mouth. Then she bowed her head, looking sad.

Noah noticed this but continued talking about everything that had happened.

Lari, who was standing there listening to this, looked proud of what she had done, making Noah feel a little irritated. Mainly because she was looking at Ciaphia in a way that he didn't like.

"Lari, will you stop that?" Losing his patience a little, Noah stood up and walked over to her.

"Stop looking at Ciaphia that way and stop acting that way. Don't you realize what you've done?"

"Yeah, I kissed you."

"Haaa~~ All right, I won't try to argue about it with you anymore. Ciaphia, can we talk a little?" Ciaphia raised her head and looked at Noah, then she lowered her head again and was silent.

Noah realized that she didn't want to talk, so he didn't try to pressure her.

Lari thinking that she had broken up with the couple was smiling. Because of this, Lisandra got up from the couch and walked over to her.

"What's your problem in? Why are you doing this? Can't you see that Ciaphia is feeling bad?"


"I know you love my brother too much, but you shouldn't do something like this. He doesn't want to be with you and he chose her, why don't you leave them alone?"

"I'm not stopping until he decides to be with me."

"You're crazy. As much as I love you like family, I certainly don't support anything you're doing."

"It's okay, you don't have to support me in it."

"..." Lisandra looked at Lari for a while and was about to slap her when Noah interfered.

"It's okay, Lisandra. I don't want you guys fighting over me."

"I am angry because of what she is doing to Ciaphia, not to you."

"You didn't have to be so blunt. Now calm down, let her do what she wants."


"I won't keep my guard down anymore, she won't do give me a surprise kiss anymore. And if she tries to do something, I won't forgive her this time, do you understand?" 

Noah stared at Lari for a while, but she just ignored him and went to her room without answering him.

"Haaa~~" After that happened, Noah threw himself on the couch and took a deep breath.

"Why is she like that? Why does she have to be a fucking crazy person in love with me?" He grumbled as he closed his eyes.

"I don't know, but I've always found it a little strange that she feels that way. You're a kid and she's almost 30..." Lisandra sat down on the couch as well and then held Ciaphia's hand.

"I don't know what to do. I like her and I see her as a sister, but if I get too close she might end up doing something stupid again."

"From now on you should lock your bedroom door when you go to sleep, I'm sure she will try to do something."

"Do you think she would rape me?"

"Yes, I don't doubt it."


Ciaphia who was listening to the whole conversation continued to be silent. Because of this, Lisandra decided to whisper a few things in her ear to try to cheer her up. And after the two finished talking, Ciaphia lifted her head and looked at Noah.

"Hey, didn't you feel anything when you kissed her?" She asked while keeping a sad expression on her face.

"No, I just got irritated. I had already started dating you and I don't like her that way."

"I see..."

"Trust me, I will never cheat on you."

"I trust you.

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