A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 251 - 250 - And The Battle Continues.

Isabell looked at Meduz's claws going towards her chest and even though she had difficulty breathing and also moving, she turned her body to the side and threw herself to the ground.

After she fell, a loud sound was made and Meduz's claws pierced the tree. Her claws went deep into the tree. 

Thinking Meduz had gotten stuck, Isabell tried to take advantage of the situation to hit her with magic. But to Isabell's displeasure, Meduz moved her hand with ease and cut the trunk of the tree.

After being cut, the tree fell to the side.

"You managed to react even though you were in this situation, congratulations." Meduz showed his fangs to Isabell and then moved closer to hit her again. Putting all his strength into just one kick, Meduz tried to hit Isabell in the head.

But quickly Isabell turned her body around again and avoided Meduz's kick. But with no rest, Isabell began to be attacked by Meduz. Several kicks were coming towards her torso and her head.

In addition to Meduz's claws that went very close to Isabell's neck. Several times she thought her head would fly off.

Fortunately, she was hit only once before she fully recovered and was able to stand up.

The kick that hit her had hit her right arm, but she had used magic to protect it, so she had not suffered major injuries.

"You are fast." Isabell smiled from behind her mask and then went into guard again to fight Meduz.

"I'm not using my full strength yet, you know that, don't you?"

"You're bluffing."

[ No, she isn't. ]


[ She didn't even put in the effort to do all that, this girl is insanely strong. ]

'Are you serious? What am I going to do? I can't hit her.'

[ I don't know how to help you either. I can't come down there and I can't do anything but provide my blessing to you. ]

'Got it.'

[ In case things get too complicated, I advise you to run away ]

But how am I going to get away from this girl? She's much faster than me.

[ If necessary I will use teleportation magic to get you away from her, don't worry. ]

'What if she decides to attack the capital? I can't move away from here.'

[ No, she won't attack the capital, she came for you. ]


"Hey, why are you ignoring me? I'm still here, you know." Meduz ran towards Isabell and tried to hit her again with his claws. But Isabell who was aware of the situation managed to narrowly avoid his attack.

"I'm not ignoring you, I'm just thinking about what to do from now on."

"So you don't know how to defeat me? Hahahaha, that's so stupid. Want me to give you some tips? I can help you."

"That would be a great help."

"You're very funny, you know that?"

"I'm certainly not funny."

"And not so much strong as I've LISTENED!"


Approaching quickly, Isabell was forced to use a shield and her two arms to hold off a sudden attack of Meduz.

'I really can't keep up with her with my eyes, what a monster.' Isabell bit her lip as she tried to hold Meduz with all her strength.

But to no avail, she began to be dragged into the middle of the trees of the nearby forest. In a short time, they had entered the forest, and all around there was nothing but trees and small animals.

"Do you intend to kill me inside the forest or something?"

"It wasn't my goal, but I think it might work. That way I'll have an easy time hiding your body."

"But why would you hide my body?"

"It would be a shame for a girl as beautiful as you to have her body eaten by monsters."

"I see..." Isabell felt every hair on her body shiver when she heard that. Mostly because of the psychopathic grin on Meduz's face.

But without weakening, she created a sword with her magic and faced Meduz.

"Why, I can do that too." With a black glow, a sword began to be created in her hand. First, its handle was created in Meduz's hand, and then a long blade was slowly mounted.

"Unfortunately I'm still not good at creating things like that, hehe." Meduz gave a small smile.

And taking advantage that Meduz's blade had not been ready, Isabell advanced towards her and swung her sword towards her neck.

Meduz did not move and remained still as she watched her blade being created slowly in front of her eyes. 

But seeming not to be distracted, when Isabell approached Meduz moved her eyes and looked directly at her. Then Isabell's sword was stopped by a black shield that appeared in less than a second.

After Isabell's sword crashed into that shield, that black shield turned into some sort of liquid that suddenly swallowed Isabell's sword along with her arm.

"What?" surprised by that, Isabell undid her sword and tried to pull her arm out of that "thing." 

But as if she was being held down by several people, Isabell couldn't get away from there. She was completely trapped.

Not despairing, Isabell kept trying to get loose.

"If I were you I wouldn't keep moving so much, if you keep moving he will swallow you whole." Already having her whole sword in her right hand, Meduz looked at Isabell who was caught in her magic.

"What is it? Why not let me out?" Isabell struggled even more, but instead of being able to get away, she felt that black "liquid" begin to advance further up her arm and reach her shoulder.

"He's my pet. His name is mofo."


"Yes, it's a long story. When I was in a world-"

"I don't want to hear about it, just ask this thing to let me go." Isabell began to pull on her arm with all her strength.

"If you do that, he will-"

But before Meduz could finish his warning, Isabell began to scream desperately.


"What is that? What is that?"


"You... What are you doing?" 

[ Isabell, are you okay? What's going on?! ]


'I don't know, it feels like my arm is burning.'

[ Try using your magic to get rid of it! ]

'I can't! It feels like it's swallowed my blessing, what is this thing? Mom! It hurts so much!'

[ I don't know, I've never seen it before ].

Noticing the desperation and concern in her mother's voice, Isabell starts to feel scared.

It was one of the first times she had ever felt so vulnerable.

"I told you not to move. It's okay Mofo, you can let her go, leave the rest to me."

With Meduz's orders, the black liquid called Mofo began to release Isabell's arm.

Or what was left of it.

Isabell's arm had been completely eroded, leaving only her bone and what little flesh and cartilage was left.

"Oh shit." Looking at her arm and noticing the state it was in, Isabell began to despair and began to cry.

"What is it? You've never seen an injury like this before?" Meduz walked towards Isabell and then stooped down in front of her.

Because of the pain and fear, Isabell had thrown herself to the ground as she tried to keep her corroded arm raised so it wouldn't come in contact with the earth.

"YOU BASTARD, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU." Using her other arm to stand up, Isabell again activated her blessing. 

"Can you heal this?"

And after the glow in Isabell's body increased, Meduz began to notice Isabell's arm slowly being rebuilt. With tears in her eyes, Isabell stared at Meduz and then bent down, placing her hand on the ground.

After she touched the ground, a pillar of light rose.

"Hey, that's dangerous." After Isabell's magic appeared, Meduz jumped away when she noticed that the skin on her body began to burn with the appearance of that magic. Meduz's hair seemed to be reacting to Isabell's magic and was swaying non-stop.

Meduz put a serious look on his face and then tightened the grip of his sword.

"Looks like I have to kill you soon or you'll end up hitting me with it. I'm sure I'll die if I get hit with that there." She pointed her sword at the pillar of light created by Isabell.

"You're going to die here!" Ignoring what Meduz had said, Isabell looked at her and then prepared to activate her magic to hit her.

"Unfortunately that magic is not fast enough." But feeling her neck burn, Isabell realized that Meduz was already behind her with her black sword leaning against her neck.

"What?" surprised by Meduz's movement, Isabell's magic disappeared and she used her blessing to push Meduz away.

'If I didn't have that cloth on my neck it would have been cut just by her putting her sword against it.'

Isabell put her hand on her neck and noticed that the cloth of the mask that was also around her neck had been cut.

"You're annoying, you just burned me."

Isabell looked at Meduz and noticed that the girl's hand that was holding the sword had turned completely black.

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