A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 253 - 252 - Your Soul Is Being Devoured.

[ Meduz, what are you doing? ]

As Mofo came out of her hand and descended toward the hole, Meduz suddenly heard her master's voice in her head.

Stopping Mofo, she answered him.

"What is it, master?"

[ I am asking what you are doing. Your work is finished, see to it that you go back to Beastled. ]

"Do I need to go back now? I can't leave this girl's body like this."

[ Why not? ]

"Didn't you see the blessing she's using? She's a direct subordinate of your sister, I'm sure of it." Meduz said with conviction.

[ Hmm... Maybe. But my sister is not someone who has subordinates to utilize, she prefers to be alone for some reason I can't understand. ]

"You've told me about this before."

[ So you don't have to worry, she's probably a girl who works for the church or something, just ignore her. ]

"I still think we should get rid of her. If she's a subordinate of the goddess, she'll be able to come back like me. If I died, you could bring me back to life, right?"

[ If I wanted to do that, it would be possible ].

"What do you mean "if I wanted to"?! But whatever, let's not argue about it now."

[ ... ]

"And that's the reason I want to get rid of her body. If I do this she can't revive."

[ It's not that simple. If she is a subordinate of my sister, my sister can create another body for her, it wouldn't make any difference if you get rid of her body. ]

"Not if I use Mofo."

[ Mofo? Do you mean that thing you found lost inside that filthy cave? ]

"Don't say that, Mofo has feelings too."

[ Haa~~ All right, explain more about it ]

"It's quite simple. The Mofo will eat this girl's entire existence, including her soul. So she won't be able to revive even if her sister does everything she can to make it happen."

[ This ugly monster can eat a person's soul? I've never heard about that before. ]

"He said it can do that, but I've never tested it."

[ So it's just a bet... ]

"I trust him, so don't worry."

[ Right, but make sure you do it fast so you can get back to Beastled. I don't want you to stay here for too long, my sister might try to do something. She certainly knows you're here. ]

"It's kind of obvious that she knows I'm here. This is her world."

[ All right, then do everything quickly ]


Meduz motioned for Mofo to continue and it continued coming out of his hand until he had covered the entire hole. It was a very large amount of "Liquid".

"You are amazing, Mofo. I don't understand how you can hide inside me."

"It's a skill I have."


"That thing spoke, that black liquid spoke!" Isadora who was watching the whole unfolding of that conversation began to be terrified when she saw a small mouth appearing in the middle of that black liquid.

"What do you mean? I can't see it!"

"That liquid that corroded your arm, it created a mouth and started talking. It's completely strange and terrifying."

"Is that serious?"

"Yes, it is serious."

"I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT IT!" Isabell from a jump and hit Isadora on the head with a slap.



"Oh, I paid attention to that too. And we are definitely in trouble." 

"By talking like that you don't even sound like you care."

"I don't sound like I'm worried?" Isadora turned to look at Isabell. 

Isadora had a serious face and was clenching her fists. Isabell also noticed that she was biting her lips, perhaps because of nervousness.

"I will have to call my subordinate, we can't leave that girl alone."

"What did you see and hear?"

"She started talking about eating your entire existence, including your soul. She doesn't know that you are my daughter, but she thinks you are a subordinate of mine."

"I see. Eating my entire existence..."

"Yes, if your soul disappears..."

"I won't be able to come back to life anymore."


Isadora approached Isabell and then hugged her.

"But don't worry, it seems that monster has never done that before, maybe he can't eat his existence as that girl talked about."


"Still I am very worried, so we have to stop her. Your body has already been eroded, but it seems that to devour your soul will take a few hours. That's what she said."

"Got it. Can't you create another body and allocate my soul to it? Then she won't be able to do anything."

"Do you want me to try to do that? I'll create another body and put you in my world again."

"Sure, that would be great."

"I can only place you near the capital of Southlein, so take care to hide when you show up again. I will contact my subordinate so he can help you."


"It's my decision! You won't be able to do anything by yourself, so let him help you."

"Okay... All right."

"Now I'll create a new body for you. Do you want any modifications? Or should I keep the same body?"

"Make the same body."


Within seconds, a new body identical to the one Isabell was using appeared floating in front of her completely unclothed. Seeing this Isabell began to feel a little embarrassed and worried.

"Are you going to revive me without clothes?"

"Don't worry, I will give you clothes."


"Now get ready. When you arrive in my world again, try to hide and stay out of sight of that demon girl until my subordinate arrives."


"By my calculations, it may take him a few hours before he reaches Southlein."

"You can't teleport him to Southlein?"

"No. I am already reviving you at the moment, my magic is a bit limited in this kind of situation. It will be a few hours before I can bring him to Southlein."

"Got it."

"Now get ready. I will talk to you as soon as you get there."


After that, Isabell closed her eyes and her body began to glow. 

Within seconds, she felt her body float, and soon after she felt a large amount of wind hitting her body.

"That was fast..." She looked around and noticed that she was on the side of the wall of the capital Southlein.



"What is it, Mofo?"

"Looks like that girl has already revived."

"What? So fast?"

"But don't worry, I can still keep eating her soul."

"Even if she's already in another body?"

"This body is still connected to her soul, so it won't be a big problem. But it would be nice if you brought her here."

"All right, I'll go after her."

"She's not far away. Try to bring her here alive."



[ It seems that they already found out that you revived, that girl is going after you. ]

"Really? That was fast."

[ And it looks like it didn't do much good to create a new body, apparently it can keep eating your soul even if you're in another body. ]

"How is that possible?"

[ I don't know either ]

"Damn, isn't that dangerous? What if he manages to eat my soul before your subordinate arrives?"

[ No, I'm sure there'll be time. For now, just keep hiding from that demon girl. Don't activate your blessing so she can't detect you. ]


[ She doesn't have search magic, so if you hide well she won't be able to find you. ]

"All right, I got it."

[ ... ]


Meduz ran out of the cave and then started running through the forest in search of Isabell.

And meanwhile, Isabell was hiding on the opposite side of the capital. She had used earth magic to dig up the ground and then created a sort of temporary "House" under the ground.

After closing the entrance to her new 'home' she sat down on the ground then took a deep breath.

'Damn, this is dangerous. I feel like there's something wrong with my body.' Isabell looked at her fingers and began to notice that the tips of her fingers had started to turn white, it was as if the blood circulation had not been getting there.

But since it wasn't hurting, she was quite calm.

And so two hours passed.

Outside it was already starting to get dark, showing that it was time for dinner.

Isabell didn't know that it was getting dark, and she didn't even care about that.

She was paying attention only to her hands that were completely white at the moment. She had lost all movement of her hands.

[ How are you feeling? ]

"I don't feel pain and I don't feel like I'm dying. But not being able to move my hands does bother me a little."

[ I understand, stay calm and I'll contact my subordinate. And that girl has also given up looking for you. I'm sure everything will be fine. ]

"I see."

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