A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 262 - 261 - The Childish Appearance Has Returned.

After finishing breakfast, Noah left the house to take a walk around the village and also to visit Ciaphia. As soon as he left, some of the villagers started to approach him.

Some would ask about where Noah had gone, but he would just tell some little lie and then walk away.

And other people also approached just to see how Noah was doing.

'I think I'm going to go to Ciaphia's house now.' Noah kept getting stopped by some residents, so it took him some time to get there. 

When he got there, he knocked on the door a few times and the door opened.

Taciane opened the door, looked at Noah, and then closed the door again.

'?' Not understanding anything, Noah was silent and then knocked on the door again. This time, it was Ciaphia who opened the door.

"What happened? Why did she close the door in my face?" Noah asked confusedly to Ciaphia.

"I don't know. She closed the door and went to my room to call me. Maybe she thinks I should answer the door you because I'm your girlfriend?"

"Maybe... But it's still weird."

"Hahaha, aren't you coming in?" Ciaphia opened the door further and then Noah entered inside the house. After closing the door, Ciaphia approached Noah and held his hand.

"Let's go to my room, I have something to talk to you about." She looked at Noah and began to pull him into her room. After they entered, she locked her bedroom door and turned to look at Noah.

"What is it?"

"I want you to start telling me what happened. Do you remember that you had promised me that you would tell me what was going on before you ran away from dinner?"

"I didn't run away, it was necessary."

"It doesn't matter. Then what happened?"

"Haaa~~ Do you want to know? Maybe it's not an interesting story."

"There's no way it's not an interesting story. You suddenly disappeared, surely something is amazing behind it."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it's not something that incredible."

"Never mind, tell me what happened."

Noah stared at Ciaphia for a while and then sighed.

"Okay, I'll tell you what happened, but promise me you won't tell anyone about it."

"Sure, you can trust me." Ciaphia puffed out her chest. Then she went to her bed and sat down. After that, she tapped the mattress next to her signaling Noah to sit with her.

Noah came over and sat down next to her, then he began to tell the same story he had told his mother.

"So you went to help a friend. Is she really your friend? You risked so much for her." Ciaphia pouted and turned her face away. Noah just acted like it didn't matter.

"Stop pretending you're jealous, you know it's nothing like that."

"I'm not pretending..."

"... You just get jealous of Lari, I know you don't get jealous of someone else so easily."

"That's not true."

"Okay, okay..."

"I'm serious, I get jealous of you all the time."

"Huh, what a possessive girlfriend I have."

"Don't say something like that."

"I'm just kidding.

"All right, let's forget about this jealousy thing, I want to know more about that teleportation magic you talked about. Can you teleport anywhere?"

"I don't know if I can teleport anywhere."

"I understand, but it's still amazing. You were able to teleport directly to the capital, that's so INCREDIBLE!" Ciaphia said with her eyes shining.

"Hey, show me this magic! And if you can teach me I'd appreciate it too!" She said excitedly as she took both of Noah's hands.

"I can show you, but teaching you would be a little complicated."

"Why, is it that hard?"

"It's practically impossible for me to teach it to anyone."

'Not least because I am not the person who owns that magic, but Isadora.' Noah smiled bitterly.

"What a shame... I wanted to learn how to teleport. I could visit my village at any time, and I could also visit other countries that I've always had the dream to visit, like the country of the dwarves."

"I'm sure they wouldn't let you into the country. They would think you are a giant who would step on them or something."

"Stop bullying your girlfriend."

"Right, right."

"But now taking advantage of the fact that you visited the capital, tell me how things are going there. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything is fine..."

After that Noah started telling all about his little adventure in the capital. Ciaphia seemed very excited listening to everything Noah was talking about.

Mainly because now she was sure that the country was fine and was recovering.


"Okay, I think I'll go back now. Visit me tonight and I'll show you the magic."

"Sure, can I take Taciane and Eli too? I was wondering if I should let them know about your magic and what you told me."

"I think it's better not, the fewer people know about it, the better."

"I don't like to keep things from both of them, but if that's what you want, that's fine." Ciaphia smiled and then got up from her bed. Next, Noah also got up and looked into Ciaphia's eyes.

"A kiss before I go home?" Noah said with a small innocent smile on his face.

"But didn't you say we shouldn't keep doing that before you become an adult?"

"You already kissed me in front of everyone, I have no reason to not do that anymore."

"Don't remind me of that, I almost died of embarrassment after I came home."


After Noah laughed, Ciaphia bent down a little and then kissed Noah on his lips.

"Sometimes I feel weird having to bend down to kiss you. I feel like I'm doing something immoral."

"Why are you thinking something like this? Well, in a way you're not kissing an adult, some people would consider that wrong."

"You're right... But I'm sure you'll grow up a lot yet and that feeling of doing something immoral will go away."

"I hope so too. I should be taller by now, I feel like I'm not evolving my body enough."

"You look fine to me, look at those muscles." Ciaphia began to stroke Noah's muscles while keeping a smile on her face.

Noah didn't say anything, he just watched her.

After she stopped stroking him, Noah turned to leave the bedroom.

"I'll walk you to the door." Ciaphia followed Noah and also left the room.

Once the two reached the living room, Taciane and Eli were sitting on the couch as they talked. When they saw Noah and Ciaphia, Taciane put a smile on her face.

"What were you guys doing locked in the room?" Hearing that, Ciaphia's face turned red.

"We weren't doing anything, we were just talking."

"Yes, I believe..."

"It's the truth... Stop thinking strange things, Noah isn't old enough for that kind of thing yet."

"..." Taciane gave another big smile and then looked at Eli. 

"Ah, all right. Let's go, Noah." Ciaphia took Noah's hand and then left the house.

"I'm sorry about what happened, sometimes Taciane can't control herself and says these weird things."

"No problem. It wasn't weird at all, since a girlfriend and a boyfriend locked inside a room usually have sex."


"Now I need to go, I'll wait for you during the night."

"Ah... Right, I'll be there." Hiding her embarrassment, Ciaphia replies while waving to Noah.


After she was painfully killed, Meduz found herself in a nostalgic bedroom.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, THAT MOTHERFUCKER!" And after realizing that she had been killed, Meduz screamed fiercely as she punched the black wall made of stone in her room.

[ Calm down, Meduz. Come over here, I have to talk to you about what happened. ]

"What is it now? Are you going to punish me for dying and losing for battle?" Meduz clenched her teeth as she looked into the mirror inside her room that was in Hades' castle.

[ Don't worry, I'm not going to punish you. I just want to talk about what to do from now on. ]

"Okay, I'm coming. I need to get ready a little first."

[ All right, but do it quickly ]


Meduz continued to look in the mirror and stare at her childish appearance that had returned.

'Damn, I looked so pretty before. Tsk.' Meduz clicked her tongue and then went to her large closet. After that, she changed her clothes and put on a rather sexy outfit despite her childish appearance.

Then she opened the heavy door of her room with ease and started walking down the dark hallway while being stared at by some servants.

'I hate it when they stare at me like that. Could you guys stop doing something like that?' Meduz looked at each of them and tried to threaten them, but they didn't seem to notice her threat and kept staring at her.

So Meduz chose to ignore them and went straight to the Hades meeting room.

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