A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 267 - 266 - They Are Stronger Than Ordinary Animals.

"Isn't she a normal person? The guards said something like that a little while ago."

"Then you should have thought again before you brought her into the house."

"Mom, don't talk like that."

"Haaaa~~ Hey, little girl, what are you doing here?" Maukil's mother looked at Meduz and waited for an answer.

Then Meduz let go of Maukil's hand and sighed.

"I'm not a child like Maukil is thinking, I'm already older than all of you. And about me needing help, it's true. I'm lost, that's not a lie."

"I could already imagine that you were not a child, but it is a bit shocking to know that you are so old looking like that."

"Don't worry, I'll change."

"Whatever... But I still can't believe you're lost. Are you by any chance not from this country?"

"Exactly, when I arrived here I went up the mountain hoping to find a town, but found nothing but snow and cold, so I decided to go down. That's where Maukil and Drog found me."

"I see. Okay, I've made up my mind."

"What are you going to do, Mom? Don't think about doing anything strange or that will harm Meduz. So far she hasn't done anything, I trust her."

"Don't worry, I'll prepare a map for her. After that, promise you'll leave."

"Sure, I will do that."

"Mom!" Hearing this Maukil approached his mother and tried to talk to her, but his mother ignored him and the one who called him was Meduz.

He seemed a little irritated, so Meduz tried to calm him down.

"Don't worry, it wasn't in my plans to stay here for long."


"I told you not to worry, it's good that your mother will make the map for me because I don't trust you very much."

"How rude."


After another two hours, Maukil and Drog's father had also arrived home.

He was muscular, tall, and also quite handsome-looking.

'He looks like those gate guards.' Meduz thought as she analyzed his muscles.

Like Maukil's mother, the first thing he did was to ask why Meduz was there. Unlike his wife, he had heard about Meduz from other guards, but he could not imagine that she would be in his house.

And acting oppositely to his wife, he received Meduz very well.

And sometime later the map had been completed.

"All right, here it is. If you want to use the table to open the map, I wouldn't mind."

"I don't have to. So I guess I'll leave."


"Wait, you're going already? It'll be dark soon, I'm sure you won't be able to stand the cold." Maukil said worriedly.

Then his father approached Meduz and bent down, looking at her.

"Don't worry about what my wife says, she's a bit temperamental sometimes. You can stay here until tomorrow morning, after that you can leave."


"I wouldn't feel right about letting you leave now."

"It's still the afternoon, it will be a long time before it gets dark..." Meduz smiled bitterly at the two of them.

"Pfft~~" Drog who was standing next to them let out a laugh when that happened, and Maukil and his father were at a loss as to how to respond.

They just wanted Meduz to stay longer.

"Let's stop this, you can leave now. And try not to come back, all right? I'm sure you'll be a problem if you stay here." Maukil's mother said coldly as she looked at Meduz.

'This woman didn't like me, maybe she has some trauma with demons? Whatever...'

"Okay, I will leave now." Meduz smiled and then walked to the front door accompanied by Maukil.

"Thanks for the coat, it will be a great help."

"No problem. Be careful with the mountain, it is a bit dangerous. Unfortunately, I can't accompany you, my mother would be very angry."

"Don't worry, see ya."

"See ya."

Meduz walked through the ogre village while being watched, but she just put on the hood of her coat and kept walking.

Arriving at the gate, the same guards who welcomed her were also the ones who opened the gate for her to leave. The guard who liked to her was quite upset at her departure.

The other, on the other hand, seemed somewhat relieved.

'Maybe they think that demons bring bad luck? Or maybe they are just afraid of me? I thought that in this world everyone was much stronger than normal and wouldn't be intimidated by me.'


After leaving the village with the map in hand, Meduz looked around and saw nothing but snow.

"I guess I'd better go down the mountain again." She said a little discouraged.

She then began to walk and descend the mountain. Since she had done the same thing before, she did it faster. After a few hours, she had already reached the place she was before.

"Okay, I can camp here again. I'll take this opportunity to look at the map." Meduz again gathered some branches and made a fire.

After that, she sat down and then opened the map.

Because of the wind, she took some stones and placed them to hold the map.

"Okay, let's see." Starting to analyze the map, she realized that this world was even smaller than the world she was in before. There were only two countries in the entire world, and that was surprising.

"This is the first time I've seen a world with only two countries. But in compensation, each country has thousands of cities."

One of the countries was called Leerich and the other was called Risrid.

Maukil's mother had made some notes right next to it.

Leerich was the country of human civilization, and putting all the cities together had an estimated population of over 50 million people.

"That amount is absurd!" Meduz exclaimed in surprise.

But with the number of cities that existed in Leerich, she saw that it was a plausible number.

"Now about Risrid, it seems to be a country of distinct races."

Mountain Ogres, Werewolves, Beastmens, fairies, elves, dark elves, robits, witches, and many different races.

All kinds of races mixed in just one country with an even larger amount of cities and towns.

Of course, on the map, not all the cities were drawn, only the capital of each of the two countries.

The other cities were just listed right off to the side in the corner of the map.

"There are so many cities and races, very different from that other world...Plus it seems to have a location of only monsters and demons. From the danger sign she put up here, it does seem to be a dangerous place..."

Demonhil. It's not a country or city, just a region on the map that was away from the other two countries.

"Maybe I have to go there if I want to kill demons to evolve my skills, is that it? Or maybe I should visit Risrid first?


After reading the map for a while, Meduz felt tired and lay down on the floor to sleep.

It was a peaceful sleep and she woke up the next day with a cold breeze hitting her body.

"It seems to be colder than yesterday." Meduz thought as she remained drowsy.

"Okay, now I need to walk. But first I need to eat something, I'm starving." Meduz felt her stomach rumbling.

After putting out the fire, she got ready to go after food.

Since it would not be easy to find something on top of the mountain, she wanted to go down to go towards the same forest she saw before. There she would have an easier time finding a wild animal to serve as food.

"Master, I wonder if you could change my appearance now. I'm in a hurry, and with this body, my speed is very low."

[ Are you sure? ]

"Yes, do that."

[ Right. ]

After that, Meduz began to go through the same process of change that happened when she arrived in the previous world. In a short time, she had regained her teenage appearance.

"This is much better, but now I'm without clothes." Meduz's clothes had torn since she had suddenly grown up. Including the coat.

"Master, can you get me some clothes?"

[ I'll do that, but after that don't ask me for anything else, I'm taking care of some problems. ]

"Right, sorry for that."

Meduz received her clothes and then put them on. It was an outfit that emphasized her sexy body.

"Now I feel much better. It's time to run!" Putting strength into her legs, Meduz sped up and was down the mountain in just a few minutes. Leaving a trail of dust behind, she ran across the plains until she reached the forest.

"That was faster than I thought. It's good to be fast again." Meduz smiled and then entered the forest.

Looking for some wild animals, it didn't take long before she found a boar that was almost three meters tall and had a horn as sharp as a razor.

It was much bigger and its speed and strength were 5x greater than she was used to.

It was at this moment that she realized that this world was very dangerous.. Even wild animals are multiple times stronger than ordinary animals.

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