A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 269 - 268 - First Subjugation Mission.

After approaching the gate, Meduz was greeted by Gloria. Meduz showed her guild license and Gloria patiently registered Meduz's identity in some sort of city database.

After that was done, Meduz received his guild license again.

"Don't make any messes, understand? If I hear that you have done something strange, I will hunt you down myself."

"No need to threaten me, I won't do anything."

"That's good."

After this short dialogue, Meduz walked away from the gate and then went in search of a job in the guild to get some money.

It was nighttime and she didn't have any money to stay in an inn, so she wanted to get some money at least to get something to eat.

So she went back to the guild and went to the order board.

The guild was still open, but the number of people was low and the receptionists looked sleepy. 

"Maybe I should take a monster subjugation job? I don't know if people of my Rank can take those quests."

Doubtfully, Meduz approached the guild counter and spoke to the same receptionist who had done her license.

"Excuse me, can I take a subjugation mission? Or does my rank not allow it?"

"Ah, it's you again. You just signed up and already you want to take a subjugation mission? I think you'd better wait until morning."

"I can take a subjugation mission? Good..."

"You'd better listen to my advice. It's not a good idea for you to go out to subdue monsters at night, the city walls are made of iron for a reason." The receptionist put a serious look on her face.

Meduz stared at her for a while and then sighed.

"All right, do you have any job I can do inside the city? I just got here and I'm out of money."

"A mission you can do? Let's see." The woman stepped out from behind the counter and walked over to the guild order board. She placed her hand on her chin and began to search for some mission.

After less than two minutes, the woman's eyes widened.

"Here, I found it. What do you think of it? It's a good mission and gives a good reward."

The woman handed the request to Meduz with a smile.

It was a simple mission. Help with the cleaning of a new establishment that will be opening.

"Is it a good reward? I don't know the value of money here."

"Hmm, are you from another country? Each country has its currency, so it's understandable."

"That's right."

"Well, then let me explain it to you. That's a good reward because it's 1 silver coin."


"One silver coin is 100 copper coins, and each copper coin is 100 small copper coins."

"There are no small iron coins?"

"No, and I don't know the reason. It would make sense, wouldn't it?"

"But let me continue. With 100 silver coins, you get one large silver coin, and with 100 large silver coins, you get one small gold coin. And with 100 gold small coins you get one gold coin, understand?"

"And big gold coins?"

"I've never heard about this."

"I see. But since it's a good reward, I'll take it."


'But since coins here work in this standard way, how is money called and treated in the country of humans?'

Excited, the receptionist returned to the counter and registered Meduz's mission. Then Meduz said goodbye and went to the address where the new establishment was to be opened.

When she got there she realized why the reward was so high.


"I'm tired... It's been a while since I've felt that way." Finishing her mission, Meduz walked down the main street to go to the adventurer's guild.

Even with his speed, the job took hours to get done.

There was no one on the street and it was almost dawn again.

To make matters worse, when Meduz arrived at the guild it was already closed.

"I can't believe it... Why is everything going wrong?" Meduz sat on the sidewalk feeling dejected.

'I haven't slept in two days, I should get some sleep.' Leaning her back against the door of the adventurers guild, Meduz closed her eyes and ended up falling asleep for a short time.

Only one hour later the guild door was opened.

"Ouch~~" Meduz fell backward and hit her head on the floor. She then opened her eyes and looked up. 

"Did you sleep out here?" The first thing Meduz saw was an old dog man looking at her.

"Ah, ~~ Excuse me." Getting up quickly, Meduz stood back and then looked at the man.

"Hohoho, no need to be scared, come in."

"What time is it?"

"Five o'clock in the morning."

"I see. Is the guild going to open already?"

"Sure, we always open early. You don't happen to live here?"

"No, I came from another country."

"I understand. But don't be shy, come in and have some tea with me. The receptionists are almost here and the town is already starting to get bustling."

Meduz looked around and noticed some people setting up their tents and also opening their businesses.

"Okay, I will accept your invitation." Feeling a little chilly, Meduz decided to go inside for some tea.

It was a quiet and rather quick conversation. 

With a quick conversation, Meduz discovered that that man was none other than the master of this adventurer's guild. He was a beast-man and was already at a rather advanced age.

And even though Meduz asked for his name, the guild master refused to say it and asked her to call him "Phil".

But Meduz didn't insist on knowing his name, she started calling him Phil and he seemed quite happy.

Besides he didn't seem surprised at Meduz being of the demon race, unlike Gloria who had been a bit suspicious of his intentions.

Because of this and also because of Phil's way of talking, Meduz ended up liking him quite a bit.

But as the receptionists arrived and the adventurers started to come in, the guild master said goodbye and went up to the second floor. After saying goodbye to him, Meduz went to the counter and was one of the first to be attended to.

She completed the mission and then picked up her reward.

After collecting her reward, she didn't go on a new quest, she went after an inn so that she could stay in this city for a while.

And by asking for some tips, she managed to find an inn that was in an alley a little way from the gate. It was a small and simple inn, but it was very clean and cheerful.

Many guests were laughing happily in the hall of the inn. 

'I don't really like this kind of atmosphere, but it seems to be cheaper than usual here. I'll have to stay here anyway.'

Handing a silver coin to the hostess at the inn, Meduz got 20 days of lodging with a meal. Each day of lodging cost exactly 5 copper coins.

It was a low price, so Meduz was quite satisfied.


After finishing her lodging, Meduz went to her room and lay down.

Feeling extremely tired, she fell asleep as soon as she put her head against the pillow.

Waking up a few hours later, Meduz realized that it was already morning. She had spent the entire day sleeping. 

"Damn, I lost a whole day... But at least I got a lodging..." Meduz went to the bathroom in her room. Inside there was a sink with a faucet and also a new toothbrush for her to use.

"This inn has running water? Is it serious?" Meduz turned on the faucet and couldn't believe it. Such a noble thing in such a simple inn?

'Now I need to eat breakfast to get another mission. This time I will do a subjugation mission.' Meduz left the room and went to the first floor. She then sat down at one of the tables.

After waiting a little longer she was served by a waitress and had her breakfast.

After she had filled her belly, she went to the adventurers' guild and was met by the same receptionist. 

This time it was very early, so she managed to arrive before the subjugation quests end up.

And since it was morning, the receptionist didn't stop her from leaving.

'It seems that things only get dangerous at night. But I didn't see any dangerous monsters while running around the plains...' Meduz registered her subjugation mission and then left the guild.

Many adventurers looked at her since she had theoretically taken a mid-level quest and she was only a novice adventurer.

'They are strong and can't see that I am strong enough to kill ogres?' Meduz clicked her tongue and avoided arguing with all the adventurers who were looking at her.

She then went to the gate and left.

Before leaving she tried to talk to Gloria, but she was completely ignored.

'Whatever, I don't need to make friends here..' Meduz pouted and then go away.

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