A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 271 - 270 - I Lost Someone I Didn't Even Know.

The next day Noah got up and went to the bathroom.

After washing his face, he reached the living room and found his mother lying on the couch. When he approached her, he noticed that she was sleeping patiently.

"Should I wake her up?" He said softly but immediately shook his head.

"No, I must not wake her," After saying this he walked to the kitchen to see if he could find something to eat. Coffee wasn't on the table, so probably no one had made breakfast.

'The party last night must have left everyone with a migraine.' Noah smiled as he prepared some tea and then a bread stuffed with the leftover meat from the day before.

Of course, he warmed the meat first.

After doing so, he sat down at the table alone and ate his coffee slowly while his mother still slept on the couch.

'I wonder if everyone is still asleep. My father has probably already left for work, but what about Lari and Lisandra?' After finishing his coffee, he walked to Lari and Lisandra's room.

He looked in their room and saw them lying on their beds, still asleep.

'I should let them sleep.' Walking to the living room again, he found Emma now sitting on the couch.

"Did I wake you up?" 

"No, I just woke up. What is it? Are you hungry? If you want I'll prepare something for you."

"Don't worry, I already made something to eat, you can go back to rest."

"My head hurts, I think I drank too much yesterday." Emma put her hand on her head.

"You shouldn't drink so much, it can be bad for the baby in your belly."

"I already said I'm not pregnant."

"Are you sure? What were you talking about with Lisandra yesterday when we got here?"


Noah continued looking at his mother with a smile. He waited for a while for her to start telling him the "news" but she just stayed silent and then got up from the couch.

"I'm going to lie in bed, don't wake me up until the afternoon."

"Oh, sure..."

Unable to force his mother to speak, Noah just let her go.

"I'm sure she already knows."

But he didn't care, he put a big smile on his face already believing in Emma's pregnancy.


A few hours passed and the afternoon had arrived.

Noah had just finished his training together with Ciaphia, Taciane, and Eli.

The three of them also looked tired and had headaches because of the party, so Noah did not give them very heavy training. In addition, the training was shorter than usual.

"You shouldn't have drunk so much yesterday."

"I couldn't help it, I was too happy." Taciane bowed her head dejectedly.

"I drank what my sister gave me..." Hearing this Taciane felt even more guilty.

Ciaphia on the other hand was silent looking bothered by something.

"And you, do you remember what you did?"

"Sort of... Hehehehe..." With her face turning red, Ciaphia scratched her head.

"You put me through quite an embarrassment, can you imagine what my father will say? I can't even face him."

"I'm sorry...."

"He's sure to say "My son is amazing, he had two beautiful women fighting over him" Or something like that." Taciane scoffed and started laughing. 

Eli also started laughing.

"He's sure to say something like that..." And Noah couldn't deny that.

He looked at Ciaphia and then started laughing.

"Even though it was embarrassing, it was cute to see you arguing for me." 

Hearing this, Ciaphia felt her face heat up and her heart soar.

"That's unfair."


"That makes me want to kiss you."


"You guys can do that. Right, Eli?"

"We don't mind."


After a few minutes of resting at the training camp, Ciaphia, Taciane, and Eli went back to their homes to get ready for their afternoon snack and Noah also decided to go home to get something to eat.

'I should also take this opportunity to have a better talk with my mother. I just hope she doesn't ignore me again.'

Arriving home, Noah walked in and found his mother in the kitchen along with Dala.

Since she has no longer worked at Noah's house, Noah found her presence strange.

"Noah, you're home. Could you help me here? I need you to carry these boxes to storage."

When he noticed his presence, Emma immediately called him to help.

'Sure.' And Noah stepped up to help.

On the kitchen floor, several boxes were full of meat, vegetables, and fruit.

"Where did all this come from?"

"It  is from the purchase we made."

"Why did you ask the merchant to put everything straight into storage?"

"Stop asking questions and get a box, Dala is not strong enough to carry them."

"That's not something you should be making your 13-year-old son do."

"Stop talking nonsense and just do it."

"And why don't you do? You don't want to pick up heavy stuff by any chance?" Noah smiled and looked at Emma's belly.

After he did that his mother made an annoyed face and a flame appeared in her hand.

"Go soon or I'll burn you alive."

"Ahaha, okay..."

Without saying anything else, Noah picked up one of the five boxes that were on the floor and then took it to the storage that was in his house. It was a not very big room that was refrigerated and where the meats and vegetables were kept so they wouldn't spoil.

After he finished taking all the boxes, Noah returned to the kitchen.

"And you, Dala, are you working here again?"

"Oh, your mother told me to work here again for the time being."

"But hadn't you started farming too?"

"Ahaha, I couldn't adapt. Clachel adapted well, but I simply can't plant something without making a mess."

"I see."


"What?" Dala questioned after continuing to be stared at by Noah.

"Didn't my mother ask you for help for another reason?" He asked suspiciously.

".... No?"

"You took too long to answer, surely that's it!"

"What?" Dala began to sweat as she tried to deflect the conversation.

"Hey Noah, stop tormenting Dala." And Emma who was sitting in the room shouted that and signaled for him to come closer.

"I already said I'm not pregnant, could you stop that?'

"If you're not pregnant, why are you avoiding picking up heavy things? And why did you talk to Lisandra about it? And why did you ask Dala for help if you already have Lari?"

"You're pretty annoying when you want to be, aren't you? Haaa~~ All right, let me tell you. I do believe I'm pregnant, but I'm not sure."

"I'm sure you are."

"Yes, yes. I talked to Lisandra about it and asked her to keep it a secret from your father and the others. And about me not wanting to take heavy stuff, it's just that I'm preventing myself. If I am pregnant, I need to be careful."

"I understand... But soon your belly will start growing, just wait a few months."



And so four months passed.

In her third month of pregnancy Emma's belly had already grown a little, making her sure that she was pregnant.

When Lucio found out about her pregnancy, he almost fainted from shock and soon after began to cry with happiness.

Of course, Emma also cried beside him, along with Lari and also Sara and Rose who were very emotional.

And so, a big party was held to celebrate the arrival of Emma's new son (or daughter ).

Not only her, but all the women who were pregnant had their moments of happiness.

And like everyone else, Noah was very happy and excited.

The arrival of a new brother or sister would probably change his life.


Noah was sitting just below the roof of his house on a bench next to Ciaphia.

"How are you feeling?" Ciaphia held Noah's.

"I'm not feeling very well. You surely know what it feels like to lose someone important."

"Yes." Ciaphia's hand squeezed Noah's hand even tighter and she bit her lips.

Watching the blank expression and the tears welling up in Noah's eyes, Ciaphia felt a heartache.

She hugged Noah tightly as her body trembled, showing that she was crying.

"It's going to be okay, okay? I'm here with you, I'm sure you'll get through this."

"..." Surprised, Noah was silent.

But soon after, tears began to well up in his eyes.

"Waaaa~~ I was so happy, why? I never thought I would cry and feel like this, why am I feeling like this for someone I haven't even met?"

"It's okay, it's okay."

"Ciaphia, please hold me as tight as you can."

"Yes, I will. You can cry, I will be here with you."

"Waaaa... why, goddess?"

"It's okay, I'm here with you...."

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