A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 274 - 272 - I'll Try To Convince Her.

After eating breakfast together with Ciaphia, they left the house for a short walk.

The two walked around the village until they approached the village plantation, where Rose, Rieli, and Clachel were working.

"What are you guys doing here? Have you decided to help?" Rose stopped tinkering with the earth and approached the two. 

"No, we were just walking around a bit."

"I see..." Rose had a strange smile on her face as she glanced between Noah and Ciaphia.

"What is it?"

"It's nothing, it's about the party yesterday. I remember very well what Ciaphia was saying, and since you, two are together first thing this morning..."

Hearing this, Ciaphia's face turned red and she began to despair.

"No, we don't...." Ciaphia bit her tongue and couldn't explain herself, so Noah had to tell Rose what had happened.

Ciaphia had gotten very drunk and had slept over at his house, that's all, the two of them hadn't done anything and were too young for that kind of thing.

"I understand... But I'm still suspicious." Rose began to laugh and then went back to work. Rieli and Clachel were listening to everything, they seemed to be enjoying themselves.

"Shall we go? We should call Taciane and Eli so we should train." 

"You finally decided to go back to training?"

"Standing still is no good. And I must also get stronger and stronger."

"I don't understand this urge you have to get stronger and stronger."



Arriving home, Rose found her mother sitting on the couch looking a bit despondent.

"What happened, Mom?" Rose took off her dirty shoes and then walked to the kitchen while talking to Sara.

"It's nothing, I'm just bored."

"I guess I can understand that, you stay home and do nothing."


"That's right, what do you think about coming to work with us in the garden? Or maybe you should look for some work around the village. You won't get bored if you do that. I can talk to Lucio."

"No need... It's just that I miss my inn, you know?"

"Hm, I understand... We've been here a long time, haven't we? It's almost like we moved here. Wait, we didn't move?"

"We were supposed to just stay here until the attack on the capital was over, but we've been here longer than we should have."

"Emma and Lucio don't bother with us, so we end up staying..."

"Yeah..." Sara sighed again.

Rose walked over and sat down on the couch even though she was in her clothes dirty.

"What do you say we head back to the capital? I think it's time." 

"You don't like it here?"

"I do, but I'd rather live in a big city. And I just can't stand working planting stuff and tinkering with dirt anymore."

"Ahahahaha, I figured. You've never been the kind of girl who likes to mess with dirty things."

"If you want to leave, I can let everyone know. Everyone is probably homesick. Except for Ciaphia, she'll probably want to stay together with Noah."

"Oh, sure..."

The two began to laugh.

Then Rose got up from the couch.

"Okay, I'll go take a shower, and then I'll talk to everyone about it, all right? Of course, I'll also talk to Emma and Lucio."

"All right, thanks..."


After taking a shower and getting ready, Rose left the house and went to Dala and Clachel's house to talk to the two. It was already evening, so everyone's work had been finished and they were all home.

As soon as she arrived, she was greeted by mother and daughter.

"So, I would like to talk to you about my mother."

"What happened? Is she okay?" Dala looked worried, so Rose calmed her down.

"Nothing happened to her, don't worry."


"It's about something else. My mother seems very despondent these days, I talked to her and she said she was missing home and her inn."

"Oh, I can understand that. I'm also missing working at the guild master's mansion and also my friends I had in the capital." Clachel shook her head in agreement.

"I understand. I came here to talk to you about it. Don't you guys want to go back home? We've been here a long time. The war is over and the capital is already back to normal."

"Leave? What do you think, Clachel?"

"If I had to say, I would say we should leave. We've been here too long, and I'm also really homesick."

"I see, so I think it's time for us to leave. Have you talked to Emma and Lucio about it?"

"No, I'll talk to Rieli, Taciane, Eli, and Ciaphia first. Then we'll talk to Lucio and Emma so they can get us some carriages."

"I understand. When everything is decided let me know."

"Sure, I will do that. Now I will go talk to Rieli and the others."

"All right."

After leaving Dala and Clachel's house, Rose visited Rieli and talked to her about this decision. Rieli accepted everything.

She seemed to be missing her father very much and also her work in the adventurer's guild, as did Rose.

So with that, only Taciane, Eli, and Ciaphia were missing.

Rose went to the house the three were staying at and knocked a few times on the door.

She was greeted by Taciane who invited her in.

When Rose entered, she found Eli, Ciaphia, and also Noah sitting at the dining table.

'Noah? I didn't think he would be here. I think he came to have dinner.' Nervous, Rose almost left, but Taciane wouldn't let her leave.

"Come on, sit down and eat with us. What's wrong? It's rare that you visit us." 

Rose was dragged to the table and sat down together with everyone. Taciane took a plate and started putting food on it for Rose as well.

"No need, I'm going home for dinner, I just came here to talk to you guys about something." Rose tried to avoid this, but Taciane continued filling her plate with food.

"Don't be shy, eat. And it's also better to talk while we eat, isn't it?" 

"All right..."

With her plate full, the table was silent.

"So, what's it?" Since Rose wasn't saying anything, Taciane started the conversation.

"It's about our stay in the village..."

Hearing this, Noah looked at Rose looking surprised. The other girls also seemed to already know what the conversation was about.

"My mother is homesick and I was thinking of going back to the capital. I also talked to Dala, Clachel, and Rieli and they are willing to go back to the capital. So I came to talk to you guys to see if you would also like to come back."

After saying everything, Rose took a deep breath trying to calm herself down, and then put a fork with food in her mouth.

Noah looked at her for a while and then looked at the three girls.

"It's okay if you guys want to go back, right?" He said it so that they wouldn't be afraid to speak. Maybe they would hold back because he is there.

"Well, I like it here, but I miss the capital and also school. I think classes should be back by now and I'd like to go back to school." Taciane said.

Eli next to her agreed with that statement.

"Yes, I miss school and also some friends I made in the capital. Besides, life here is very monotonous and a bit boring. I'm sorry about that, Noah... But it's true."

"Don't worry, I don't find it a very fun place here either, hahaha." Noah began to laugh.

"I want to go back to the capital, but I also want to stay here because of Noah... What do I do?" it was Ciaphia's turn to speak.

She looked sad.

'Well, long-distance dating wouldn't be such a bad thing. You can come to visit me and I'll be back in the capital too in no time." Noah smiled, showing he wasn't bothered.

"Are you sure I can come back? You won't forget me, will you?"

"Who do you think I am? Don't be an idiot."


"You can come back, I know it's not a fun place to live. I like here because I'm used to it, I grew up here. So did all the other residents."

"We were all raised in small villages like this too, but if you've experienced living in a big city, coming back to a village is a little strange...." 

"I can understand you guys..." Noah thought for a while, crossed his arms, and shook his head.

"So you guys can go back if you want. If you want I can even talk to my mom about it. And since you are going back, surely Lisandra will want to go back to the capital, it will be sad to be here alone again."

"Why don't you ask your mother to go back to the capital?"

"I can try that, but she probably won't let me."

"Never mind, just try!" Ciaphia seemed excited about the possibility of Noah going to the capital along with everyone else.

"All right, I'll try to convince her to go along with you guys."

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