A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 279 - 278 - It's Time For Me To Move.

Noah said goodbye to his father who was standing near the gate and then left the village carrying some sandwiches and also an iron sword that he had gotten a year ago from his mother and father.

"This sword is getting pretty worn out, I need a new one." Noah took his sword from his waist and looked at it for a while.

Its blade was a little crooked and its cut was quite damaged.

"I should have sharpened it before I left. Well, what am I going to hunt today? Isadora, can you tell me what's interesting around here."

[ Don't you ever get tired of asking me for help? ]

"Well, it's nice to take advantage of the fact that you can see everything to ask for information. And you don't mind, do you? You've done this many times before."

[ Yes, I don't mind. What do you want? A fast enemy, a strong enemy, or maybe an enemy with a powerful defense? ]

"Do you have any enemies with all three characteristics?"

[ No. ]

"All right, then I want an enemy with a good defense. Today I'm in the mood to hit, and hit a lot."

[ Are you angry about something? ]

"No, I just want to cut something."

[ I see. Then enter the forest and follow my instructions, there's a golem waiting. ]

"A golem? So close to the village?"

[ He's not near the village, he's near the border ]

"That far away? Well, whatever."

Noah started running between the trees to cross the forest. On the way, he killed wild animals like rabbits, boars, and some wolves. Noah killed all of them and left them right there.

'When I am coming back I will take all these animals.' 


After crossing the forest, Noah stopped running for a moment and looked around. The big green field, the flowers, it was all quite nostalgic.

"Every time I come to this place I remember the day I died."

[ What a strange memory you keep ].

"Well, I died here, of course, I would remember. What would you do if you visited the place where you died? Surely you would remember your death."

[ I would get out of there as fast enough because it's a bad memory, I think I would do that. ]

"You're different from me then."

[ It seems so, now hurry up, the golem will cross the border ]

"Okay, I'm coming."

Noah ran towards the border of Southlein and Beastled where the golem was. He got there quickly. As soon as he got closer, he could see a huge stone golem walking in the distance.

"Isn't it strange that a golem-like that is here?"

[ It's not so strange. I've been watching the movement around here, and the golems are being created from the magic energy of the forest. ]

"Magical energy?"

[ Yes, didn't you know that was possible? ]

"I knew that golems were created with magic, but I didn't imagine that they were being created by the forest."

[ It's hard to believe, but it's true. Usually, they are born from the large rocks scattered around the forest or come out of caves. ]

"I see. Do you think I can prevent that from happening? It's dangerous to let golems be born near the village."

[ I don't think you can do anything. Even if you destroy the rocks, golems will be created from the trees, or maybe from the earth. ]

"I see. Well, as long as they don't hurt anyone in the village, they can keep being born."

Noah advanced toward the golem while holding his sword.

Moving closer in an instant, he put mana on his sword and then swung it towards the right leg of the large stone golem.

As his sword struck the golem's leg, the sword shook and then broke in half, throwing pieces of metal everywhere.

The golem noticed Noah's presence and looked down at where he was standing.

Noah looked down at his sword and then clicked his tongue.

"I knew this sword was in a horrible state, but I didn't imagine it would break like this."

[ I should have warned you before, but this golem is stronger than the others. His skin seems to be even tougher. ]

"I realized that. If it was another golem my sword would have cut it easily."

The golem had noticed Noah's presence, so it produced a strange sound that resembled a scream. The golem made the downward motion and with both hands together tried to hit Noah.

He had strength, but it was slow.

Because of this Noah easily dodged the golem's attack.

After his attack was avoided, the golem shouted again and then his eyes that were red shone even brighter.

After this happened he began to take steps towards Noah while creating a large stone sword in his hand. Pieces of his body were coming out to create the sword, and this made Noah quite frightened.

"That's the first time one golem did that. Isadora, isn't this getting dangerous?"

[ No, I'm sure you can beat this golem easily ].

"I know, but that's not what I'm talking about. The golems are getting smarter and more powerful, isn't that dangerous?"

[ I already told you it's no problem, nothing will happen ]

"I'll trust you."

Using fire magic, Noah created a ball of magma that flew towards the golem and hit the middle of its chest.

The sword creation was stopped and the golem fell to the ground with a large hole in his chest.

"Good thing his core is in the same place."

[ All golems have magic cores in their chests ].

"I see. All right, now I'm going to hunt some more before I go home. If a new golem appears let me know."

[ Right. ]


"You brought quite a lot today, isn't it heavy?"

"No, I came dragging the bodies, so I didn't get dirty."

"I see, I'll call the others to help."


Arriving outside the village, Noah was met by one of the guards. Noah was bringing some wild animals that were tied to a rope. He pulled the monsters through the forest until he reached the village.

It was a little difficult because of the roots and the trees, but he managed to get there quickly.

After the guard entered, he returned with some men and they helped Noah carry the bodies of the wolves, wild boars, and rabbits.

Many villagers greeted Noah and praised him again for the amount of food he had brought.

After delivering the animals, Noah returned to his home.

Arriving there he found his mother and also Lari. Lari had finished preparing lunch and his mother was sitting at the table reading some letters that she had received from the capital. 

"Are you back yet? How was it?"

When he came in, his mother stopped reading and greeted him. 

Noah sat down at the table along with her and began to tell her what had happened.

"I see, you found another one of those golems."

"Exactly, but now he was even stronger, it even scared me. Look what happened to my sword when I hit his body."

Noah pulled out what was left of his sword and showed his mother.

"Were you able to wound him?"

"No, I had to use magic to destroy him, my sword did not cause any injury to him."

"I see, that worries me. Previously these golems didn't appear, but now it has become frequent."


"Well, as long as they don't affect the safety of our village, I won't mind them."

"It's the right thing to do. If you keep worrying about them you will go crazy."

"Yes hahaha. Well, now let's change the subject. I received some letters from the capital and one of them came from the adventurers guild."

"And what does that have to do with me?"

"It's about your registration in the guild."

"But didn't you undo my registration?"

"Yes, I did it. But even though they took you out of the guild, your information is still there."

"They want me to come back?"

"Exactly. Now that you have turned 15, the guild master has sent a letter asking you to return to the guild since you were a very promising adventurer when you registered."

"I see. Is there some special reason behind it?'

"It doesn't seem to be the case. It just says here that he would like you to come back."

"I see... I go to the capital every week but I never visit the adventurers' guild. Do you think the master got angry with me?"

"I think that's hard to happen."

"Right. Well, I'll give this proposal some thought. What do you think I should do?"

"Do whatever you want, I won't stop you from going."

"What about you, Lari?"

"If I had to say, I'd like you to stay."

"Of course, hahaha."

Noah smiled and then became silent. After thinking a little more, he had already decided what to do.

"I think I've stayed here too long, it's time for me to move."

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