A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 43 - 43 - Giant Girl.

After walking down a long corridor, we arrived in a room with a large wooden door, Nita opened the door and then sent me in. It was a spacious room with many tables and chairs, that is, a classroom.

The first person I met when I entered the room, was Bertga, he was sitting in the first chair near the door. When he saw me, he smiled at me and I smiled back. Then I walked over to one of the chairs and sat down.

Not only was he in this room, but everyone else I had found interesting was also here, including Isabell.

Everyone was looking at me but her. They all seemed to want to say something but were silent, so I decided to say something to end the strange atmosphere that was inside the room.

"Pleasure, my name is Noah, I am 13 years old and I arrived in the capital not long ago. It's a pleasure to meet you all." I got up and introduced myself politely as there were many nobles in the room. But the only thing I received in response was laughs.

And as always, the only one who remained quiet was Isabell.

"It doesn't have to be so formal, I think you already know, but my name is Bertga Werdald, it's a pleasure to meet you too." Bertga held out his hand for me to hold and I did it, then the next one that approached was Vinly.

"My name is Vinly Nathdryt, nice to meet you." She didn't hold my hand like Bertga, she just bowed a little. What a polite girl, her smile was really beautiful, am I falling in love again?

Then everyone in the room started to introduce themselves, except Isabell, who remained seated without talking to anyone. A few minutes had passed and it seemed that everyone in the class had already become friends.

'So she didn't come to this room.' But I was missing someone. New students arrived, but Lisandra didn't show up, so she probably went to another classroom, it's a little sad, I wanted to be with her.

"Listen, what kind of magic can you use?" Bertga had chosen to sit next to me, and he couldn't change places now since all the seats had been taken.

"Hmm, can I use fire magic, I think?"

"Haa ~~ How jealous, I can only use wind magic, it is not very good for fighting."

"If you know how to use it, it can become a powerful weapon."

"Really? And how do you know that, don't tell me you can also use wind magic?"


".... I'm just kidding, or maybe you can use wind magic? Don't tell me that you can use two elements?" Unfortunately for your unhappiness, I can use almost any element.

"I really wanted to be such an efficient wizard... But I know this because of my mother, she is a wizard who uses wind magic, she was a very strong adventurer, did you know?" Of course, it was a lie


"I'm still jealous, my mom can't use magic, she just uses that fat ass to seduce anyone."

"Wait for a second, is that something anyone say about your own mother?"

"I'm just kidding, don't take me seriously ... And I think I better pay attention now." Bertga pointed his finger at the front of the room, where Nita was standing looking at us.

"Silence." With just one word, all the students who were talking before were silent. Nobody dared to say anything else, looking satisfied, Nita continued: "From today I will be your teacher, I will teach you magic, math and also help you with your writing and reading. Does anyone have any questions?"

Everyone remained silent.

"So that's it, go to the first floor and get your uniforms, you will also be notified when classes really start, now go home." She was as cold as a piece of ice, this woman seemed to have no emotion.

And was that just it? Did we come here for a minute of class? Really?

"Is that all? I thought we were going to learn something ..." Bertga said as he laid his head on the table a little sad.

"What the fuck, did we come here for no reason?" "Don't be like that, at least we'll have a beautiful teacher, will we?" Uniel looked a little annoyed while Aniel just cared about Nita's appearance.

Well, I can't fault it.

"What we have left is to leave ..." Elinas, who had not talk too much with us, got up and walked towards the exit.

When I looked at the table where Isabell was sitting, she had already disappeared, and in a short time the room was already empty, just me, Bertga, and Vinly were here, and seeing that it would not do much good to stay here, we also left.

"Listen, I have to look for my sister, you can move on, I'll meet you later."

"No problem, I'll meet you down there." Bertga smiled.

"Okay, see you later."

After the two left, I started walking through the school corridors after Lisandra, but it wouldn't be that easy. Many students continued to leave the rooms, so the corridor was full of people.

'Shit, this is being a little more difficult than I imagined.' It got to the point where I was having to squeeze between the wall and people to be able to walk down the hall, but after a while, the movement of people started to slow down, so I started walking faster.

I started to arrive in front of the door of the classrooms and look inside, because Lisandra could be in one of them, and as soon as I arrived in the last room of the main corridor.

Kya ~~

I could feel a soft impact on my body, followed by a small female scream, and when I realized, in front of me a girl who was almost twice my height was lying on the floor like a child.

This girl had long red hair, as well as red eyes, but the thing that most caught my attention was her huge bust. But I don't want to act like a pervert here, don't look at her boobs.

If I'm not mistaken this girl is called ... Ciapia?

"Ah, I'm sorry, your name is Ciapia, isn't it?" I reached out to her, and she held it, it's a funny scene. A girl almost twice my height being helped in this way.

"Thank you, and my name is Ciaphia ..." She wiped off some of her shirt that had gotten dirty as soon as it fell. Many people were laughing when she fell, but when Ciaphia looked at them, everyone who was laughing fled away.

Well, no matter how you look at her, this girl is definitely kind of a giant.

"Okay, sorry about that Ciaphia, I was looking for my sister... Ah, there she is." I looked behind Ciaphia and realized that Lisandra was still inside the room talking to some other girls.

When she saw me, Lisandra ran to the door.

"Noah, it's a shame that we didn't stay in the same classroom, is it?" Even though she say this she looked happy.

And I was so sad that I wasn't in the same room as you, I feel betrayed.

"No problem, it looks like you've found good friends, right?"

"Yea." She did look happy.

"So you are Lisandra's brother?"

"Yes, this is my little brother, Noah." Lisandra came to me and hugged me. Now did you start treating me like a child?

"So your younger brother acts more adult than you? How depressing ..." Ciaphia had a sarcastic smile on her face.

"Shut up, your gorilla."

"What did you say? I'm much more beautiful than you."

"Of course not, I'm a lot prettier, aren't I, Noah?"

"Obviously, I'm more beautiful, isn't it?"

The two started to pressure me. Ciaphia why are you acting childishly like Lisandra? Didn't you just say that I acted more adult than she did to provoke her?

Well, whatever. The important thing is that in such a short time they already seem to get along, it is good that Lisandra gets friends since there were not many girls of her age in the village.

After this little discussion, we went downstairs, I was next to Lisandra and Ciaphia was right behind us, she was looking like a guard protecting two nobles.

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