A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 60 - 59 - It All Again ...

"Hey wake up."

Listening to someone calling me, I regained my senses and woke up. But that voice was very familiar to me.

I opened my eyes and lifted my head, I was still a little confused, I looked drunk. But even though I was drunk, I started to realize that something was wrong.

'I came back.' As soon as I looked at the source of the voice, I noticed Cristian in front of me. My old companion who cheated on me is in front of me again, how was that possible?

"What is it, Lucian? You look a little nervous. " It was him, he was in front of me.

Wait, did I go back to my old world? Was that other life I lived all a dream? Could someone please explain to me what is going on?

But even though my mind was confused and angry with that man in front of me, I had to act like nothing was happening, I need to do this.

I need...

"It's nothing, how long have I been sleeping?" I got up from the chair and faced Cristian.

"Hmm, about an hour, you drank too much and ended up passing out. It's a good thing that you recover easily because we need to go on a mission. "

"I see, and what mission would that be?"

"Wait, did you accept the mission and don't remember? Is everything really okay? " Cristian had a smile on his face, he was acting like he always did, like before he cheated on me. It made me angry.

But in addition to being irritated, it was such a nostalgic feeling that I started to get a little emotional.

Seeing this guy smiling made me deeply angry, but he was still my companion who had been with me for years.

"Sorry, I think I drank too much."

"Don't worry, but the mission is." He started to explain to me what we would do, but with each word that came out of his mouth, the more restless I became.

It was the same mission.

Again we are going to the demonic continent, the same place where they killed me.

So I came back to prevent that from happening to me? Am I getting a chance to get rid of death? Maybe that goddess is doing this for me?

But what happened to me in that world I was in? Did I really die again and return to this world as if nothing has happened? This cannot be true, I built a life in that world, I don't want to lose it so easily.

I left Lisandra behind, my mother will be sad, Lari will never forgive me for leaving her that way, this cannot be happening.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Listening to Cristian's words, I put my hand on my face and noticed that tears were streaming down my cheeks.

"It's nothing, I just remembered a few things that happened." I smiled at Cristian as if there was nothing wrong happening and we walked outside. And there we found them.

Another S-RANK adventurer like me, Amadeus.

The same person who injected that thing into me so that everyone could attack me. He was standing there like he didn't do anything bad against me, he was smiling at me like I was his best friend.

That feeling is the worst I have felt in many years.

"So you woke up, I think it's time to go." Approaching Amadeus and my other companions, I didn't have the opportunity to talk to them, we just started walking.

Towards the same place where they killed me, the Kingdom of Desmon.

I was shaking, I was angry and I was also nervous that it could all happen again. And knowing what would happen, I could prevent my death ... But, do I really want to avoid it?

What is it that Isadora wants me to choose? She must have been sending me to the 'Past' with some purpose in mind.

I just have to make a choice, and I hope that I make the right choice.


I walked all the way and everything had been repeated.

The same conversations, the same events, everything was happening as the first time.

For some reason, I remembered everything clearly even though it happening so many years ago.

And the closer I got to the place of my death, the colder I started to feel. I was an old man and shivered like a child without a blanket at night, it was comical.

'I just need to be careful and avoid being distracted.' If I did that I would certainly get rid of death. But I still hadn't decided exactly what to do, my other life as Noah was still on my mind.

Having that life back was something that I really wanted, I had a very peaceful life together with that family.

"Lucian, are you okay?" Again I was called by Cristian.

"Yes, I am well." I smiled at him again as I hid all the anguish I was feeling with every step I took on the demonic continent.

We were already here, at the place of my death, coming back here is certainly a little uncomfortable and makes me extremely sad.

Not sad because of my death, but sad because it is the place where the friends I trusted the most betrayed me. And it probably would happen again.

'I certainly don't want to go through this again.' I have to do something to get rid of it.

I think I should do this.

'Do I really need to do something? Just let things go the way they did the first time.'

I don't know what to do, just say something.

"Listen, I'm not feeling well, could you guys continue this mission without me?"

Did I say that, will they accept that? Wait, but if I get rid of that death, my life as 'Noah' will disappear.

I don't want that to happen. My god, am I so confused, am I really an adult? I can't make a simple decision.

Wait, that decision is not a simple one.

They looked at me and smiled, and none of them asked why I wasn't feeling well. And nor did they accept that I was leaving.

Stopping to think a little more clearly, I also didn't want to leave. If I don't die here all the 13 years I've lived in that world will be useless.

And if I die, will I start over again? I really don't know what is going to happen.

I just continued to act like in my memories. Every step I took was the same as the last time, would I die that way again? But this is the best now, I shouldn't be here.

My life here in this world has ended a long time ago, I don't need to come back here and start living as if it were something normal.

'Alright, let's go.'

Everything was going as planned, I going to the same place as before.

They were all after me, I was pretending not to care about them.

I didn't ask the same question that I asked the first time, I just kept silent observing the environment that was the demonic continent. Even after so long, I can't get enough of how amazing this place is.

'I think the time has come.' Thinking that I turned around.

Again Amadeus was in front of me holding that big syringe with that same light blue liquid.

I smiled at him, leaving him a little surprised, but he didn't stop the movement of his hand and stuck that huge needle in me.

'Again this pain.'

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