A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 76 - 75 – She Is Cute.

Arriving at the principal's room,, I found Nita standing in front of his door. It was a lot of work to get here because of the number of students in the hallways, I also had to be careful not to bump into any annoying noblemen.

But I'm glad I managed to get here without causing any problems.

"Oh, have you been sent to the principal's office again?" Seeing me, Nita made a little joke, but I confess that it would be a little funny if that were true. Can you imagine being sent to the director's room twice on the same day?

I don't think even the most arrogant and stupid person could do something like that.

"I'm here to ask about Isabell, the student who got injured in class today."

"Oh, she's still resting in the medical wing of the school." So she's still here.

"Can I know where she is? I'd like to pay a visit... You know, I ended up getting a little worried about her."

"Fufufu, so you're already in love with a colleague, you're fast." Since when does this woman like to make that kind of comment so much? My first impressions of her being a serious woman are being destroyed.

"It's not that, I'm just worried about my friend."

"I see, I know very well how it is." She was smiling.

"Just tell me where she is." I wasn't in love with Isabell and I don't know if that would ever happen. In addition to her difficult personality, she is much older and is also of a completely different race than mine.

And surely that girl isn't interested in romance or anything like that.

"Okay, you follow this path..." From then on, Nita began to explain to me exactly all the way to the medical wing of the school where Isabell was. It wasn't too far from the principal's office, in fact, were quite close.


"No problem. I'm rooting for you!"

"I already said that I don't have that kind of intention."

"Of course, good luck." She doesn't even understand a person's feelings. I think it would be easier for me to fall in love with Vinly than with Isabell. Vinly is a kind and beautiful girl, as well as being very sociable.

Well, but she is a noble, when I think about it I see that a relationship with her is out of the question.

And ignoring all thoughts of a future romance, I hurried toward the medical wing of the school. I passed many fourth and third-year students, all of them looking at me like I was a happy child.

I cannot deny that I am a child.

Now that I'm happy... I think this is a little too much right now.


Arriving in the medic wing, what I found was a big room with lots of beds that were separated by sheets, it was very similar to a room in a hospital.

But the beds were of better quality, in addition to being very clean and beautiful, it really is a high luxury school.

"Hello, is anyone here?" Since all the beds were being covered with sheets, I couldn't see if anyone was lying on them and I didn't even want to look. I could scare someone who was lying down.

But beyond that, there was no teacher or anyone who seemed to be in charge of this place. So without much to do, I ended up walking into the room.

There were lots of beds, so I didn't know exactly which bed Isabell was lying on or if she was still here.

''What do I do, I cant just check them all.''

"Can I help you?" While I was lost in thought, I heard a woman's voice coming from behind me, that's where the door was.

I turned around and saw a pretty woman with short black hair. She wore very red lipstick and her eyes were blue. She was tall and had a very nice body, but something scared me.

She wore the same big coat that crazy girl was wearing when I woke up in that weird room.

'Is this normal for doctors?' In the hospitals I went to in my old world, I don't remember people using it. And since the two women appear to be doctors and wear this outfit, maybe that's normal here.

But I've never really seen any use in a hospital as healing magic exists.

"Oh, I'm looking for a friend of mine, it looks like she's still here."

"Friend? Can I know her name?"


"Hm, it's that girl the teacher brought, if you want to see her, she's right here." The woman walked to one of the beds and then pulled back the sheets, revealing the girl lying on the bed.

She appeared to be sleeping soundly.

"She looks fine."

"Yes, luckily she wasn't hurt. That irresponsible Gecan, he should be more careful during training. Lucky for him that this girl is quite resistant." Oh shit, I forgot to look at that teacher's status.

So her name is Gecan. And what would this girl's name be?


Name: Ranhm

Level: 32

Race: Human

Age: 28

Strength: 135

Agility: 92

Magic: 2561


Light Magic - Level 8

Healing Magic - Level 7

[ End ]

So that's her name. She has her magic at a very high level despite her age, and now it made sense that she was working in the medical wing of the school.

But now I need to continue the conversation.

"I was a little scared when she got punched so hard, but I'm glad she's okay."

"Don't worry, I'll wake up her soon."

"Looks like won't need it." Isabell opened her eyes slowly and stood up. She looked very sleepy.

She wasn't hurt, she was just sleeping.

"So how are you feeling?" As soon as Isabell woke up, the woman approached her to find out how she was feeling.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little hungry... Hmm, you..." Finally, she had noticed my presence.

"Hello, I came to see how you are." I forced a smile on my face to at least look kind.

"It's great that you're here, go get me something to eat in the cafeteria, I'll wait here." She had her usual carefree tone, and also her expressionless face.

Even acting like that, do you still want me to go get you something?

"Don't you want to come with me? I want to talk to you a little anyway."

"Fetch me food, after that I'll talk to you... Maybe." I thought she didn't really like to talk, but it seems that she can do it.

"Okay, but wait for me here, okay?" I was wanting to talk to her so I would have to go.

"I'm hungry, of course, I'll wait."

"Don't let her leave, if I come back and she's not here…." If I went to the cafeteria for no reason, I'd end up getting a little pissed off.

I left the two women inside the room and left.


Arriving at the cafeteria, I asked some women who were there to get me something. It's a good thing I had money with me as I had to pay for the food.

I bought some stuffed buns and some candy, I think Isabell will be happy about that. I went straight to the hospital's medical wing carrying two buns in a wrapper and a small bag of candy.

I got there in an instant.

"So it looks like you didn't leave, here it is." Isabell was still sitting on the bed and Ranhm seemed to be taking care of some important things.

"Thanks." Isabell took the package with the bread and started eating, as soon as she took her first bite, she gave a big smile: "This is delicious." She was smiling as she ate that bread, she really looked like a happy child.

"So what was that about?"

"Hm?" Isabell had her mouth full, so she chewed well and swallowed her food: "What's wrong?" Right after stopping eating her smile disappeared, should I let her eat first?

"I'm talking about your battle with the teacher, why did you let him win?"

"What do you mean? I got cornered, that's all."

"Liar, I know you know how to fight and wouldn't let something as simple as that happen. Plus, you had the upper hand all along."

"I don't know anything, now if you'll excuse me." Isabell started eating the bread again with a big smile on her face.

At least she's cute when she's eating, well she could be that way all the time.

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