A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 88 - 87 – Cold.

A lighted hallway with many doors was our vision at this time.

"So what do we do? Do we move on or do we look at the doors?" Menjo approached while holding his sword, he looked a little nervous about what might happen.

"We're going to set up some groups and we're going to look at all the doors, there might be something hidden around here. Maybe we can't find a treasure in here?" I was worried about it right now.

Is there a treasure in this place?

After that, I created three groups. Each more powerful group being the two B-rank groups and our group would take some of the C-RANK and D-RANK adventurers and put them in your groups, then the groups were well distributed.

Then our little search for something interesting began.

When we entered the first door, we found only a few empty boxes, there was no monster or anything dangerous around here. Also lucky for us, all the rooms seemed to be lit up.

We walked down the hall as we searched all the rooms. We found nothing but old books and rusty weapons, nothing that could be worth anything, and that disappointed me.

"Looks like there's nothing here, let's move on?" I said a little discouraged. There was nothing else to do, we continued along with the long, dirty, and lighted corridor. Everything was so calm.

Apart from the conversations of the adventurers behind me, the unique sound here is some crickets hiding inside the small holes in the wall. I couldn't feel any danger either, it seemed like a harmless place.

No traps, and not even the weakest monsters were in this place.

We kept walking for a while and found a few more doors, but we didn't find anything interesting. The one-way corridor continued for a few minutes until we had finally encountered the first problem.

"It looks like there are three paths now, what do we do?" Theod one of the members of the group "The Gladiators" asked.

"We're going to split up and each group will follow one of the paths. How about keeping the same groups as when we were investigating the rooms?"

"No, it can get dangerous, we need someone stronger in our group."

"Are you saying that you alone are not enough?"

"You three are much stronger than us, we want one of you in each group so we'll be safer."

"Hmm, is a B-RANK adventurer scared? This is new to me. But on second thought, I think everything is fine." I had no reason to deny it, I think it's okay.

So we split new groups, each of my fellows would take care of one group and I would take care of another. Thus, the B-rank groups were also divided.

In my group were Riehol and Cas, Riehol was a member of the Gladiators and Cas was a member of the Blackbeard group.

Theod and Casri were in my companion Menjo's group. And the other two B-rank adventurers that were left were in my buddy Hewsung's group. The adventurers C-RANK and D-RANK were divided equally between the groups.

"Okay, now that the groups have split, each group will go down a path. My group will move on, you can decide where to go."

After a short conversation, it was decided that my group would go to the middle path, Menjo's group would go to the left path, and Hewsung's group would go to the right.

"Now if there's something really dangerous, don't wait and run away. As we don't have a means of communication, we won't be able to help you if something goes wrong, so I wish all the groups good luck."

We didn't have a means of communication here, so if any groups were in trouble we'd never know, and that was a little scary to a degree.

"Alright, if anything goes wrong I'll leave immediately."

"Me too, don't worry." My teammates responded excitedly as they waved, I could trust them.


After that, we split up and each group went their own way, so I started to move forward along with my group. As soon as we parted, I started to question if it had been such a good idea.

That magical power I was feeling before was gone and I wasn't sure if there was anything in here right now. Did the owner of that magic power come out of the cave? But how?

Or maybe it was some magic artifact that stopped working?

I'm not sure, but I didn't feel like I made the right choice. After a few minutes, I was extremely nervous, it was something I had never felt before in all my years as an adventurer.

"Are you okay?" Riehol approached me and placed his hand on my shoulder: "You don't seem to be feeling well, are you feeling something?"

"It's nothing, I just started feeling a little pain in my leg, it's been a while since I've walked for a long time." We had already gone on vacation a few months ago.

But of course, it's a lie, I would never feel pain in my leg just from walking even if I didn't walk for a year.

"Okay, but if the pain gets unbearable, just let me know." Riehol was a nice guy, maybe I should tell him what I'm really sorry for.

"Listen, Riehol..."

"Hey look, there's something." I didn't even have time to say anything. One of the adventurers yelled as he ran forward towards the light at the end of the hall.

It was glowing so much, it felt like I would go blind if I didn't close my eyes.

We only walked for a few minutes, but the temperature weather totally changed, it was like we were in the middle of the snow right now, it was cold enough to freeze the water in my bottle right away.

All adventurers were shivering as they felt that cold. The cold was so bad it was hurting our skin, but what the hell is this? It makes no sense.

"Hey, what is this?"

"I've never felt so cold in my life, my hands are numb."

"How did this happen? Weren't we in a cave? We need to go back immediately."

"Hey, there's something weird behind us!" When one of the adventurers yelled, I looked back in despair and noticed a large block made of ice blocking the exit.

All the adventurers started swinging their swords and using their magic to break the huge block of ice blocking the passage, but the block regenerated instantly.

"Hey, look at this. Shit, shit." One of the adventurers beside me caught my eye. I back the attention towards the light and appeared a strange figure.

"Isn't that Stanron?" Stanron, is this the guy who ran towards the light at that time?

"There's something wrong with him. Hey Stanron, are you okay?"

"Awa, Ah…." Stanron tried to speak but couldn't, they were walking slowly towards us. As soon as he got close enough to us, his body went completely white like it was covered in ice.

In just a second a whole layer of ice was created around his body, what kind of magic is this? Damn it!

But it wasn't just his body that was covered in ice, as soon as he was frozen, Stanron lost his balance and fell to the ground. When his body slammed into the ground, the sound of breaking glass could be heard throughout the cavern.

Stanron's body fell and broke into several pieces of red ice, all of his body inside was completely frozen.

Seeing that terrifying scene of his teammate being torn apart in front of him, the adventurer who once seemed happy to have his teammate around, was now desperate.

"Aaaaaaaah, who was the bastard who did this to you?" He knelt on the ground and began to pick up each piece of his friend's body as he dragged them closer to his body.

The tears falling from his eyes were freezing before they hit the ground, it was a scene I really didn't expect to see today.

All the adventurers who were there at that moment began to realize that they were in danger, so they continued to try to break the ice block, but it was no use. The block continued to regenerate.

I tried using fire magic to try to melt the ice, but the ice block regeneration was so fast, I couldn't even get close to opening a passage for us to get out of this place.

"Hey, isn't that block moving?"

"Do something, aren't you an A-RANK adventurer?"

"We're going to freeze like Stanron, do something, you worthless old man."

The adventurers were desperate, and I honestly didn't know what to do other than use fire magic to try to lessen the chill we were feeling.

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