A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 93 - 92 – A Monster?

We were almost at the top of that great mountain made of ice. My hands were frozen and I didn't even feel them anymore, even the pain was gone now. After going through it all, we were finally getting closer.

I was pretty surprised that the other two adventurers had made it this far. Perhaps because of the fear of falling, they worked harder. Well, if we fall, we're sure to die.

"It's almost there, hold on tight." The terrain wasn't so steep anymore, so it made our climb a lot easier.

"I can't take it anymore." He was even having trouble speaking. I can understand it, because of the cold I couldn't even open my mouth, and my lips were freezing.

"I'm almost reaching my limit too." The other adventurer said as he took another step.

We continued to climb and I could already see the top. It was a completely flat place and there was nothing up there.

Taking a few more steps, I finally made it to the top. The first thing I did was drop to the ground and lay there while I took a deep breath. My breathing was uneven.

The other adventurers also managed to climb up without any problems, when they got up there, they started laughing uncontrollably, they looked so relieved that they couldn't contain themselves.

"Hahaha, I can't believe we're here. How long did it take?"

"I don't know, but probably two hours. When we were halfway through I thought about throwing myself down there and giving up, but I'm glad I stayed focused."

"If you had thrown yourself, you would have died."

"That was also one of the reasons I didn't do it."

"What an idiot you are..."

"Hahaha, sorry."

The other two adventurers were friends, so I couldn't interfere in their conversation and just continued to rest as much as I could for the moment. This lasted for a few more minutes.

I wasn't even caring about the cold anymore at the moment. As for the other adventurers, they were shaking like crazy, it seems that moving was warming up our bodies.


After getting enough rest, our bodies were already starting to freeze. The wind was much stronger up here, so it was even harder to take all the cold.

After getting up, I looked down and noticed our group standing in the same spot, they were using fire magic to warm up, and I also did the same to warm up the three of us.

We were so high up that I could barely see them because of the distance.

"Okay, what can we see from here." I think we were too high, I can't even calculate exactly how many meters it is.

"Well, nothing but ice." One of the adventurers said as he approached closer to the edge of the ice "cliff".

"Exactly, we can't even see the end of this place." Even being meters high, we couldn't see the end of this room, it was like we had traveled to another world as soon as we entered here.

But our eyesight was also being greatly hampered by the fog that was everywhere.

"And even though it's cold here, there are still some unfrozen lakes, look at that." One of the adventurers pointed, there I could see several unfrozen lakes.

"This is not good? That way we'll have water to drink as our water is frozen."

"You sure? That water must not have frozen for a good reason, I'm not sure it's safe to drink." He was somewhat right.

Everything that was made of water, even our own water spells that we were trying to use were frozen, but that river was completely unfrozen.

Maybe it's not even water? Or maybe there's something in the water that keeps it from freezing?

"We'll know when we get there. It won't do any good for us to stay here, there's no way out anywhere." We stayed for a good few minutes looking all over the place, but what we could see were ice, lakes, and more ice.

There were no passages anywhere, and this made us very worried because the only exit, had been frozen by some kind of magic and we couldn't get out.

"Listen, what do we tell them? That we didn't find anything from up here. Let's say we're going to remain trapped here until we freeze to death?"

"Calm down, we look down from above, but maybe something is hidden somewhere, like at the base of these mountains, maybe there's a cave somewhere."

"You are very optimistic, aren't you?"

"I try to be hahaha." To be honest, I didn't believe we would be able to find a way out.

"Alright, then let's go down."

"This time be very careful because going downhill will be much more dangerous."


As my two companions began to descend the mountain, I turned again and looked at that landscape. The only thing I thought about now was how sorry I was for having entered this place.

Even if I found a treasure right now, I don't think I would be happy.

"Hm?" As I looked into the distance, I thought I saw a person on top of one of the mountains, she was looking directly at me. But at the same time, a great amount of fog passed through that place and the figure disappeared.

'What the fuck? Someone here? Wait, is this person who did that?'

Because of the distance and the fog, I couldn't see what that person looked like very well. But I was pretty sure I had a human body and was wearing some clothing I couldn't quite figure out what I was made of.

Was its armor? And now that I thought about it, it felt like ice.

Just by seeing that figure, my heart had already started to race and I started to feel restless. As I watched my companions descend the mountain, I wondered whether or not to tell them what I had seen.


After the death of one of the B-rank adventurers who had just jumped into the lava, the few adventurers started to get even more desperate. A B-rank adventurer had gone mad that way, what would happen to them?

"Listen, start running, we have to find a way out as soon as possible. Run until you reach your limits, standing still won't do any good." Our bodies were already weak, and it wouldn't be long before we all passed out or went crazy like Carsi.

"What are you saying? If we do that now we'll end up dying, we're feeling pretty bad already." One of the C-rank adventurers said as he breathed heavily and looked into my eyes.

"So you prefer to continue walking slowly beside these lava pits? If we stay here, we will die the same way."

"You're right, but..."

"Just let's go, quick." I looked back and noticed that figure throwing itself into one of the lava pits. That was one of the reasons I wanted to hurry, if we keep walking so slowly, that thing will get even closer to us.

"You're acting weird, don't tell me you're freaking out too?" Theod asked as he approached.

"Listen, we need to get out of here ASAP. Don't talk to them, but there's a monster right behind us, he threw himself into that lava pit back there." I turned and showed Theod the well.

"You sure? Wasn't it just a hallucination like what happened with Casri?"

"It's not a hallucination, this thing has been chasing us for a long time. I wouldn't like to say that, but I don't think even a B-RANK adventurer like you could kill that thing."

"What are you saying? You are crazy."

"I'm telling the truth, that thing isn't normal, if it gets close to us we'll die in an instant." I was too weak, we would die.

"You're starting to scare me." Theod didn't seem to believe what I was saying.

"Fine, but don't tell me I didn't warn you, I'll move on and you decide whether to come or not, I'm not going to stand here and wait for that thing to come."

I started running and left the rest of them behind. I looked back and the adventurers continued to look at me, but then they also started running after me.

I ran and got as far away from the lava pits. I believed the heat in my body would lessen, but it still didn't do any good. I got tired quickly but kept running.

I looked everywhere, in mountains, in shallow caves, I couldn't find anything that could be a way out.

I was getting more and more desperate, but I also calmed down thinking that I had walked away from that thing.

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