A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 95 - 94 – He Didn't Want To Attack Me.

I ran in despair to where they were before. As I had moved far away from the lava pits and had been drinking water, I had regained some of my stamina, I was feeling much better.

But mentally I was completely out of my mind at this point.

"Where are you?" I already approached while shouting to see if they showed up somewhere. They could have gone after water like me, no? Or that's what I hope they did.

I started walking around shouting, but they didn't respond or even give any sign that they were nearby.

"Was that thing that got them?" I thought we had gotten far enough apart, but that must be it, that monster killed them all, I'm sure of it.

'No, they might not be dead yet, but how do I find them?' I didn't have any location magic like some adventurers, the most I could do at the moment is looking for some sign of them.

But her bags, weapons, clothes, everything was gone.

I searched the ground for some footprints to try to track them, but the ground was too rocky and the footprints weren't showing.

"Damn it." This time I started to go back a little, I went through the same path we had gone before. If they had moved on, I would have seen them, so they must have come back.

I walked for a while calling them. After a while, my throat was already starting to hurt because of the screams I was giving, it was not good.

Because of the heat that was increasing my water wouldn't take long to run out either, I was going back to square one at this point.

"Please answer." I gave one last scream. The scream was loud enough that anyone several feet away could hear it without too much trouble, but I still got no response.

But it wouldn't do to get desperate after them, I was even more tired now. I picked up my water bottle and noticed it was already empty.

"Damn it, I need to get back." It was too hot in here, I need to get back to that place to rest. And I also need more water now.

I started walking forward, in the same direction I was before. If they had come back, I would have found them quickly. Looks like they didn't walk backward.

So they moved on, I just didn't pay attention and didn't see.

Why are they disappearing right now? I told them to stay put and rest, what idiots.

'There's nothing to do now, I'll keep moving forward, maybe I'll find them later.' I hope they have also found some water source and are doing well, as I don't want to lose any more companions.

Although I'm already alone here, isn't it?

I looked around and noticed that I was completely alone, I didn't hear any voices, any animal sounds. The sound I heard was just the bubbling lava and the sound of my footsteps.

And so I continued walking, heading towards the same water source that I had found before, I was praying that it still existed.



As I walked beside one of the lava pits, a huge explosion suddenly happened. The lava flows upward in all directions, including towards me, but I ran and hid behind some rocks.

"That fucking hurts." But of course, it wouldn't be enough, a little lava fell on my right leg, at the same time the lava burned my pants and then it burned my skin.

But I managed to remove the lava, what was left was only a part of my leg, raw after the burn.

"What the fuck was that?" That explosion came suddenly. I know there are other small volcanoes in this place, but at no time did a lava pit explode like that, how strange.

I looked towards the same place where that explosion had happened, and there appeared that same figure that I had seen before and that was chasing us.

"You bastard, it was you, wasn't it? You were the one who killed them all." I stopped hiding and stood up, looking directly at that faceless figure.

It was a small monster that had a human body completely red and covered in lava. He was staring at me, even though he didn't have eyes I could feel his gaze on me.

"…" He kept looking at me but didn't say anything.

"I'll kill you." I couldn't just attack him with my sword as he was on one of the lava pits, so I used magic to attack him.

I used water magic and a large amount of water was created around me, after which they solidified and turned into sharp ice thorns. I thought they would melt in the heat, but they didn't.

"Take this." Then all the ice thorns flew towards that short man at high speed, but it was useless.

As soon as the thorns approached the thing's body, they melted and disappeared like they were no big deal.

This attack would have killed any normal person or weak monster in an instant.

"Shit, but I'm not done." After that, using water magic again, I created several balls made of water and threw them towards him, but they all evaporated before even hit him.

And throughout my attack, the monster kept standing there doing nothing, like it was just playing.

"Don't underestimate me." I dropped my sword to the ground and then concentrated.

After that, the ground started to open up and a lot of water started to come out. Within seconds, a wall of water more than four meters high had formed.

It was like a tidal wave that I threw in your direction.

Even though it's a simple attack, an attack of this type could easily kill a person because of the strength that wave normally has. Also, there's something else about this magic.

"Let's go." With my signal, that giant wave quickly reached where the monster was and swallowed it completely, this time the water didn't evaporate.

The water continued to come out of the ground and new waves formed one after the other, so he continued to suffer the attacks of several waves. The monster was being swallowed by the water and appeared to be having problems.

The monster was dragged away each time a new wave hit it.

Even the lava pit seemed to be being affected by my magic, but there was a problem, it wouldn't last for long.

As the waves were made multiple times, they also used up my mana, so I was having a lot of trouble keeping my magic active, I had to seize this opportunity before I ran out of the chance to attack him.

The lava around her body was gone.

He was still standing there like he was dead or unmotivated to move, but I would take advantage of this situation.

I picked up the sword that I had thrown to the ground and then went on the attack.

Using one of the waves, I placed it under my feet and pitched forward at high speed. It was a little difficult to stay upright, but since I had used this magic a few times, I had gotten used to standing on the waves.

The monster had been carried the waves and was being pressed against one of the mountains. I was taken by the waves over the lava pit, I was a little scared, but I had no problems.

The wave was under my feet and carried me like it was a carriage, I never tired of using this magic.

"Take this." The wave took me at high speed, I approached that little monster in an instant, then the wave that was pressing it was undone and my sword hit directly in the middle of its body.

His body was easily pierced as I felt my sword crashing into the rock of the mountain behind them.

The monster didn't make a sound, but it disappeared into thin air, it was as if it had turned to ashes.

"I think I overreacted a bit, this monster didn't even attack me." I looked around and noticed that even the lava had been completely cooled. I like to use this spell, but I always try to avoid it.

It's not one of the strongest ones I can use, but it's the one with the use most mana.

I was feeling tired now.

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