A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 97 - 96 – Is It Possible To Have Another Place Like This Here?

We continued walking on ice for some time, we had found some interesting things, like some caves that were opened in the ice, but all were not deep and nothing was interesting.

But even so, they were good because we were using them as a "Home" to protect us from the cold, it helped a lot.

I didn't even know exactly how much time had passed, but we were advancing without stopping, and there was no sign of seeing the end of this dungeon, it felt like we were in another world.

"Aren't we stuck here forever? Maybe we are in another world made of ice and we're going to stay here until we die." Riehol looked crestfallen.

"It's not possible, I've never seen a dungeon that sends people to another world, were we unlucky enough to be the first people to go through this?" Cas also looked a little dismayed by what was going on.

"Even if it's another world, if we got in here, there has to be a way out," I said as I smiled at them both, I had to try to calm everyone down here.

"You're right, but where is the exit? What do we need to do to get out of here? That's the big problem. We're going to freeze to death before we even have a chance to get out of here."

"Calm down, I don't think it will take that long, I'm sure the exit is close by. There might be a device somewhere, or one of those caves we're finding might be the way out."

"Maybe a device could exist, but it would be very easy if the exit was in a cave, that's impossible."

"Let's see what we find. So let's continue?" We were inside one of the caves, as the wind outside had gotten even stronger, the cold was unbearable.

But the weather outside seems to have improved now, so it was time to go.

But I was getting impatient. Some adventurers were already showing signs of hypothermia and our "water" was almost gone. Besides, the food wouldn't last long either.

I had to somehow get these guys out of here. I would feel very guilty if someone else ended up dying in here.

So we left the cave and moved on. From there we started to find even more caves. We even found some things at the bottom of one of them.

But it was nothing but a piece of cloth that looked like a T-shirt, but it was very old, it felt like it had been here a long time.

"Has anyone been in here before?"

"Maybe this dungeon has been here longer than we think, this place couldn't have been created in such a short time."

"That's right, maybe somehow this place was hidden."

"Well, but the caves are getting deeper and deeper, maybe we'll find a way out in one of them," I said as I laughed at my teammates, trying to sound excited. But they couldn't smile like me, they were all tired and feeling bad.

Sorry guys, I'm sure we'll find the way out.

We walking for some minutes on the ice-covered floor. To tell the truth, we were starting to get more excited as the ice seemed to be decreasing over time.

The layer of ice that was on the ground was already thin enough for us to be able to see that there was a floor, it seemed to be made of earth or stone. The ice mountains also diminished and this time there were no ice stalactites on the roof of this place.

There was still ice, but the amount was much smaller.

"Finally the weather is improving, there's even sun in here." Yes, we were being warmed by sunlight, it was sunlight, but I didn't know exactly where that light was coming from.

But I'm grateful for that, I was finally able to breathe without feeling like my lungs were being frozen.

It was still cold, of course, but it was at a level we could handle without too much trouble.

"The water in the bottles has already started to thaw, it will start pouring now."

Most of the bottles had been cut so that we could suck the ice that was inside them, so if they started to melt, the water would spill.

"There must be some bowl around here, wait a second." I grabbed the bag I was carrying and then pulled out a bowl I was using to store my food.

The food was almost gone, so it wouldn't be a problem. I removed the food and then asked them to throw all the ice in there because it would melt and we would save this water for us to drink.

It was the only water we had at the moment.

And we did that, now we had to carry this bowl full of water around, but at least now we can drink water.

"And speaking of water, it's almost gone. Isn't there some water source here without magical power?"

"Maybe there is, but let's see if we're lucky enough to find it."

"Let's move on. In caves it is quite normal to find springs of pure water, maybe we find some." I said excitedly. Now there were not just mountains of ice, but mountains made of earth and rocks.

And there were several caves everywhere, it felt like I was in a canyon now, really the environment changed from one moment to another. Now that we're here, maybe that monster won't show up anymore, will it?

I turned around and looked at that world made of ice behind me, it was a radical change of environment.


We continued to walk around, now that the setting had changed, we were even more excited to keep walking. We continued to visit many caves, this time they were not filled with ice but were completely made of rocks, just like when we entered here.

Some of them were deep, and this time there were insects, things that didn't exist before.

But I had noticed that the caves were getting more and more "Full of life" which made me think we were close to finding something really interesting, and that's what happened.

After walking for another half hour, the ice was almost completely melted. But we weren't caring about the ice now, we were caring about the big cave we'd found.

It was at the base of one of the mountains, the cave entrance was over four meters high, it was really big.

It was dark inside, so we couldn't see exactly what was inside, just like when we got to the dungeon.

"Should we go in there?" Riehol looked a little nervous, he didn't seem to want to go inside this place, and I think I can understand him. It's a little scary to walk into another cave-like that after what happened.

"I think we should go in, it might be a way out."

"Yes, that could be it, maybe there's water in there too."

"I also think we should go in, if we keep walking around we're going to end up without food and water, better to take a chance now than later suffering walking around without knowing where to go."

The adventurers were mostly wanting to enter the cave, and I confess that I was also wanting to enter. I looked around the cave and there didn't seem to be anything strange.

Just a floor made of rocks with a little ice, and some plants and grass that started to grow, it was almost like we were on a mountain where it sometimes snows.

"Okay, let's go in, but be careful." I thought again about that monster. He hadn't meant to hurt me then, but wasn't he the one who froze Stanron when we got here?

It couldn't have been anyone else, so I was a little nervous.

What if he's just watching us and decides to attack at some point? The only thing I can do right now prays that something like this doesn't happen.

After that, we activated fire magic and entered the cave. We were entering a cave inside a dungeon, I don't know if it's such a good idea.

When we entered, we came across the same scene as before, a large staircase. I and my companions started looking at the bottom and stopped walking, everyone was scared at the moment.

"Hey, are you sure we should go in here?"

"Dude, this looks even scarier than the first time, and it's cold in here too."

"True, I feel like we're going to end up in another room made of ice."

The adventurers were right, it was starting to get cold again, is it possible that there is another room like this here? No, this is impossible.

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