Obstetrics and gynecology clinic sitting ...

Lin Feng hung up Director Li Beibei's warm invitation call, and then began to call the number.

The first patient,

A young man with a ruffian-looking appearance, carefully accompanied his wife (with a very large belly) into the consultation room.

"Ah, isn't this Dr. Lin?"

The ruffian youth's eyes lit up and he shouted loudly.

When the pregnant woman saw Lin Feng and recognized Lin Feng as the doctor who had been popular recently, she couldn't help but be taken aback, and her eyes flickered.

She was a little weak-hearted: "Doctor Lin, aren't you from the emergency department?" How to run gynecology came..."

Lin Feng said with a smile: "I rotated to the gynecology department, and then the director of the gynecology department felt that I had enough professional level, so he sent me to the outpatient clinic... Rest assured, my professional ability is still good. "

The pregnant woman shook her head: "Forget it, I'd better go to other doctors, right?" "

As a result, as soon as she said this, the temperamental young man stopped working: "Wife, don't, how difficult it is to make an appointment now, if you don't see Dr. Lin now, you have to make a new appointment tomorrow, you may not be able to make an appointment, your stomach is so painful, you can't delay our baby ~~~"

Pregnant woman: "However, I don't trust Dr. Lin very much, after all, I only train your doctor, not even the main treatment..."

The young man did not follow: "Then otherwise, this number is all hung up, the money is also spent, or see Dr. Lin first, and then continue to make an appointment tomorrow, and continue to see other doctors if you get it, if you can't make an appointment, with Dr. Lin's diagnosis, it can also make me feel at ease, right?" "

Next, there was an argument that lasted a few minutes.

Lin Feng bystander,

A little puzzled in my heart.

I always feel that this pregnant woman is a little wrong.

It doesn't feel like she's afraid of Lin Feng's strength? It's because I'm afraid of Lin Feng's other things.

Afraid of me?

There is a problem!

This pregnant woman!

The pregnant woman finally gritted her teeth: "Otherwise, let Dr. Lin prescribe a B-ultrasound order, let's go to see the B-ultrasound, without Dr. Lin's diagnosis." "

The ruffian young man nodded: "Okay, let's let the B-ultrasound doctor diagnose!" "

Lin Feng smiled: "Yes." "

Click on the system for this patient's profile.

Liao Wenli, 35 weeks, first child, single child...

Wait a minute!!

"35 weeks?"

Lin Feng looked at Liao Wenli's abdomen in surprise, it was also too big, right?

Lin Feng signed in for almost 8 obstetrics and gynecology experiences, not like 35 weeks.

With doubts, Lin Feng opened B ultrasound order

Brush brush brush ~~~

Print the B ultrasound slip and hand it to the ruffian young man.

The couple took the B ultrasound order and left quickly.

The pregnant woman's footsteps were particularly fast, as if she was particularly afraid of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng frowned,

A moment of contemplation,

Lin Feng felt more and more that there was something wrong with this pregnant woman.

In order to avoid medical accidents, or some strange doctor-patient disputes, Lin Feng decided to investigate.

Pick up the phone and call the front desk nurse in the ultrasound room.

"I'm Lin Feng, wait for a pregnant woman named Liao Wenli to go for a B-ultrasound, wait for the next triage, tell me which B-ultrasound doctor she corresponds to."

"Okay, Director Lin."

The nurse admired Lin Feng very much, and did not ask what the reason was.

Within a few minutes, the nurse called and whispered.

"Director Lin, pregnant Liao Wenli, was triaged to Dr. Chen Yi."

"Did she go in?"

"Not yet, there are 2 people behind the queue..."

"Thank you..."

Hang up.

Lin Feng called Dr. Chen Yi, she is the deputy chief physician of gynecology, and when Lin Feng came to the gynecology department for rotation, they had dinner together.

"Director Lin, what's the matter with me?"

"Director Chen, I want to ask you for something, the specific V letter has been sent to you..."

Hanging up the phone, Lin Feng V lettered: "Help me pay attention to the pregnant woman named Liao Wenli, I feel that there is a problem, thank you..."

Dr. Chen Yi: "No problem..."


Lin Feng continued to receive patients.

The second patient...

The third patient...

Just finished the third patient,

Bell bell bell ~~

The mobile phone rang, and Dr. Chen Yi called.

Lin Feng: "Director Chen, have you found anything?" "

Dr. Chen Yi: "It's a little wrong, the pregnant woman said it was 35 weeks, but the baby looked full-term (37-42 weeks), and the estimated weight had exceeded 6 pounds..."

Lin Feng nodded: "I looked at her belly at first, and I also felt that 35 weeks was not quite right... What's the baby's fetal position, is there any abnormality? "

Dr. Chen Yi: "No abnormality, normal fetal position... However, the contractions are a bit severe and it feels like it's almost at the stage of production. "

Lin Feng: "Pay attention." "


On the third day,

Day shift.

Lin Feng was on duty for the first time in the inpatient department of obstetrics and gynecology.

Keep up with a shift of doctors, shift over.

When he came to the 30th bed, Lin Feng was shocked in his heart.

That pregnant woman Liao Wenli!

What's going on?

How did I get admitted to the hospital at 35 weeks? Ready to produce?

And that pregnant Liao Wenli was also a little flustered when she saw Lin Feng.

Lin Feng remained silent and continued to listen to the handover introduction of the previous group of doctors.

·“ 30 beds, pregnant Liao Wenli, pregnant 35 (weeks) + 4 (days), 24 years old, received by Director Zhang Li, admitted to hospital..."

·“ Symptoms: Contractions are obvious, may be signs of childbirth, ready to give birth at any time..."

·“ A premature baby at 35 weeks, but after examination, the fetus is mature and ready to give birth ..."

Lin Feng listened quietly.

That Liao Wenli saw that Lin Feng had no expression and breathed a sigh of relief.

And her husband, the ruffian young man, was taking care of his wife at this time, shushing the cold and asking for warmth, taking care of everything, just like a baby, holding it in his mouth for fear of melting, holding it in his hand for fear of falling.


Day shift,

The pregnant woman Liao Wenli's condition is frequent, and the frequency of contractions is increasing.

Definitely a sign of going to produce.

However, Liao Wenli is constantly playing the game "King", and from time to time she shows a happy smile.

Lin Feng feels very weird, playing a game can also 'happy smile'?

And the pregnant woman's husband is a ruffian youth, but he is really good to his wife, all kinds of care, and constantly coax his wife to be happy.

It's like licking a dog.

However, his wife Liao Wenli doesn't seem to want to deal with him, and she commands him in all kinds of ways, just like Bai Fumei's feeling about her dick.

In the evening, Lin Feng handed over his shift and went back to rest.


The next day, during the day,

Lin Feng continued the day shift in the inpatient department.


Lin Feng found that the pregnant woman Liao Wenli had given birth to a baby.

Doctor Shift Introduction:

·“ 30 beds, pregnant Liao Wenli, 35+5, has given birth, because the baby is too large, the position changes, and finally chose caesarean section..."

·“ Infant: Liao Wenli B, female, blood type O, weighing 3.56 kg, length 53cm, premature baby (?) )......"

Lin Feng: ".................."

3.56 kg!

That is, a little more than 7 pounds!

Is this a premature baby?

Lin Feng felt that his experience was shocked!

Generally, full-term babies (37-42 weeks), 5 pounds is considered the basic level (50cm long), up to seven or eight pounds is considered a big baby.

And this baby, 3.56 kg, turned out to be a premature baby?

What an international joke!!

Lin Feng glanced at the big baby wrapped in the baggage, his skin was already wrinkled, and he looked like a little old man.

'Little old man' appearance!



It is obviously a baby over 40 weeks, and generally a baby born at 42 weeks will have the appearance of this 'little old man'.

The parents don't know, but the doctor certainly does.

Also, why are premature babies called 'premature babies'?

That's because the body organs are not developed enough, premature birth, and have negative effects on the body, such as insufficient cardiopulmonary function, the need for ventilators and the like...

But according to the shift information, all the organ functions of this Liao Wenli B 'premature baby' are very perfect!

This is a healthy baby!

There are no characteristics of 'premature babies'!

So, combined with a lot of corroboration, the baby is not a premature baby at 35 weeks at all!

Instead, it should be a full-term baby at 42 weeks!

As for why did the woman say 35 weeks?

I'm afraid that this baby is not the biological daughter of the husband's ruffian youth!

Ruffian youth, he was green!!

Happy daddy!


"Wife, I'm back!"

The ruffian young man happily returned with chicken soup, his face full of joy as a father.

"Put it there, I have no appetite..." said the mother Liao Wenli without saltiness, and then continued to play the game.

"Wife, you just had a cesarean section, don't play games!"

"How? You want to take care of me? "

"Don't dare, don't dare, wife, don't be angry..."

The ruffian youth was coaxed, and then the mother still ignored ~~~

Lin Feng: "........."

The corners of his mouth twitched.

This man, what a wrong!

Although he hated this mother very much and wanted to kick the truth, but at this time, the hospital!

There are many pregnant women and women here, and if they see blood, something will be troublesome.

Lin Feng shook his head and left the ward with the doctor on duty.


Back to the lounge.

The shift doctor couldn't help but say, "Director Lin, you must have seen it, right?" "

Lin Feng nodded: "This baby, it should be 42 weeks... Not 35 weeks at all..."

The shift doctor shook his head and sighed: "I can't help but feel sorry for her husband, her husband is really good to her, I have been in the obstetrics and gynecology department for so many years, rarely have such hot feelings, that love, as if overflowed." "

Lin Feng nodded.

A phrase comes to mind.

Lick the dog, lick to the last nothing!


Until noon,

The aunt sent a cartload of packed lunches to the inpatient lounge.

A group of doctors and nurses are all talking about 30 beds.

"It's terrible, that man."

"Happy daddy ~~~ I didn't expect to meet it in reality."

"That woman, it's also embarrassing to hang that man like this, and she is arrogant, which makes people angry to watch."

A deputy chief physician said solemnly: "Don't talk nonsense outside, his husband is not a good-tempered person at first sight, in case he really let him know, I am afraid that he will have the heart to kill." "

Everyone nodded: "We still understand this, we can't cause trouble for the hospital..."

"By the way, who guessed that baby's biological father, who didn't?"

"What's so hard about this? Definitely a teammate in the game. "

"That's right, I also noticed that when the mother played the game, the expression, the happy smile... It is very different from the bad attitude towards her husband. "

"You all found out?"

"That's for sure, the woman played the game without restraint, and that smile was not hidden at all..."

Lin Feng was surprised.

Unexpectedly, everyone found this doubt.

At this time, deputy director Wang Jinli said: "Wait, take away the baby's blood group identification sheet, don't show it to the parents, I checked the blood type of the male parent, it is type B, and the mother is type A, the baby is type O, if the male parents have a little common sense, they should find problems." "

A nurse said, "Don't worry, Director, I've been hiding for a long time." "

The crowd sweated wildly, they didn't expect this.


Although nurses and doctors keep it secret.


Some things are really out of your control.

14:21 p.m. ...

"What's going on with you guys?"

The ruffian youth was furious, took a payment list, and came to the nurse's station!

"Why is there this "blood grouping" item on this payment list? I obviously didn't do this project! "

Angrily glared at the nurses.

"You black hospital, the items that have not been inspected, dare to charge indiscriminately!"

The medical staff of the entire department were shocked.

Look at each other.

It was discovered!

This man, can you find this little detail?

Next to Lin Feng, it happened to be Deputy Director Wang Jinli.

"Director, it seems that he can't hide it, and I think this man is quite miserable, and our hospital doesn't have to take the initiative to help the woman hide the truth, or do you call the security guard first?" I'll go drag him first? "

Deputy Director Wang Jinli nodded: "Okay, please, be careful." "

Lin Feng's strength is now +100, which is enough to crush ordinary people, so Yi Gao is bold and walks towards that ruffian youth.

The medical staff also noticed Lin Feng's behavior and couldn't help but be surprised.

And those patients and family members in the surrounding wards all came out one after another when they heard such a loud noise.

Curious onlookers!

Lin Feng came to the ruffian youth.

"Dr. Lin, I'm very dissatisfied, your hospital has added it privately..."

"Wait... We don't add items privately, that "blood group test", every baby must be checked..."

"But I didn't see the checklist!"

The ruffian youth gritted his teeth.

"There is a checklist." Lin Feng beckoned to the nurse: "What about the checklist?" Take it out..."

Soon, the nurse took out the checklist and handed it to the ruffian youth.

When the ruffian youth looked at the checklist, his lungs exploded! .

"What are you kidding, blood type O?"

Laugh angrily!

"Can your hospital have a little conscience and give me a fake result?" How can my baby be type O blood, I am type B, my wife is type A, how can my baby not be type A!! "

Lin Feng smiled: "Our hospital will not mess with the results..."

The ruffian young man laughed angrily: "Haha, it's really funny, then you tell me, why is my baby's blood type O..."

Halfway through,

The ruffian youth seemed to have thought of something.

Stunned on the spot!

The face suddenly became livid!

It turns out that it was not the hospital that checked wrong!

It was he who was cuckolded by his wife!

It's him who likes to be a daddy!


ps: Three more ends, 3600 + 3600 + 4300 = 11500 words...

I want to write that the protagonist directly kicks the truth on the spot, but in the hospital, you can't do it...

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