Seeing that the fat man was so afraid of death, Lin Feng simply took out a human throat structure map.

Start explaining.

"You see, this is the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland, located below the thyroid cartilage in the neck and on both sides of the trachea, functions to control the rate of energy use, make proteins, regulate the body's sensitivity to other hormones, and regulate the balance of calcium in the body. "

"If there is cancer on the thyroid gland, thyroid cancer can form. "

"Fortunately, thyroid cancer, unlike other glamorous and cheap goods, is the most [lazy] cancer. It's the most inert!"

"Some foreign autopsies have found that many people have thyroid cancer in their bodies, some of which have existed for more than 60 years and have not metastasized! "


When the fat man heard that he was suffering from such a [lazy] cancer, someone who had been sick for more than 60 years was fine, and suddenly took a breath.

"However, no matter how lazy cancer is, it is still cancer in the final analysis!"

Lin Feng said in a deep voice: "So, you need to do a B-ultrasound and perform a puncture biopsy." The results of the biopsy can tell whether this is benign or malignant. If it is malignant, surgery is necessary. "


At the mention of malignant tumors, the heart that the fat man had just put down was mentioned again.

"Don't worry. "

Lin Feng smiled: "Preliminary judgment, even if this nodule is cancer, it has not metastasized and can be operated." Thyroid surgery is mature, has a high success rate, and has a good prognosis. Minor surgery. "

"So if I need surgery, will my thyroid still be preserved?"

The fat man asked in a low voice.

"This, hard to say. It needs to be judged in combination with the surgical situation, and it may not be saved. "

Lin Feng shook his head and said: "After all, this is cancer, your size and position, it is generally recommended to have a total thyroidectomy + peripheral lymphatic dissection." "

"Huh? Even the surrounding lymph?"

Because your current size is not small, it may have adhesions with the surrounding lymphoid tissue. "

Lin Feng looked at the throat B ultrasound and shook his head: "For the sake of safety, it is necessary to clean it up and uproot it, leaving no future problems, otherwise it is easy to recur." "

"Well, Doctor, I'll listen to you. "

The fat man is desperate.

Lin Feng nodded.

An obedient patient is the best patient.

What Lin Feng is most afraid of encountering is the kind of bar spirit who does not know how to pretend to understand, or to see a doctor for thousands of degrees, and he can't explain it clearly.

The fat man went to some examinations arranged by Lin Feng, PET-CT examination, etc., Lin Feng further made a comprehensive judgment, arranged for the fat man to be hospitalized, and after hospitalization, B ultrasound and puncture biopsy were performed. After the pathological results of the biopsy came out, it was determined that it was a malignant tumor and a surgical plan was formulated.


Director Zhou is happy today, Lin Feng's operation was successful, and the big stone in his heart was put down.

This is a rare fourth-level operation!

Director Zhou came to the door of the emergency office,

Push open the door.

Director Zhou was stunned ~~

I saw Lin Feng's office, chickens flying and dogs jumping!

Chief physician Zhang Yuan, attending doctors Song Ziming, Huang Ziqian, and Wu Haoming and a large number of interns are all noisy.

"Lin Feng, last time I invited you to eat hot pot, you promised me, this time the second help is for me!"

Intern Wu Haoming is pitiful.

"Give it a chance, big guy, kneel for you!"

"Hehe, you still want to be a second assistant as an intern?"

Song Ziming and Huang Ziqian disagreed: "Second help, no, first help, it must be ours!"

The interns cried.

"Senior Brother Dogecoin, again?"

"Don't give a chance? Is it too much?"

"If you don't give it, don't give it!"

Song Ziming and Huang Ziqian were resolute: "The interns are watching from outside! Don't go into the operating room!

"Who said that?!"

Zhang Yuan said lazily: "Issuke, get your turn?

He coughed twice and solemnly said to Lin Feng:

"Issuke is mine!, right?"

In fact, he wanted to learn Lin Feng's surgical techniques, even if it was a simple operation, he could gain something.

Yesterday's "ex vivo liver tumor removal" operation benefited him a lot, and he didn't want to let it go this time.

Lin Feng: "... You're a "guide" senior doctor, are you kind enough to give me a hand?"

And it's a minor surgery like thyroid cancer!

You're too mean, aren't you?

Zhang Yuan lowered his voice: "Do you want me to sign your operation in the future?"

Lin Fengyi grabbed Zhang Yuan's hand: "Welcome to guidance!"

Talk and laugh with the evil forces.jpg!

Attending physician, intern: "..."

Director Zhou: "..."

Witness a dirty PY deal!



The next morning.

The operation is about to begin!

Lin Feng led Zhang Yuan and Song Ziming into the operating room, the anesthesiologist was already in place, and the instrument nurse and the patrol nurse were in place!

Preoperative preparation is complete!

The surgical nurses are counting the instruments one by one: "hyperthyroid bags, clothes, cloths, film cloths, ultrasound knives, electric knife pens, suction devices..."

The fat man is already in the supine position, with a soft pillow under the shoulders, so that the head is naturally tilted back and the neck is in an overextended position.

The anesthesiologist completed endotracheal intubation and general anesthesia.

Gesture: OK!

Lin Feng walked to the sorcerer's position and glanced at Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan, as a suke, immediately forced haha and began to make a neck incision.

The work of incision and abdominal closure was originally done by a junior doctor like Lin Feng.

But here, everything is turned upside down!

Intern Lin Feng, standing in the position of the main swordsman, commanded and commanded with his eyes.

Chief physician Zhang Yuantang, experienced in surgery, but he wants to give him a hand!

But Zhang Yuan was not unhappy at all, but enjoyed it.

Zhang Yuan's level, to complete the thyroidectomy, naturally no problem, but he wants to learn!

Knowledge is infinite!


Zhang Yuan cut it all over!


This patient is too fat, the fat is too thick!

Such a thick fat is simply every doctor's nightmare!

Liquefaction of fat, secondary infection, is the most terrible complication of surgical prognosis, and there is no good way to completely solve it!

It is one of the main causes of poor wound healing during surgery, and at the same time, capillaries in adipose tissue are embolized due to coagulation, further impeding the blood supply of hypertrophic adipose tissue with poor blood supply.

This dead fat house definitely doesn't like to exercise!

Lin Feng pouted.


Zhang Yuan incises the skin.

The nurse begins the surgical field of view skin disinfection!

The nurse used 1% active iodine to disinfect the skin 3 times, the range of disinfection range: upper to the lower lip, lower limb nipple connection, both sides to the anterior edge of the trapezius muscle.

Lin Feng started the next step!

He used 4# silk thread and 1 straight pliers as an incision mark, blade incision, 4# silk thread ligation, electrocoagulation to stop bleeding, replace the blade ~~~

The electric knife in his hand, as if he had a soul, even the smallest blood vessels would be stopped by a knife!

The whole process has been done now, and the amount of bleeding is very small, only tens of milliliters.

Different doctors have different surgical styles, some doctors pursue less bleeding, and some pursue small surgical incisions, but in general, they are pursuing the ultimate.

Lin Feng obviously has made this simple and ordinary operation into a palace-level surgical technology display!

Zhang Yuan was on the side, looking at Lin Feng's technique, and secretly happy in his heart.

"This technique, powerful~~~"

"Heh, it's a different technique, it's completely different from yesterday's operation..."

"Groove, groove ~~~"

Experience +1+1+1+1+1...

Floating wildly overhead, 666~~~


Surgery ing~~

Lin Feng's hands were like flying butterflies.

One minute......

Two minutes......

Three minutes...

The nurse next to him found that he had no chance to clean and attract the wound at all, the amount of bleeding in the wound was too small, there was no need for the nurse's help, and the field inside was also very clear, and there was no red blood at all.

These are the details!

Next, Lin Feng cuts off the anterior cervical muscles.

Ligation of silk threads.

He continued to separate the external jugular vein with surgical scissors and ligated the silk thread.

Sono was finally completely exposed.

The thyroid gland on both sides of the fat man was revealed in the eyes of everyone.

Lin Feng's eyes were calm, without joy or sorrow.

section, sent for pathological biopsy.

Soon, the pathological biopsy returned the results: malignant tumor!

Lin Feng immediately shot like the wind and surgically cut off both thyroid gland glands.

But that's not all!

Next, remove the adhesion lymph nodes!

Due to the malignant tumor of the thyroid gland, it is already large, and even the patient has symptoms such as daily dysphagia and cough, reaching 3.6X4.5CM, and adhesions with abundant lymph nodes in the neck.

Then it is necessary to sweep the cave with thunder, sweep the lymph nodes together, save the carbuncle, and leave the hidden danger of recurrence in the future!

Lin Feng began to separate the lymph nodes.

Use a scalpel to cut the carotid sheath, confirm the internal jugular vein, common carotid artery and vagus nerve, protect the parathyroid gland, avoid recurrent laryngeal nerve damage, open the arterial sheath with surgical scissors, peel off the bulb bluntly to separate the enlarged lymph nodes ~~

This process requires special care.

Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury is one of the most common complications of thyroidectomy.

Once it occurs, the result is that the patient's ability to speak, swallow, and even cause disability!

Not only to sweep the cave with thunder, cut the grass and remove the roots, but also to protect the recurrent laryngeal nerve, Lin Feng carefully performed the operation.

The lymph nodes are separated.

Gently pull the common carotid artery with a yarn strip to clean the lymph nodes around it.

At this point,

Succeed with flying colors!

Lin Feng let out a soft breath!

Zhang Yuan on the side finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He asked himself!

Thyroid surgery, he can also do it!

Zhang Yuan is from the basic surgery of the Eighth Meridian of Zheng'er!

This kind of basic surgical operation, his basic skills are solid and his strength is profound!

But can it be like Lin Feng, every detail and every step is so perfect?

Zhang Yuan asked himself~~

The conclusion is ~~

Do, no, to!

It is said that the chef competition tests cooking skills, generally not the mountains and seafood, but the homemade eggplant, ground three fresh, tomatoes scrambled eggs!

The simpler the dish, the more refined the skills!

Ye Xuan had an ordinary operation, but in the eyes of an expert like Zhang Yuan, the heavier the weight.

In Zhang Yuan's heart, he once again admired the five bodies to the ground!

Experience +100+100+100+100...

Constantly floating 666~~~

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