Rescue room.

The patient's wife was also there, with a nervous look on her face.

At this moment, the patient has been on ECG monitoring, the mask is buttoned to take oxygen, and the intravenous channel has been opened.

Lin Feng only had time to understand at this moment.

The patient got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and suddenly had chest tightness and wheezing.

This has been the case before, but not as badly as it is today.

The patient on the side also nodded slightly, because the lack of oxygen was severe and his speech was incoherent.

Lin Feng found that the cyanosis on the patient's lips was very serious.

Immediately said: "Increase the oxygen inhalation flow!"

In his heart, he is like a great enemy, ready to rescue.

The voice fell.

The nurse on the side hurried to operate.

At this time, Lin Feng asked the patient's wife: "How long has it been since the chest tightness and gasping to now?"

"It's been almost half an hour, how do I feel more and more serious! Doctor, you hurry up and treat my husband!" The patient's wife was anxious, and immediately urged Lin Feng after answering the question.

Lin Feng did not respond.

Instead, he does an electrocardiogram on the patient himself.

Although the patient is not very old, he is already middle-aged, especially with a history of hypertension and coronary heart disease.

The possibility of myocardial infarction is still very high, but not all patients with myocardial infarction will have typical chest crushing pain, and chest tightness and wheezing are also a manifestation.

So the ECG must be done several times!

Not only an electrocardiogram, but also blood to check for cardiac enzymes, troponin, and other routine tests.


The ECG results came in.

Sinus tachycardia, heart rate reaches 120 beats per minute, ST segment seems to be a little low-pressure, but fortunately there is no typical myocardial infarction pattern.

Lin Feng then listened carefully to the patient's heart, and there was nothing significantly abnormal, except for the fast heartbeat.

After increasing the oxygen flow, the patient's breathing improved slightly, and the lips became rosier.

Blood pressure was measured, 160/90mmHg.

The blood pressure is a bit high, but not too high to say anything.

Now the patient is breathing so short, hypoxia, and high blood pressure is normal.

Right now.

"Doctor... I'm in an urgent need to urinate.... Can.... Go to the toilet. In a word, the patient divided several times before speaking, intermittently.

Hearing this, Lin Feng's brows frowned, and said softly: "Let's take a urine basin for you, let's solve it directly on the bed!

"In bed... I, can't pull out .... Come out!" the patient said, breathing became laborious again.

"You can't go to the ground in your current situation, you still have to lie on the bed or sit on the bed, if it really doesn't work, I'll check your urinary catheter!" said Lin Feng.

Hearing this, the patient closed his eyes and stopped talking, probably ready to endure.

Seeing this, Lin Feng hurriedly said: "Don't bear it, pull it out if you can!"

The patient also did not respond.

At this time, the patient's wife on the side said: "Doctor, my husband has a little cough these days, does it have anything to do with this?"

"No fever, right?"


Lin Feng immediately said: "The patient has a little cough, it may be an upper respiratory tract infection, of course, pneumonia is not excluded, especially the patient is now short of breath, and there is a possibility of severe hepatitis!"

Although he said this, when Lin Feng auscultated the patient's heart and lungs just now, there were no obvious dry and wet rales in the lungs, and it should not be pneumonia.

Of course, whether it is pneumonia or not, or imaging tests are needed to provide results, and auscultation alone cannot be concluded.

Hearing this, the patient's wife began to be anxious again, seeing that Lin Feng had not said how to treat it, she immediately said to Lin Feng: "Doctor, then you hurry up to treat my husband!"

Lin Feng planned to give the patient a chest CT.

The patient's electrocardiogram suggests: the ST segment is somewhat abnormal, coupled with the patient's chest tightness and shortness of breath, although it is not like myocardial infarction, but acute viral myocarditis and other diseases can not be easily excluded.

Severe myocarditis, which can cause heart failure, may also appear similar to wheezing and hypoxia.

Whether it's a heart or lung problem, it's enough to choke.

In particular, patients also have high blood pressure and coronary heart disease.

Don't wait for Lin Feng to speak.

The nurse sent the patient's test results.

The partial pressure of oxygen is only 68mmHg, the normal value is really about 90, and it is now obviously low, especially in the state of oxygen inhalation in the mask, indicating that the patient is indeed hypoxic.

Troponin is normal.

Although troponin is an important value to indicate myocardial infarction, it was also said earlier that troponin takes time to rise, because there is a process of cardiomyocyte injury and necrosis.

Still can't relax, need dynamic observation.

Right at this moment.

The patient spoke again.

Want to pee.

It seems that I can't help it.

Lin Feng asked softly, "Can it be solved in bed?"

Seeing that it was still rejected, the patient seemed to be a little angry, and said to Lin Feng: "On the bed.... No way.... Can't pull it out!"

The patient's wife saw that her husband was a little angry, and immediately opened her mouth to appease, hoping that he would obey the doctor's arrangement for his own safety.

"I have a prostate... hypertrophy .... In bed.... Can't pull !!," the patient still said intermittently.

However, his eyes were full of expectation, looking at Lin Feng, hoping that he would be accommodating.


Lin Feng sighed softly, picked up the electrocardiogram just now and compared it with the electrocardiogram in the ambulance before.

There is no significant change, but the patient is likely to have heart failure.

Finally, he said categorically: "No!

It can also be regarded as cutting off the patient's thoughts.

After speaking, Lin Feng said to the patient's wife: "I am going to do a chest CT for the patient first!"

"Good, good, good!" the patient's wife nodded immediately.

Before, she had been urging Lin Feng to start treatment, and now she naturally would not refuse.

Seeing the patient's wife nodded.

Lin Feng began to instruct the doctor next to him: "Arrange CT." Use nitroglycerin injection to lower blood pressure and relieve heart failure!"

Lin Feng has determined that the patient has heart failure.

All the drugs that allow the use of nitroglycerin, which can dilate some blood vessels, reduce heart load, lower blood pressure, thereby alleviating heart failure symptoms, is commonly used.

After all, you can't wait until all the test results are out, and then take the medicine!

In that case, the patient's condition may worsen.

It is necessary to make a general judgment based on experience and knowledge before the test results are available to relieve the patient's symptoms.

After arranging, Lin Feng asked the patient's wife again: "Have you been taking antihypertensive drugs all the time, haven't you heard of it?"

"No, no, I've been eating!" the patient's wife nodded repeatedly.

The patient has high blood pressure, and if the drug is discontinued inappropriately, it can also lead to a spike in blood pressure and heart failure.

Hearing no, Lin Feng was not worried.


The moment Lin Feng looked at the patient, he was stunned for a moment.

The patient's bladder was actually bulging, and the bulge in the lower abdomen was very obvious.

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