Soon another patient walked into the consultation room.

It was a female patient.

In his twenties, relatively young.

It was only with the help of my boyfriend that he walked in.

Just sat down.

He immediately said: "Doctor Lin, show me quickly, I have a back pain, I can't walk!"

Lin Feng asked, "When did this start happening?"


The patient hurriedly said: "The earliest was the year I just graduated from college, the left back pain, at first I thought it was writing a thesis, I was tired of doing it for too long, and there was nothing to do with the activities later." "

"I worked as a yoga instructor, and not long after working, the low back pain started to appear again. When it's serious, you can't do some yoga at all, and in the worst case, it's hard to even bend over and get out of bed!"

"After going to the hospital, after a simple examination, it was considered to be a lumbar muscle strain, there were fixed tender points, some oral drugs were prescribed, and several physical therapies were done, the effect was indeed good, the pain was reduced, and I rested for a while. "

"After starting to work later, the low back pain appeared again, thinking that it had recurred again, and after taking the previous medicine, it had no effect!"

"Until yesterday, the back pain was so bad. I can't even walk. "

Listen to the patient.

Lin Feng got up to check the patient's body.

When examining the pain in the lower back and lower extremities, it was found that a certain posture exacerbated the pain, and even asked, "Is there pain in the left lower extremity?"

The patient's brows furrowed at this moment, and he said enduringly: "Yes, now the whole leg is involved in pain, and I dare not move!"

Lin Feng's brows frowned slightly, and said softly: "Maybe you were a lumbar muscle strain before, but now it's not a problem of lumbar muscle strain! It is likely to be lumbar disc herniation! Lumbar muscle strain will not involve lower limb pain, only lumbar disc herniation, compressing the sciatic nerve, there will be sciatica, there will be pain in the buttocks, the back and outside of the thigh, the outside of the calf and even the heel, right?"

"Yes, yes, doctor, everything you said is right! That's it, I feel that the left side of my body hurts terribly!" Seeing that Lin Feng was right, the patient's eyes were full of joy, and he nodded repeatedly.

Lin Feng immediately said: "Can you move your waist? "


Hearing Lin Feng's words, the patient tried to turn his waist, but as soon as he moved, he screamed in pain.

Seeing this, Lin Feng had to give up.

Then he said, "You're going to have limited mobility!"

Then pressed the patient's waist and thighs, and continued: "It can be determined that it is lumbar disc herniation, first go for an MRI, if it is a serious lumbar disc herniation, it is useless to take medicine, you may have surgery!"

Heard about surgery!

The patient and her boyfriend were shocked!

Immediately asked, "Doctor, is there a way to do it without surgery?"

Lin Feng thought for a while and said: "You may also take medicine to try, but you must stay in bed, it is best to urinate and urinate in bed, sleep for 2-3 weeks, take a bath without it, wipe your body, reduce or be inactive, and at the same time bring a waist circumference to protect the lumbar spine." Doing pelvic traction and physiotherapy should have some effect. "

Hearing that you can't get out of bed for 2-3 weeks, the patient's face is full of pain.

The boyfriend on the side said: "If you don't get out of bed, don't get out of bed, I can take care of you!

Hearing this, Lin Feng's face immediately turned pale, and he said in a deep voice: "Not necessarily!

The patient and her boyfriend nodded.

Lin Feng immediately arranged an MRI examination.

The MRI process was also painful, lying down the whole time, unable to move, and the machine inside was noisy, which lasted nearly 20 minutes.

By the time they came out, the patients were almost collapsed.

She didn't expect MRI to be so hard, and shouted in her mouth that it was better to do CT!

Naturally, CT is not comparable to MRI.

As a result, it will wait until tomorrow, and the two will go back first.

The next day, come for a follow-up visit.

The patient was no longer able to stand firmly, and the boyfriend was carrying it up and down.

As soon as the heel hit the ground, I felt the pain in my thigh and lower back intensify, and the painful tears were about to come out.

Fortunately, she has a considerate boyfriend.

After reading the report, Lin Feng said: "My inference is correct, you do have lumbar disc herniation, which should be pain caused by compression of the sciatic nerve. "

"In addition, you can vaguely see that you have stones in your left kidney on the film! And the stones are not small, 1CM, maybe your back pain It will also make trouble." "

I originally thought it was just lumbar disc herniation, but now a kidney stone pops up.

The patient became even more disturbed.

How to let people live!

Seeing that the patient did not speak, Lin Feng continued: "However, most of the back pain caused by kidney stones is colic in nature, and activity will cause increased pain, and yours is slightly reduced after activity, which is not very consistent." Moreover, renal colic generally involves the ipsilateral groin, so on the whole, it is still lumbar disc herniation that causes the highest possibility of pain. "

"There is also the possibility of both!"

Speaking of this, Lin Feng's words turned sharp, like a patient asking: "Do you have a situation of hematuria! that is, whether there is blood red in the urine, whether there is frequent urination, urgency, pain in urination, and so on." "

The patient immediately said: "There is no pain in urination, but sometimes there will be urgency and frequency, is it related to this?"

"Not sure!" said Lin Feng immediately.


The results of the patient's urine routine were sent over, and they were basically normal.

Of course, the priority now is to get your lumbar disc done!" said Lin Feng softly.

"Doctor, can it be treated conservatively?" the patient asked.

At this moment, she still did not believe that she had lumbar disc herniation at such a young age.

But the MRI report was written in black and white, and the doctor's analysis, she had to believe it.

"At present, the compression of the nerve is not serious, and it can be treated conservatively for a period of time. But you must remember my words, absolutely stay in bed, can't get up at will, and protect your waist!"

After all, it is the patient's own choice, and he cannot force the patient to operate.

And according to the results of various examinations, although the patient's pain is very serious, the compression of the nerve is indeed not serious, and conservative treatment is also possible.

"Don't worry, doctor, I will never let her out of bed!" said the patient's boyfriend quickly.

Seeing this, Lin Feng continued to instruct: "Don't pay attention to it, absolutely lying in bed means that even if a bomb explodes next to you, you can't get up and run for your life!"

"Of course, this is just a metaphor, to make you know the importance of absolute bed rest!"

Listening to Lin Feng's metaphor, the patient's heart was full of bitterness.

2-3 weeks is definitely very difficult.

The thought of "or surgery" arose in my mind.



ps: Tomorrow Spring Festival, everyone Happy Spring Festival.

Also, thank you to all my book friends who have always supported me!

Blessing of luck!

Wish everyone a new year, earn a lot of money, and make academic progress!

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