The scene was chaotic.

Zhao Zhongshuo's wife's family fully shows what a shrew is.




The doctors and nurses tried their best to protect the patient Zhao Zhongshuo so as not to tear the wound, and then the responsibility did not know who was responsible.

And the family is still unforgiving, very angry, feeling that 2 million, 3 million have left him.

The families of other patients took out their mobile phones one by one to pat and film this scene.

Soon security guards arrived and dragged the family out.

Earlier, because he was not sure whether the patient Zhao Zhongshuo's operation was successful, he did not dare to treat his family like this, but now that the operation is successful, the security guards are naturally not polite.

"Black Heart Hospital, I want to sue you!"

The family was dragged away, cursing angrily.

After being dragged away, the scene finally sobered up a lot.

Lin Feng and President Wang Chang only came out at this time and wiped the sweat on their foreheads, this kind of family members really can't be provoked.


Over the next few days,

Lin Feng continued to sit in the emergency room.

In recent days, several family members of that Zhao Zhongshuo have been making trouble in the hospital, and have also appealed to the Health Bureau and sent people to investigate.

It made the hospital chicken fly and the dog jumped.

Originally, Lin Feng thought that the matter would end with the hospital losing money, but he didn't expect that after the patient Zhao Zhongshuo sobered up under anesthesia, he learned that his wife's family not only did not care about his life or death, but also used his life to make money, and he was angry on the spot!

He scolded his wife and family, crying and scolding.

It turned out that this Zhao Zhongshuo was an honest person, without a father or mother, and after taking his wife's family, he had been angry at his wife's house, and was scolded by his wife and his wife's parents every day.

Now that this file has happened, the relationship between husband and wife is gone.

The divorce was announced on the spot.

Finally, the patient Zhao Zhongshuo also apologized to the hospital, although the operation had an accident, Lin Feng also helped him successfully cure rectal cancer and save the sphincter.

The hospital was naturally very happy, and then waved his hand and exempted Zhao Zhongshuo from all expenses.

As for Zhao Zhongshuo's family, they naturally left in ashes, and lost the face of the boss, although they did not care about these faces.

Finally, this matter was also on the evening news of Lingnan TV, causing countless people's embarrassment.

At this time, a message circulated in the hospital: Tan Feng was removed from the position of department director and demoted to an ordinary chief physician because of the accident of this live broadcast operation. As for who is the director of the gastroenterology department, the dean seems to want to find a powerful doctor from the imperial capital to return.

Once this happened,

Calm returned to the First Courtyard of the city.



A new day,

At two o'clock in the morning, Lin Feng was on the night shift.

"There hasn't been a single patient for these three hours, it seems that tonight will be relaxed..."

He was lying on his desk, about to squint for a moment.

At this time, a hurried voice sounded.

"Doctor Lin, there are patients!"

Lin Feng lay down.

God of the night shift, spare me, I didn't say anything!

Lin Feng raised his head and saw that the nurse was supporting a young man and stumbled in. He lifted his spirits and hurriedly greeted him.

"What's wrong?"

"He said he wasn't feeling well..." the nurse let go of the man and breathed a sigh of relief.

Before she finished speaking, the man let out a "wow" sound and kept retching at the trash can on the ground.

Lin Feng's eyes turned, looking the man up and down, and seeing that the other party's figure was thin, he couldn't help but be quite strange. He groaned slightly and asked in a low voice.

"How long has this symptom been around?"

"I... It's been a week since I vomited..."

The man stopped his dry gagging and said very weakly.

Lin Feng frowned, "A week is not a short time, didn't you come to the hospital before?" "

"I've been here a long time ago, but it's useless!" The man "snorted" and said angrily.

"What about the medical records?"

"In... In my bag..."

The man opened his handbag and took out the medical records.

Lin Feng took the medical record, opened it and took a look, and couldn't help but feel even more strange.

Patient Name: Liu Lei.

Gender: Male.

Age: 22 years old.

Patient complaints: nausea and vomiting, vomiting for up to one week.

Medical history: None.


Through Liu Lei's words, Lin Feng understood the general experience.

It turned out that Liu Lei had been to the outpatient clinic a week ago. After the chief physician Tan Feng received the consultation, he had a gastroscope.

Gastroscopy results: the patient has gastritis erosion.

The treatment plan given by Tan Feng is a combination of Chinese and Western, using rebella to suppress majesty, supplemented by fragrant sand kernel tea, and slowly conditioning the stomach.

In addition, Tan Feng also advised patients to quit smoking and alcohol and keep their diet light.

On the surface, there is nothing wrong with this treatment option.

However, Lin Feng always felt that something was wrong.

He put down his medical records and his gaze fell on the man.

"Did you take your medication on time?"

The man listened, his face showed indignation, and he was about to speak, when a sound of high heels stepping on the ground came from far and near.

Following the prestige, I saw a girl in her twenties walking over. She is tall and slender, with heavy makeup on her face, which looks very charming.

"Ah Lei, do you feel better?"

When the man saw the girl appear, he barely showed a smile and said softly: "Yajing, I... I'm much better..."

Having said that, his voice trembled, obviously comforting the other party.

Yajing didn't seem to hear it, and her tone was much more relaxed: "That's good, it almost scared me to death." "

Speaking of this, she turned her head and saw Lin Feng on the side.

"This doctor... You...... Hello..."

It suddenly became fancy.

A strong smell of perfume came to his face, and Lin Feng immediately smelled a lot of carcinogenic chemicals that exceeded the standard.


Lin Feng was too lazy to take care of the other party.

He looked at Liu Lei and asked again: "Introduce the situation of taking medicine." "

Liu Lei said angrily: "I take my medicine on time every day, but instead of having no effect, it has... Wow..."

Although the second half of the words were not spoken, it was in the way of retching.

After a moment of silence, Lin Feng asked again: "In addition to vomiting, do you have any other adverse reactions?" "


The man glanced at the nurse, his gaze a little evasive.

Lin Feng guessed the other party's concerns and said to the nurse beside him: "Inform the nurse on duty, you go out first." "

The nurse said yes and walked out quickly.

After she left, Lin Feng turned to Liu Lei and said in a low voice, "Can you say it?" "

Liu Lei's lips twitched, hesitated for a long time, and then said: "I... I usually drink a lot of water, so... So pee more often..."

Yajing smiled and said, "You eat more, and you pull more." "

Liu Lei's face was flushed, and he lowered his head involuntarily, his expression quite embarrassed.


Lin Feng was a little dissatisfied, but the professionalism of the doctor made him not have a seizure.

He stared at Liu Lei and asked, "Are there any other symptoms?" "

Liu Lei shook his head, and was about to say no, but suddenly remembered something and said subconsciously:

"I always feel dry mouth, no matter how much water I drink, I always feel that I can't drink enough..."

Yajing interjected, "If you can drink enough, you won't be able to urinate hard!" "

In order to attract Lin Feng's attention, she kept brushing her sense of existence. Who knows, this kind of action angered Lin Feng.

"Shut up!"

Lin Feng glared at Yajing, who closed his mouth ruefully.

"I already understand your situation," Lin Feng picked up a pen, wrote a few lines on the medical record, and said very quickly: "You go for a blood sugar test, and after you get the results, come back to me." "

Liu Lei's face turned pale, and he said in a trembling voice: "Doctor, my illness... Is it serious? "


Lin Feng pondered slightly, pondering how to phrase it so as not to scare Liu Lei.

Unexpectedly, Liu Lei was timid by nature, and when he saw Lin Feng's hesitant expression, he suddenly became afraid. He took Lin Feng's arm and said excitedly:

"Doctor, what is my disease? You...... You tell me, tell me quickly! "

"Ouch, don't drag people!" Yajing grabbed Liu Lei and said dissatisfiedly: "People give you a look, how can you be like this!" "

Hearing this, Liu Lei had to let go of his hand and looked at Lin Feng helplessly.

At this time, Yajing turned to Lin Feng, threw a wink very contrivedly, and said in a tired voice: "Handsome man, he has no culture, don't see him in general." "

Unconsciously, he seemed to forget that Liu Lei was his boyfriend.

Lin Feng frowned.

"Let's go..."

Looking at the backs of several people, Lin Feng frowned, and his face was quite solemn.

For some reason, he always felt that Liu Lei's illness was not gastritis erosion.

Instead, it's like "diabetic ketoacidosis"!

The symptoms are very similar!

This is one of the acute complications of diabetes, a very serious kind, if it is a severe symptom, once the treatment is delayed, it can lead to severe acidosis, causing shock, multiple organ failure, and threatening life.

And the young man in front of him has been for a week.

If it is really "diabetic ketoacidosis", it may have developed to severe!

It's dangerous!

However, it is still necessary to wait for the blood sugar test results.

When the test results come out, everything is conclusive.


More than an hour later, Liu Lei returned.

"Doctor, please take a look."

Lin Feng took the test sheet and looked at it carefully.

High ketones, urine ketone 3+, probably caused by excessive urine output.

High blood potassium and blood sugar levels are scary.

These are the indicators of "diabetic ketoacidosis"!

Lin Feng was on high alert all of a sudden!

"Doctor, how's it going?" Seeing Lin Feng's expression, Liu Lei suddenly became nervous.

"It's diabetic ketoacidosis..."

Liu Lei became even more nervous: "Doctor, what does acidosis mean?" "

Lin Feng: "This is an acute complication of diabetes..."

Lin Feng explained simply.

"It's dangerous, so you need to get treatment right away."

Speaking of this, his gaze fell on the nurse on the side, and he said in a deep voice: "Send him to the rescue room." "


The nurse was stunned and asked in surprise, "Emergency room?" "

In her perspective, although Liu Lei's body is weak, it is not yet to the point of arranging rescue.

However, the nurse still trusted Lin Feng very much, realized the danger, and quickly nodded.

"Okay, okay!"

Speeding to push the rescue flat car.

"Get to bed!"

Lin Feng looked at Liu Lei, and his tone was extremely decisive.

Liu Lei's face turned pale, and he said in a trembling voice: "Doctor, just tell me, what happened to me?" "

"Didn't I tell you just now, ketoacidosis, a little dangerous, if you don't want to die, go to bed!"


Soon, Liu Lei was forcefully pressed on the ambulance lathe by the powerful nurse sister.

"Go to the rescue room!"

Lin Feng waved his hand and said to several nurses.

Everyone was convinced of Lin Feng and pushed Liu Lei into the rescue room.

"Wait a minute!"

Ya Jing on the side rushed up, grabbed Lin Feng's arm, and asked cautiously: "My boyfriend... What's going on? "

Lin Feng didn't like this woman very much, but considering the identity of the other party, he could only say: "Judging from the test results, the patient is ketoacidosis, so his condition may be dangerous at any time..."

Yajing hesitated: "He... He's going to be fine, right? "

Lin Feng turned his head and said coldly: "You call his family and ask them to accompany the bed." "

After speaking, quickly walked to the rescue room.

Yajing was stunned in place for a long time, and suddenly reacted. She pulled out her phone and pressed a series of numbers.


Rescue room,

Lin Feng: "Give him a comprehensive examination." "

A nurse came over and asked timidly, "Doctor Lin, do you need to inform Director Zhou?" "

Leslie Chow is the head of the emergency department, and the patient is admitted to the emergency room, and he has the right to know the situation. However, it was three o'clock in the morning.

Even if Director Zhou can stay up late again, he will definitely fall asleep.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Okay, you call him and briefly introduce the situation." "

The nurse agreed, turned and walked out.

"ECG monitoring!"

"Take your blood pressure."

"Physical examination."

"Hurry up."

The nurses said in unison: "Good! "

Under the command of Lin Feng, several nurses moved instantly.

"Dr. Lin, the patient's heart rate is 110 beats per minute and the breath is 20 breaths per minute."

"Blood pressure 110/80mmHg, blood oxygen saturation 100%."

"The patient had clear breath sounds in both lungs, no obvious wet and dry rales, a synchronized heart rhythm, and no obvious pathological murmurs in the valve areas."

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said lightly: "It seems that the situation is okay..."

The words did not fall,

A nurse shouted, "Dr. Lin, look! "

Lin Feng followed the prestige and saw that Liu Lei's heart rate suddenly accelerated, and it had reached 140 beats per minute. At the same time, Liu Lei's confusion was blurred, and a painful look appeared on his face.

This is...... A precursor to shock!

I'm Nima!

Lin Feng couldn't wait to pump himself.

Always stand on the flag!

"It was fine just now," the nurse turned pale and said nervously: "I don't know why, it suddenly became like this..."

While speaking, Liu Lei's heartbeat was still accelerating, and it had reached 160 times / minute, and 30 times / minute. If he hadn't been young, he would have gone to the prefecture to report at this heartbeat speed.

However, no matter how young you are, you can't withstand such a toss. If it continues like this, it is estimated that it will not last tomorrow morning.


ps: The cause of death of the recent Internet boiling ink tea XX is suspected to be this disease. So I wrote about this condition.

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