"Definitely not cherries!"

The girl yelled and was dragged by her boyfriend to go for a check-up.

Originally, my boyfriend thought that there were many checklists and felt that Lin Feng plagued him, but when he heard about iron poisoning, he panicked.

Hurry up and check.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

In the next two hours, more than 50 patients were treated, and the efficiency was fast, but the number of patients in the emergency hall did not decrease, but increased.

Looking at Lin Feng burst into tears~~

Near the end of work, the cherry couple returned.

"Doctor, help look at these results..."

The boyfriend nervously handed the inspection report to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng view:

Serum iron detection: serum iron peak more than 350 μg/dl indicates iron toxicity.

Blood routine: decreased hemoglobin and elevated hematocrit indicate significant fluid loss, consistent with iron poisoning symptoms.

Liver CT: increased liver density, increased tissue iron, and improved sensitivity.


All inspections point to one point:

Iron poisoning!!

The boyfriend stuck his head over: "How is it?" Doctor? "

Lin Feng: "Confirmed, iron poisoning... Moreover, there are both acute and chronic..."

Lin Feng explained in detail the meaning of acute and chronic iron poisoning.

Lin Feng finally said: "It is estimated that your girlfriend has been eating cherries for a long time, or taking drugs such as iron (iron: a common drug for iron deficiency anemia)..."

The girl quickly shook her head: "I didn't eat iron or something... I just like to eat cherries, for several years, I drool when I see it..."

Boyfriend: "Doctor, what should we do?" "

Lin Feng: "I can only take medicine, and I have to take it for a long time, slowly remove chronic iron poisoning, no way, take my time..."

Girl: ".................."

I don't know if she dares to eat cherries in such a large amount.


After the follow-up examination, Che Li's children left work at almost noon.

Lin Feng glanced at the dwindling number of patients outside and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's done soon, come on!"

The next patient.

A young patient with a fever wants to walk in, and as a result...


Nurse Xiaoli pushed a flat car, and on it lay a middle-aged man, covering his lower back, moaning in pain.

"Handsome guy, can you wait a minute? There is a patient who is more urgent! "

Nurse Xiaoli said apologetically.

"Well, you guys first..." The feverish young patient was kind-hearted.

"Thank you!"

The flat car pushed through the door of the consultation room.

Patient: middle-aged male, about forty or fifty years old.

Dependents: One, female, presumably wife.

The middle-aged wife was a little hot-tempered: "Doctor, quickly bring my husband a painkiller, his ureteral stone disease has committed again..."

Ureteral stones?

"Checked before? Are you sure you have stones in your ureter? "

Lin Feng asked, quickly got up and checked the patient.

The patient's expression was painful, and he was holding his hand over his lower back and moaning in pain.

It seems that it is indeed the painful part of ureteral stones, of course, kidney stones are not excluded...

Middle-aged wife: "Yes, we came to this hospital three days ago to check CT, and the outpatient doctor said it was ureteral stones!" "

The middle-aged wife took out a CT report sheet.

CT report shows right-sided ureteral stones.

However, Lin Feng is still very cautious and needs to be carefully examined.

"Where are you hurting now?"

"Here, here..." replied, pointing to the "abdominal back" and "chest back" on the right side.

Lin Feng suddenly frowned.

"Are you sure this is here?" Lin Feng pointed to the "chest and back" position.

"That's right, this is it." The patient endured the pain.

Lin Feng suddenly raised his vigilance!

The location is not right!

Ureteral stones: The pain is often intense, patients are often unbearable, clinically also called "renal colic", often in the "waist and abdomen pain".

The painful area in front is the same as the symptoms of ureteral stones - "abdominal back".

However, the second painful part of this patient is in the "chest and back"!!

Renal colic, renal colic, that must be the periphery of the kidney area, how to run the chest and back.


There is a problem!

Lin Feng suddenly became alert.

Chest and back pain, what is the general cause of the disease?

Lin Feng suddenly thought: arteries, meridians, heart... Such conditions include arterial dissection in a patient who had last surgery.

More dangerous!

Lin Feng: "What kind of pain method?" Is it colic? Tear pain? "


Ureteral stones: colic!

Arterial dissection: tear pain, or knife cutting pain!

Patient: "I don't understand, doctor, I'm in pain, please get a pain shot with me." "

The middle-aged wife next to him was also anxious, and said dissatisfied: "Doctor, what are you still stunned for?" Hurry up and help my husband get painkiller injections! "

Lin Feng was helpless and prescribed a painkiller and injected him with pain relief.

The nurse went down with a needle,

Maybe it's the psychological effect, maybe the medicine has an effect, and the patient's pain has eased a little.

Lin Feng persuaded: "I see the pain just now, something is not quite right, or I will open a list for you and do an electrocardiogram?" "

The experience summed up by Lin Feng is: this kind of pain, don't say anything, do an electrocardiogram first!

As a result, the family was not happy.

"ECG? What do you mean? The patient's wife showed a fierce look.

Lin Feng was patient: "I see that your husband's pain location is not right, it may be arterial dissection, heart and other diseases, do an electrocardiogram to compare insurance." "

The middle-aged wife shouted: "Don't do it!" Trying to scam us out of money again! "

Lin Feng: "........."

I couldn't help but patiently explain the pain in this position in detail.

At this time, the middle-aged patient has reduced the pain and can walk.

Middle-aged wife: "Husband, let's go, this hospital is black-hearted, always let us do this examination, do that examination, last time I checked a bunch of them, it cost hundreds!" "

The middle-aged male patient nodded in agreement: "That's right, go." "

Then, got out of bed and left the emergency room.

Lin Feng: "Wait..."

The middle-aged wife was very impatient: "They all say that we don't check, and you still want to force us to succeed!" "

Lin Feng was helpless: "No, since you don't listen to my opinion, please help me sign a letter..."

Lin Feng took out a copy of the information of "Informing the Condition" and handed it to his middle-aged wife.

"I think your husband's illness is very serious, you want to go for an electrocardiogram, you don't want to go, then sign it, if something happens, I won't be responsible..."

The middle-aged wife disdained: "Agitated general? Can't I sign it? It doesn't matter to you what happens. "

Brush brush brush ~~

Sign and go!

Very dashing.

I feel a sense of pride after 'winning the battle with the black hospital'.

Lin Feng: "........."

Forget it, it's hard to persuade the damned ghost with good words.


Originally, Lin Feng thought that this matter would pass like this,


At 10 a.m. the next day, when Lin Feng went to work,

Director Zhao Wangyang of the outpatient cardiac surgery department called over.

"Xiao Lin, you picked up a middle-aged male patient with ureteral stones yesterday? Did you ask them to do an ECG without doing it? "

Lin Feng: "yes, what's wrong?" "

Zhao Wangyang: "You are really a god, in the morning, the patient is seriously ill, and the family brought this patient to our department, guess what?" "

Lin Feng: "What?" "

Zhao Wangyang: "ECG T wave inversion!" "

Lin Feng: "What do you mean?" Micardial ischemia? "

Zhao Wangyang: "That's right... Then we did a contrast-enhanced CT and we found out the aortic dissection! "

Lin Feng: "Did you have surgery?" "

Zhao Wangyang: "The operation was performed, but the person was not rescued." "

Lin Feng: "........."

Sigh ~~~

A thousand words, more than where to start...

Forget it, he is not a god, anyone can save him.

Bell bell bell ~~~

At this moment, Lin Feng's mobile phone rang.

Call: classmate Tan Jianzhao.

"Hey, Lin Feng, Jiahao and I went to the First Courtyard of the City to report today, we arrived at about 13:00, wait to greet us!"

"Okay, I'll pick you up at the train station!"

Lin Feng smiled.

After Tan Jianzhao and Wu Jiahao were recruited by Lin Feng into the first hospital of the city last time, they should have come to the first hospital of the city immediately to report, but the hospital did not release people in the face-to-face hospital, so they have been delayed until now.

Now that I have finally finished my hand, I am going to report to the First Court of the City.

Lin Feng quickly finished seeing the last patient, then changed his clothes and went straight to the train station.


ps: 3100+3100+3400+2700=about 12300 words... I found that I couldn't help but break and waste time every time I finished writing a chapter, so the chapters seriously affected my codeword efficiency.

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