Shen Jue was taken aback for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, the slave entered the palace at a few years old, and I have forgotten everything about his hometown."

Murong Xiu looked at him, but did not put away his angry expression, "Then why do you know You Congxuan?"

Shen Jue was silent for a while, and then said: "Since your Majesty has participated in personally reading the imperial examination answers, some people have found the minions in private. They want the minions to say a few words before your majesty. You Congxuan is one of them. The **** found the minion, and the minion didn't want to do such a thing, but after seeing You Congxuan's face, the minion knew that this person would be useful to your Majesty, and this deliberately wet the answer sheet."

Murong Xiu twisted his eyebrows and listened carefully to Shen Jue's words before saying: "Do you know what he looks like? Why do you want to do this?"

Shen Jue raised his head and fixed his eyes on Murongxiu, "Because he is somewhat similar to His Majesty, the minion thought, the regent will definitely do something when he sees You Congxuan, and You Congxuan dared to buy an official. From this matter , The minion knew You Congxuan’s character. It would be a great benefit to your majesty for such a person to stay with the regent, so the minion had the courage to do such things."

He paused, then took out a purse from his sleeve and held it respectfully in front of Murong Xiu with both hands.

"The money collected by the minion is also here, and I didn't dare to embezzle a copper plate."

Murong Xiu lowered his eyes.

Although his face was ruined, his eyes were still beautiful, and they even became more prominent because of the ugly scars. He looked down at Shen Jue with a complicated expression, and after a while, he gently took the purse held by Shen Jue, "You didn't lie to me?"

When Shen Jue saw that he seemed to lose his temper, he gave a flattering smile, "How can the minion lie to your majesty? The minion does all this for your majesty."

is it?

But why is he upset?

Did you really lie to me?

Are you really for me?

Murongxiu looked at Shen Jue who was smiling obediently, but couldn't ask these words. He laughed at himself in his heart. At this point, he hardly dared to think deeply about Shen Jue’s intentions. It was Shen Jue who destroyed his face. It was also Shen Jue who protected him in front of the Regent. If Shen Jue is good. It's fake, what should he do?

He believed in Shen Jue so much, but he gradually discovered that Shen Jue seemed unusual at all.

Shen Jue seemed to hide a huge secret, Murong Xiu instinctively thought that secret would be very dangerous.

Murongxiu put away his anger, smiled at Shen Jue, "I believe you."

If you want to lie to me, please lie for a lifetime, or I won't let you go.


You Congxuan was promoted smoothly, and Murong Xiu gave him a spare job and was on duty in the Hanlin Academy. And You Congxuan was really ambitious, but in just a month, he hooked up with the regent. He hadn't seen Murongxiu's true face before his disfigurement, and when he discovered that the regent always stared at his face intentionally or unintentionally, he began to calculate.

The regent was very complicated about You Congxuan's fake. He wanted to remember Murongxiu's appearance through the face of the other person, but he felt that You Congxuan's character was not as good as Murongxiu's. People drive away.

But You Congxuan was very puzzled when he saw the regent's clear and cloudy for a while.

Among the people enlisted this time, there was a person on duty with him in the Imperial Academy, named Yu Junwei. They were lifted together and were assigned to the Hanlin Academy together, so they were still close. After a drink in Congxuan, they could not help but confess their incomprehension to Yu Junwei.

Yu Jun was holding a wine glass, smiling somewhat mysteriously, "Master You, how do you let me answer this question?"

You Congxuan looked at him, puzzled: "Do you still know the clues?"

Yu Jun lowered his voice because he looked around, "Master You is a foreigner, so I don't know, but I am from the capital, and I know that one or two. That adult is a good man." A few words, he said vaguely, "You Da is born with an immortal appearance, just like the golden boy next to the Queen Mother. The adult sees that it is not a swaying heart, but Master You doesn’t know anything. That great talent is like this."

After listening to Yu Junwei's words, You Congxuan's brain, half-smeared by alcohol, suddenly became sober.

Yu Junwei meant that the regent liked him.

At this time, men's style is a popular thing, many high-ranking officials like men's style, so the business of the Nanfeng Pavilion in Beijing is booming.

You Congxuan is not a good man, but he is a man who loves money and power. Now that he is on duty in the Imperial Academy, the monthly salary is only a little bit, and he still has to communicate every month, and the remaining money is only enough to make ends meet. When someone secretly told him that he could buy an official, he almost spent all of his money. There is not much left now.

If he can cling to the regent, how good will the future be?

The drunk You Congxuan swallowed his saliva. He felt that it was worth paying for his own body for the future. Moreover, the regent was so handsome that he would not suffer at all when he was with him.

Yu Jun, who was drinking by the side, smiled lewdly to see You Congxuan and secretly mocked.

Can this kind of stuff be an official? It's so ridiculous.

In this room, You Congxuan was eager to climb the bed of the regent. Over there, Murongxiu cultivated his own power in secret. After he discovered that Shen Jue was smarter than he thought, he simply asked Shen Jue’s opinion on everything. Jue did not disappoint him.

Before he knew it, Murongxiu trusted Shen Jue more and more, and even started to get used to not seeing Shen Jue for a long time.

And the regent won the substitute of You Congxuan, and he was a bit airy. What he couldn't get here at Murongxiu could be obtained from You Congxuan. You Congxuan would never give him a cold face, and would call him the prince gently, even in On the bed, you can say anything.

This caused the regent's eyes to look at Murongxiu a little more happy when he was in the early reign.

There is really no one in the world who has to leave.

Murongxiu didn't know good and bad, so naturally there were other people who knew good and bad.

But You Congxuan was not so comfortable anymore. He did climb onto the regent’s bed, but the regent was a violent man. He would beat him on the bed, causing him to be blue and purple now, making him cry every time. The regent will stop.

You Congxuan is uncomfortable in bed, so he has to find comfort from other places. He is now a celebrity in front of the Regent, and he is naturally treated by everyone. So You Congxuan wants to make money from these people, but those who want to see the Regent have no way out. People who came to You Congxuan.

The regent liked You Congxuan's face, and he was reluctant to throw away his hand for a while, so he turned a blind eye to You Congxuan's behavior.


Murong Xiu looked at the letter submitted, and couldn't help looking at Shen Jue who was aside, "Shi Jianan sent it up?"

Shen Jue nodded, "Yes, sent in this morning, Lord Shi's people specially found a minion."

The letter wrote about what You Congxuan had done recently under the name of the regent. The eighth-rank official of a small imperial court in You Congxuan actually took charge of the official salt, which was really daring.

After watching Murong Xiu, he couldn't help but angrily said: "These two villains are like a nest of snakes and rats."

Shen Jue heard the words and walked behind Murongxiu. He helped Murongxiu press his shoulders with care. "Your Majesty, don't worry about getting angry. You Congxuan is a malignant tumor. If your Majesty is eager to remove this malignant tumor, he will be Those who are attached to the cancer are relieved."

Murongxiu felt a little relaxed after being massaged. "What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty might as well watch from the sidelines. Someone is more anxious than your Majesty."

In previous years, the official salt companies were all those companies, but You Congxuan wanted other families to come in and get a share of the pie. How could the original companies be willing? Naturally they will find their backers. The reason these people respect the regent is just that the regent has a high power and it has no effect on them, but when their vested interests are damaged, those people will not be willing.

As a result, towards the end of the year, several ministers jointly made a discount and complained that You Congxuan had privately sold official salt quotas.

And how did You Congxuan, an 8-rank official, do this?

Therefore, Murong Xiu directly asked about this in the early morning.

Upon hearing this, the regent looked at You Congxuan who was behind the team. He knew that You Congxuan did a lot of things in his name, but he didn't expect that You Congxuan would even dare to touch the official salt.

Seeing the regent watching him, You Congxuan shivered and fell directly to the ground.

"Your Majesty, the Weichen has been wronged, how dare the Weichen sell the official salt quota?"

Murongxiu stared at him with cold eyes, "But You Aiqing, this booklet is clearly written on it, but I am really curious, how did You Aiqing do it?"

You Congxuan whispered and didn't know how to answer, but Shi Jianan in the team came out, "The minister has his own play."


Shen Jue never went to the morning court with Murongxiu. When Murongxiu went to the morning court, he usually stayed in Murongxiu's palace.

The memorial was sent to the palace late at night, and he had seen the content. He knew that today's early dynasty must be a **** storm, and it was not enough to bring down the regent. The regent can only control the government because he has military power in his hand.

Shen Jue couldn't help but frowned. His current abilities were too limited. He was in the harem and it was difficult to interfere with the previous affairs.

While Shen Jue was planning how to go next, someone walked into the palace in a hurry. As soon as Shen Jue reacted, he was hugged vigorously.


Murong Xiu turned around repeatedly on the edge of blackening. Thank you little angels for voting for me overlord~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: The heartbroken Miss Shenjingbing 1 piece

Thank you little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 35 bottles of the handsome six sons, 6 bottles of the frantic Miss Shenjing Bing, 5 bottles of Xixi's special length, 3 bottles of Qijiu, 2 bottles of oranges

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^

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