A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Kill the nine-tailed fox (51)

For a while, neither of the people in the bathroom spoke.

Fu Jiuyin's fox eyes stared directly at Shen Jue, his eyes were self-evident, and there was no need to explain what he wanted to do. Shen Jue tilted his head and looked at the face in front of him that couldn’t find anything wrong. He blinked slowly. When the other party’s lips came up again, he just leaned back slightly, but quickly, back. The neck was held by one hand.

It seems to be helping, but in fact Shen Jue is not allowed to hide.

Shen Jue is actually a little uncomfortable now. The toxin of the double-sided snake seems to be beyond his imagination, but if he has to bear it, he can still hold it. He knows what Fu Jiuyin is doing, but now his thinking speed is slower. Up.

After a while, he stretched out his hand and pushed Fu Jiuyin away, his voice was not as calm as before, "Enough, Fu Jiuyin, you go out."

Fu Jiuyin's red lips hooked slightly, his eyes seemed to have a hook hidden in his eyes, "Uncle, why do you refuse? In life, the word "happy" is the most important thing, right?"

When the words were over, Shen Jue had a red ribbon in his hand, and the ribbon passed through Shen Jue's wrist and went underwater.

But it didn't take long for the red ribbon to be caught by Shen Jue.

Shen Jue colded his face, and then Fu Jiuyin was tied with a five-flowered immortal rope and threw it into the courtyard outside.

He struggled for a long time and couldn't get away. He was so angry that he stared at the young man in Jin Yi standing on the porch, "Uncle, are you so interesting?"

For Fu Jiuyin, Shen Jue was like a piece of meat hanging in front of his eyes, clearly leading him to eat, he licked it, but the piece of meat couldn't live in his stomach.

He was very angry and annoyed, his eyes fixed on each other.

The man was like water and snow and ice, and seemed to be very close to him, but it seemed to be a thousand feet away.

"Fu Jiuyin." The young man in Jin Yi under the corridor gently called his name, Fu Jiuyin snorted and turned away.

"You just want to do that kind of thing? Why?" Shen Jue walked slowly to Fu Jiuyin's side, and saw that the man on the ground was still stubbing his neck, stretched out and kicked, "Fu Jiuyin ,speak."

Fu Jiuyin was silent for a moment before turning his head. His eyes were like a fire, which could burn everything in this world, "Because I like uncle."

In fact, before this sentence was said, Fu Jiuyin was still thinking about how to answer Shen Jue’s question, but he has been reading scripts and pamphlets this year. Everyone in the world loves to listen to sweet words, and he thinks the youth in front of him may not excluded.

But after saying this, Fu Jiuyin was stunned again.

Because I like uncles.

Do you really like it? Or lie to the person in front of you?


The voice of the other party pulled Fu Jiuyin's thoughts back.

He said "yes" instinctively, the fox is inherently cunning and deceiving, but after saying this "yes", Fu Jiuyin heard Shen Jue say.

"What proof do you show?"

"I am willing to give my life to my uncle." Fu Jiuyin also learned this sentence from the script. Anyway, he said it like this. He didn't think Shen Jue would kill him anyway. If this sentence can be coaxed No matter how you live with each other, you won't lose money.

Shen Jue stared at the person in front of him, and shook his head for a long time, "It seems that I'm so kind to you, then you can sleep outside tonight."

Fu Jiuyin was stunned, but Shen Jue really turned around and went back to the room after saying that. He saw the light in the room turned on and off, everything was silent, and the other party did not come out again.


Shen Jue was lying on the bed, actually a little unable to sleep, and he was a little irritated by toxins. He frowned and rolled over, but he heard a very small sound from the door.

He didn't open his eyes, and he knew who came in.

This year, Fu Jiuyin did not do such things less, it seems that he has already untied the immortal rope.

"Fu Jiuyin, go out." Shen Jue said in a cold voice.

But in the next instant, he felt the weight of the bed next to him, and the smell of saponaria just after bathing.

"Uncle, why don't you believe me?" Fu Jiuyin moved his hands upstairs to Shen Jue's waist, and squeezed his head against the other's shoulders, his voice aggrieved, "I really like uncle, even if he wants my life. , I give it willingly."

Shen Jue slowly opened his eyes, "Fu Jiuyin, give me the immortal rope."

When Fu Jiuyin heard this, he immediately hid his left hand back, but where he could hide it, but it was impossible for him to take the initiative to leave Shen Jue's bed. In the end, the immortal rope was taken away. He stared at the immortal rope in Shen Jue's hand, pursed his lower lip, and said angrily: "Uncle is going to tie me again and throw me on the ground outside? It's cold outside."

Shen Jue was sitting at this time. He glanced at Fu Jiuyin lightly. The next moment, Fu Jiuyin was **** by the immortal rope. Fu Jiuyin showed such an expression as expected, but his eyes had not been rolled. After that, she saw Shen Jue approaching.

Fu Jiuyin's fox eyes widened quickly, and he looked at the other party's hand and gently touched his face.

"Fu Jiuyin, you must remember what you said tonight."

If you remember, Fu Jiuyin can't be sure, but it must be difficult for him to forget what happened next. Halfway through, he blushed and begged the other party to loosen the immortal rope, but the other party ignored him. The corners of Fu Jiuyin's eyes were red and he couldn't get away. Finally, when the other party was very tired, he was slow when he lay down and rest Post it slowly.

"Uncle, do this next time, don't tie me up, okay?"

But the other party didn't return him at all, Fu Jiuyin was a little angry, couldn't help but leaned forward and bit Shen Jue's ear, but after biting it, he retracted his teeth.

This is fundamentally different from the booklet.

When the person fell asleep completely, Fu Jiuyin turned over and got out of bed to fetch water. When rubbing the opponent, he deliberately performed a sleeping technique on Shen Jue, so that he would not have to worry about waking the opponent.


The next day, when Fu Jiuyin woke up, the person next to him was still asleep. He blinked gently and slowly straightened up and leaned over.

Shen Jue closed her eyes, frowning her eyebrows, as if sleeping unsteadily, and there were faint blue marks under her. Fu Jiuyin stretched out his finger and gently touched the opponent's eyelashes, unexpectedly waking up.

"What are you doing?" Shen Jue's voice was a little hoarse, and the whole person was a little dull.

Fu Jiuyin was full of energy. He simply lay on the other person, "Uncle, I will take you to wash it, right?"

Shen Jue stretched out his hand to push Fu Jiuyin's face away, and sat up by himself, but the moment he sat up, his face was a little stiff.

"No, I can do it myself."

Shen Jue noticed that his clothes had changed, but didn't say anything, got out of bed and walked straight to the closet, changed a set of clothes, and tied his hair before going out. Fu Jiuyin looked at Shen Jue's leaving figure and couldn't help but squinted.

It is clearly stated in the script that if the two of you become a good thing, then they must be sticky together. Why does Shen Jue ignore him at all?

After that all day, Fu Jiuyin tried to talk to Shen Jue, but Shen Jue either didn't answer or responded perfunctorily, as if he didn't want to see him at all. Fu Jiuyin had never received this kind of treatment. Even before, Shen Jue had never treated him so perfunctorily. He couldn't figure it out, so he ran into Shen Jue's bed at night.

"Uncle, why are you ignoring me?" Fu Jiuyin sullenly, his eyes gloomy. In these three years, Shen Jue has stayed with him the longest, and Shen Jue has been taking care of him. It can be said that Shen Jue is the only one in his world.

He really wanted to resist the opponent, but he didn't want the opponent to ignore him.

Shen Jue raised his eyes and glanced at Fu Jiuyin, then turned his face away, and said indifferently: "When did I ignore you?"

"Today all day." Fu Jiuyin paused, "Could it be that you ignored me because of what happened last night? Why?"

When Fu Jiuyin saw that the other party didn't answer, he repeated it again, only then got the other party's answer.

"Do you know what that kind of thing means among mortals?" Shen Jue asked.

Fu Jiuyin remembered what Ding Heyuan said, "It means that the two love each other."

"Only people with love can do this kind of thing, and Fu Jiuyin, we are not lovers." Shen Jue said softly, "So you don't want to talk about it anymore. I know you are only on a whim, and I will do it. Hope, you don’t have to pester me anymore."

This word fell in Fu Jiuyin's ears, and it meant to question his ability with the mating partner.

Fu Jiuyin is angry. Is there anything more frustrating a male fox's self-esteem than being abandoned after a successful courtship?

No more.

Not to mention that on the night when the courtship was successful, Fu Jiuyin was passive throughout the whole process, comfortable and comfortable, but also particularly aggrieved.

So Fu Jiuyin said angrily: "Our fox family generally only has one spouse in our life, so I am not on a whim."

But when he said this, he froze for a moment.

How did he know that the fox family had only one spouse in their lifetime? This sentence seemed to come out of his mind suddenly.

But Fu Jiuyin quickly ignored this question. He felt that he didn't make any sense with Shen Jue, so he could prove it to the other party and tell him by action that he was not on a whim, but he was kicked out of bed as soon as he jumped on it.

Fu Jiuyin: "..."

Shen Jue glanced at him lightly, "Go out, I want to rest."


There is one thing that I have never eaten before, it's fine, but once I have tasted it, I never let it be tasted again. How can I bear it?

This is the case with Fu Jiuyin. He originally thought he could change something when he slept with Shen Jue, but now, nothing has changed, and even worse, he tasted something he had never tasted before, just like It was the first time he had eaten Shen Jue’s cooking.

In the following days, Fu Jiuyin climbed the bed more diligently, but without exception, all ended in failure. Shen Jue was even more merciless towards him, Fu Jiuyin's refusal, his eyes became more and more gloomy.

What will happen to the animals in the courtship period and their desire for courtship is not satisfied?

After being rejected again, Fu Jiuyin went to the brothel.


He had never been to such a place before, but he had heard that he changed his face specially and turned himself into a middle-aged man with a big belly before going to the brothel.

There are males and females in this brothel. The females are in the front yard and the males are in the backyard. When entering the gate, someone asked Fu Jiuyin, "The guests are a bit strange. Is this the first time you come? Are you going to the front yard? Or the backyard? The front yard is a female guest and the back yard is a male guest."

Fu Jiuyin thought for a while, "Backyard."

After talking about the backyard, a child immediately led Fu Jiuyin to the backyard. At the same time, Shen Jue, who had returned home early, found that Fu Jiuyin was not at home.

He directly used the breath-seeking technique, and found that Fu Jiuyin's breath was actually in the Xifang, where the brothel and Chu Hall had the most.

Shen Jue pinched a tactic and quickly appeared in Xifang. After searching for it a little bit, he found the brothel where Fu Jiuyin was.

The people at the gate saw Shen Jue and looked at Shen Jue’s drapery. They felt that Shen Jue’s overall style was not like ordinary people, and he didn’t look like a person who came to have fun. He quickly laughed and said, "Guest, you are Come find someone? Or do you come to have fun?"

"Look for them all." Shen Jue took a silver coin from his sleeve and threw it to the other party. "Can I go in now?"

"Of course you can. Do you want to go to the front yard or the back yard. The front yard is full of women and the back yard is men." The man still smiled brighter when he saw the guest who gave money before entering the door.

Their brothel is covered by a nearby sect, and there is a Jindan monk in the building, so he is not afraid that Shen Jue is here to find fault, and he is not afraid of things.

"Backyard." Shen Jue said directly.

He was led to the backyard. On the way, Shen Jue saw many men and women, some of them cuddling directly under the public. Shen Jue turned his face away after seeing it.

There is a lake between the front yard and the back yard. There is a bridge on the lake and two children are standing on the bridge. Shen Jue was led to the bridge, so she changed people to lead the way.

The boy in the new guide is obviously more enthusiastic, "Do you have someone you know here? If not, can you recommend something to the guest?"

Although Shen Jue could find Fu Jiuyin's breath in this area, he couldn't find out which room the other party was in.

"Who are you picking up customers now?"

The little boy didn't expect Shen Jue to ask this, but he was taken aback for a while before he reported a few names. Now it's not dark, there are not many guests in the building, and there are generally fewer guests in the backyard.

"Then you can bring me all those few." Shen Jue took out a bag of gold this time.

After the child found out that it was gold, his eyes lit up instantly. This is a big customer, but he has a lot more money than the individual customers, so he arranged a room for Shen Jue to sit and drink first, and then went to invite someone.

Shen Jue did not sit, just stood by the window and listened carefully to the movement outside. According to Fu Jiuyin's temperament, he must be reluctant to order people who were invited away, so he would make trouble, and he could hear the movement and know which room Fu Jiuyin was in.

There really was a movement outside of this person, Shen Jue carefully distinguished, but found that the few rooms where the disturbance was not full of Jiuyin, and after a while, Xiaotong came in with seven or eight people.

Those seven or eight were all gentle-looking teenagers, and they didn't seem to have the title. After they came in, they bowed to Shen Jue, "The slave family has seen the son."

Shen Jue raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at the boy, "Is that all?"

The boy nodded, "All the guests who were there before are here, are you dissatisfied with the guests? Would you like to invite more?"

Shen Jue thought for a while, then asked: "Which rooms are the guests who didn't argue with you just now?"

There were only three people who didn't fight. One took the silver and forgave him the money this time, so he happily accepted. The other was drunk and didn't know the change, and the other...

"The one didn't ask for money, and he didn't say anything about the change. He seemed to have a good temper." Xiaotong said.

When Shen Jue heard it, he was almost certain that it was Fu Jiuyin, "Where is the person?" Seeing that the boy hesitated to answer, he added, "Don't worry, I won't make trouble, and I won't break your business here. ."

With this sentence, Xiaotong hesitated to tell Shen Jue the room number of the third guest.

Shen Jue went directly to the room. When he reached the door of the room, he heard the voice of someone talking inside. He looked cold and knocked on the door.

No one opened the door.

Shen Jue directly pushed open, and the door was unlocked.

As soon as he entered, Shen Jue smelled the rich scent inside, which was almost pungent. He frowned and strode inside. There was no one outside, and there were still untouched wines and vegetables on the table. He swept away. At a glance, he entered the room.

The bed inside was shaking, and the foot of the bed made a creaking sound. The man on the bed saw Shen Jue and stopped immediately. He was so busy taking Jin to cover himself, and the man sitting across the bed said first, "Stop what? Continue!"

The boy on the bed looked embarrassed, "Guest, someone...someone has come in."

When the man heard this, he didn't react at all. He just said, "Don't worry, you continue."

Shen Jue glanced at the boy on the bed and walked directly to the man. He saw that the man was still staring at the boy on the bed, and he pressed his lower lip, "Fu Jiuyin, are you still here?"

The man didn't look back, but gave a hmm.

After hearing this, Shen Jue turned and left.

Seeing Shen Jue leaving, the boy on the bed blinked his eyes and began to perform hard again. He thought that the guest who ordered him was very strange. He had to let him perform how to arouse one's interest, but he performed for a while. , The other party has no reaction at all. But not long after he went on to perform, he saw this guest stand up.

"The guests?"

The guest is gone.

When Fu Jiuyin chased him out, Shen Jue had disappeared long ago. His cultivation was not as good as Shen Jue. If Shen Jue deliberately concealed his breath, he would not be able to find the other party. Fu Jiuyin had to go home first, but he did not expect that he had waited all night before Shen Jue came back.

In fact, Fu Jiuyin’s going to the brothel was a bit of revenge. He felt that Shen Jue was unwilling. He could find other people to mate with him. But when he arrived in the brothel, he found that no one could match Shen Jue. He looked at the young man. In the hard performance on the bed, Shen Jue's face had already been replaced in his mind. After the replacement, he felt that Shen Jue would not be so kitsch.

When Shen Jue came over, he was actually delighted, because it proved that the other party cared about him, but now, he may be playing big.

Shen Jue was angry.

Anger is a good thing. The degree of anger represents the degree to which Shen Jue cares about him, but Fu Jiuyin did not expect that Shen Jue's anger would not come back for five days.

Fu Jiuyin felt that he was going crazy. He had never been separated from Shen Jue for five days. The longest was two days. That was when he had only seven tails.

In the past five days, he sat on the wall, looking out, hoping to see a familiar figure, but he has not been there.

When night fell on the sixth day and Shen Jue hadn't appeared yet, Fu Jiuyin felt that he had been abandoned.

Shen Jue doesn't want him anymore.

He obviously raised him for more than three years, but because he went to the brothel, he didn't want him?

Fu Jiuyin couldn't help biting his teeth. He thought that if Shen Jue came back, he would bite the other's neck, bite it hard, and let the other party apologize to him.

But what if the other party doesn't come back?

Fu Jiuyin's eyes dimmed a lot in an instant, and he took out the immortal rope from his sleeve. This celestial rope seemed very psychic, and patted the back of his hand as if to comfort him.

"What's the use to comfort me, every time I ask you to tie it, you can't tie it, waste." Fu Jiuyin cursed in a low voice.

Hearing these words, Tian Xian Sheng silently retracted into his sleeve. Fu Jiuyin snorted, he was thinking if Shen Jue never came back, then he would go to the other party. Thinking of this, he opened the storage ring to see how much money there was.

Since he bought the Lost Soul Fan last time, Shen Jue has given him a lot less money, and he almost can't afford the brochure now.

He didn't find any money in the storage ring, but saw the flying sword he bought before.

Because this sword was useless, he kept it in the storage ring. Now that he saw it, he took it out and took a look, wondering if he could sell the flying sword for money.

Fu Jiuyin drew out the sword. Seeing that the blade was extremely sharp, he couldn't help but touch it. With this touch, his finger was injured by the blade and blood oozes quickly.

At the same time, he suddenly heard footsteps.

It was his familiar footsteps.

Fu Jiuyin didn't care about treating the wound, and immediately put the sword into the scabbard, threw it into the storage ring, jumped off the wall, and quickly ran to his familiar figure.

"Uncle!" He ran very fast, almost instantly in front of the man. He stared at the person in front of him intently. Although he was wearing a drapery hat, he still looked straight at him, as if he could see the other person's face directly through the black cloth.

"Yeah." Shen Jue took out a bag of things from his sleeve and handed it to Fu Jiuyin. "This mission took a long time, but the rewards are pretty good."

Fu Jiuyin was stunned for a moment, "Are you going to do the task?"

"Well, what's the matter?" Shen Jue saw Fu Jiuyin not picking up, and then passed it forward.

But in the next instant, he was hugged, Fu Jiuyin hugged his neck tightly with both hands, almost to the point where he could barely breathe.

"I thought you abandoned me." Fu Jiuyin's voice was a little dull, "Sorry, I misunderstood you, I shouldn't go to the brothel, uncle, I will listen to you in the future."

Shen Jue was silent for a while, then raised his hand and patted Fu Jiuyin's back, "Okay, let's go home first. I want to take a bath, I'm a little tired."

Fu Jiuyin was more obedient than ever tonight. Before Shen Jue returned to the house at night, he also specially changed the water in the house for Shen Jue, saying that he could drink it if he was thirsty. He stopped climbing the bed and went back to the house obediently after changing the water.

Shen Jue blew out the candle and lay on the bed.

All this was simpler than he had imagined. As expected, Fu Jiuyin with no memory and powerful cultivation base was much easier to deal with than before. In this way, it won't take long before he can do it.

Fu Jiuyin in the other room was also lying on the bed. He opened the bag Shen Jue handed him, and it was full of good things.

In the past six days, he has been thinking about why his cultivation base is so low. If it is not so low, he can find Shen Jue.

Fu Jiuyin usually eats these fruits slowly, because he knows his physical endurance, but he doesn't want his cultivation base to be so low, so he ate them all in one breath.

After eating, Fu Jiuyin let out a sigh of relief, but at this time, he found that his finger that had been injured by Jian Feng was bleeding again.


At the end of this copy, I will write a little squirrel's irresponsible sweet side. Please pay attention to the chapter reminder. If you don't want to read it, remember to skip over.

good night.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: A Jing, Di, and Don’t Leave the Smile;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: 2 deep-sea fish; Chiyan dawn, inhumanity, Meow a lynx, Mr. Gaoling's flower, in July of that year, ah, ah, ah, ah, and Tang Yumu;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Mrs. Xue 40 bottles; Gujijijijiji 30 bottles; Xiaofan, Yuxian, 3329499820 bottles; BL lovers 19 bottles; Chi? + rice cakes, changing nicknames every day, you are one-third of me, Chu, Ling Qing, shortbread biscuits, cute balls, staring at the stars, no shredded pork, fun, 10 bottles of poetry; 9 bottles of boredom; 8 bottles of Yan Yuyang; Xu Gong in the north of the city is not as beautiful as me, Lu Chenxi, Dai adults, Ye Chao Xun 5 bottles of sand and durian Xuemeiniang; 4 bottles overflowing; 3 bottles of Bingmei, En~Qingqiu, Mo Xiaoli; 2 bottles of Qu Cai, only Taoist; Dumplings, 7, Jiaren Zhusu, Jue'er Shen Weihehe, Fire Cloud Cthulhu , Ah ah ah, don't tell me if you see through it, ah ah ah try it, 1 bottle of Luo Jiuzi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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