Shen Jue slept until four o'clock in the afternoon. When he opened his eyes, he still felt uncomfortable. He stared at the white ceiling for a while before sitting up slowly. As soon as he sat up, he couldn't help taking a breath, his face turned pale.

It took him a while before he had the strength to take the phone from the bedside table, but when he unlocked the phone, he thought of something that he shouldn't have thought of.

Last night, Si Yu told him his mobile phone number, but in an extremely shameful way.

A few hits are the numbers.

The other party also chuckled and asked if he had remembered, if he had memorized it wrong, he would do it again, repeatedly, the other party's mobile phone number and shame came to mind.

Shen Jue recalled that at this time, his face was not so good. He gritted his teeth and stored Si Yu's mobile phone number on the phone, and then sent a message to the assistant of his branch.

In his current state, he will not be able to go to work tomorrow, so he can only ask for leave, but he will return to China the day after tomorrow.

After sending the message, he reluctantly got out of bed. He just took a step and felt pain. When he walked to the door of the room, a lot of cold sweat leaked on his forehead. Shen Jue opened the door and heard the sound of a TV drama driving very low outside.

He glanced towards the living room. The TV was on, but no one was watching.

After Shen Jue took a shower, he discovered that Shang Jiayu was not in the hotel, and he didn't care where the other party went, so he cooked himself a pot of porridge.

I slept a lot during the day, and at ten o'clock in the evening there was no sleepiness, and Shang Jiayu never returned. Shen Jue was sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the balcony, dealing with official business, and suddenly, he heard a knock on the door.

Shang Jiayu has a room card and doesn't need to knock on the door.

Shen Jue opened the door, and as expected, Si Yu was standing outside. Siyu was wearing a pure white shirt today, and when she saw Shen Jue, a smile appeared on her handsome face. Shen Jue saw each other several times. Si Yu was either wearing a costume or the color of his clothes was black. He was rarely seen wearing white, but I have to say that Si Yu in white looks more gentle and close.

"I bought you something." Si Yu walked in, "Did you have dinner?"

Shen Jue stepped aside, put aside his face, "I have eaten it."

Si Yu closed the door, he glanced at Shen Jue, and reached out to hold Shen Jue's hand, "I'll wash my hands and give you medicine, OK?"

This sentence made Shen Jue's face a little ugly. He endured and endured it before he didn't take his hand out, but just lightly nodded his head.

After taking the medicine, Si Yu went to wash his hands again, and when he came out, she found that Shen Jue was already dressed and sitting by the bed. The curtains of the room were not closed, and people looked at the night view outside.

"It's a bit late, do you want to go to bed?" Si Yu walked to Shen Jue, squatted down, gently held Shen Jue's hand on his leg, and said softly, "I'll leave when you fall asleep. "

I have to say that Si Yu is an extremely gentle lover to a certain extent, but if it weren't for him, Shen Jue would not be so uncomfortable now, and he would grit his teeth when he got up.

Shen Jue lowered his head and looked at each other, Si Yu's beautiful eyes softly commented on himself, as if he was the person he loved so much, but in fact, they had only met each other for a few days and just rolled the sheets.

The development between them is more like a kind of fast food culture in the city. What is affectionate and gentle, but it is the disguise of the fresh period, even he and Si Yu are not fresh.

He is not sincere, and the opponent is highly likely to be neither.

In previous lives, Si Yu was able to **** Yao Zhan from Shang Jiayu after regaining his identity, so he should be similar to Yao Zhan now, but because he is now with Shang Jiayu, Si Yu took the initiative to get close to him. For another person, Si Yu guessed the same.

It's ridiculous, but two people who are not sincere have done the most intimate things in the world.

"Where are you going later?" Shen Jue asked.

Si Yu replied quickly, "It's okay, just go home and I will rest tomorrow."

"Then you stay tonight." As soon as he said the words, Shen Jue saw Si Yu pursed his lips and smiled. He couldn't help adding, "But you can't do anything."

"Can't you do anything? Can you drink water? Breathe?" Si Yu asked knowingly, with a smile in his eyes. Shen Jue's brows and heart beat, a little annoyed, and he grabbed the pillow next to him and patted Si Yu directly. On the face, "Nothing, I'm sleeping."

He didn't wait for any reaction from the other party, so he lay down. After a while, the light in the room went dark. He heard a murmur beside him, and Si Yu fell asleep.

"I washed it before I came." His voice was very soft, "Go to sleep."

After so many conditions, Shen Jue has long been accustomed to the life of people around him, but for some reason tonight, he was a little unable to sleep, and he was obviously very tired.

Siyu seemed to have noticed it, and he moved closer, "What's the matter? Can't sleep?"

Shen Jue opened his eyes and looked at the curtain in front of him, with a hum.

"Then I will tell you a bedtime story." Si Yu seemed to be interested, and kissed Shen Jue's ear.

Shen Jue turned around when he heard this, the light in the room was dim, but Si Yu's eyes were still strangely bright. When he looks at people, he always gives people an illusion, as if he is the lover of his dreams.

"What story do you tell?" Shen Jue asked.

Siyu stretched out his hand to straighten the hair on Li Shenjue's forehead, "What do you want to hear?"

Shen Jue said: "It's okay, but I want to hear the real story."

When Siyu heard this, he was silent for a while before saying: "Then I really don't have any stories to tell. The stories I know are either from books or heard from others."

Shen Jue pressed his lower lip, "Then don't listen, I'm asleep." He turned it back again.

Siyu laughed and put his hand on Shen Jue's shoulder lightly, "Why is you angry? Alright, I will tell you the true story."

Siyu told a story about a pair of twins, Omega. The older sister and younger sister look exactly the same. From kindergarten to university, they all study in the same class or even at the same table. Then they both met Alpha, a senior in the university. The senior has a solid family background, handsome appearance, and very attractive. It didn't take long for her sister to fall in love with the senior, and after graduation, she entered the palace of marriage.

A fairy tale book always only tells the story before the prince and the princess are together. After being together, life is no longer a fairy tale.

The senior cheated during pregnancy, and the target of the cheat was his younger sister. After learning about this, the older sister was so angry that she had a miscarriage. After she was discharged from the hospital, she was always depressed and unable to communicate normally with others. She could only sit in the garden every day and watch those who were caught. The carefully taken care of the flowers, just like this for six years.

Six years later, she died.

She didn't say a word to her husband until she died, only the last word to the son in front of the hospital bed.

"Don't follow Mom, you know?"


Si Yu hugged Shen Jue lightly, with a calm tone, "I'm finished, you should go to sleep."

Shen Jue said, this story seems to be the story of Siyu's mother. He always felt that it was strange that Siyu could look so similar to Shang Jiayu, but the mothers of Ruo Siyu and Shang Jiayu were a pair. Twins, that would make sense.

But why is Shang Jiayu so afraid of Siyu? I was afraid that I would shudder and sweat when I saw the photo.

Shen Jue suddenly thought of Shang Jiayu's mother. The other party and his father were married for seven days. Is this a bit too fast?

These things are still a mystery. Shen Jue, as a person in the realm, cannot know it for the time being, and his relationship with Si Yu is not deep now. If he asks rashly, he might annoy the other party.

After all, there are some things that can't be talked about casually, that is a scar in my heart, and every time I talk about it, it seems to tear the scar back.


The next day, when Shen Jue woke up, Si Yu had already left. He put a note and a glass of water on the bedside table. The note read--

"Sorry, there is something in the theater temporarily and I need to go there, so I have to leave first. I got up in the morning and drink a glass of water. I cooked red bean porridge in the kitchen. If I think it is okay, I can drink a little. By the way, the medicine is in the cabinet. Here, if it still hurts, take medicine, don’t be shy."

After a day's rest and taking medicine again, Shen Jue was much better. This time, as soon as he left the door, he saw Shang Jiayu. Shang Jiayu was sitting on the sofa in the living room and turned his head when he heard the movement.

"Brother, you are awake." Shang Jiayu stood up and walked to Shen Jue's side in a few steps. As always, he saw Shen Jue and hung it on Shen Jue's body and wrapped his hands around Shen Jue's neck. , "Brother, are we going back tomorrow?"

"Hmm." Shen Jue tore off Shang Jiayu's hand, "Where did you go yesterday?"

Shang Jiayu blinked, "Brother, are you worried about me?"

This sentence only got an indifferent look. Shang Jiayu seemed to be a little unhappy. He narrowed his mouth, "I didn't go there. I just bought a lot of things. It took a long time for the taxi to get the taxi, so I came back at night. It must be later. Because I saw that the light in my brother's room seemed to be off, so I didn't tell my brother." After he finished speaking, he jumped up again, "Brother, look at the things I bought."

He ran into the room and pulled out a suitcase. After opening it, it was full of dolls.

"What do you buy so many dolls for?" Shen Jue was startled.

Shang Jiayu squatted next to the suitcase, and touched this and that, "I like dolls. If I buy too many, it wouldn't be a pity to lose one." He raised his head and looked at Shen Jue, his face splattered. Naive, "Brother, do you think I am right?"

Shen Jue met Shang Jiayu's eyes and felt a little strange. He never knew that Shang Jiayu still liked dolls. Shang Jiayu had not bought dolls in previous generations, but he could not interfere with the other party's hobbies.

"You like it." Shen Jue turned to wash.

When he finished washing and went to the kitchen, Shang Jiayu in the living room said coldly, "Brother, the red bean porridge in the kitchen was accidentally knocked over by me. Sorry, brother, but I took soy milk and bread from the restaurant downstairs. Brother will just do it."

Shen Jue paused slightly, but he said nothing.

The three people knew each other's existence, but the three of them kept secret, as if not to say that some things would not be exposed to the sun so quickly.


Before Shen Jue returned to China, he sent Si Yu a message, which probably said he had returned to China. He didn't say when he would be back. Siyu's text message was received after Shen Jue got off the plane and turned it on.

"I know, take a good rest and don't always work overtime."

He did not ask when Shen Jue would return.

Shang Jiayu was as noisy as ever. On the way home from the airport, he forcibly hugged Shen Jue’s arm and hummed. Shen Jue had to pull his hand back, and he would cry fakely. The fake cry was too loud, making the front row The assistant couldn't help peeking in the rearview mirror.

Shen Jue didn't want to disturb others, but frowned and let Shang Jiayu hug him.

After Shang Jiayu hugged his hand, he leaned against Shen Jue's shoulder again, and he muttered, as if he was humming a tune from beginning to end.

Seeing the stiff atmosphere in the car, the assistant in the front row wanted to ease the atmosphere, "Young Master Shang, what song are you humming? It sounds pretty good."

When Shang Jiayu heard this, Almond's eyes blinked slightly, and his red lips moved.

"Who killed the robin."


"Who Killed the Robin"

Who killed the robin?

It was me, said the Sparrow, with my bow and arrow, I killed the robin.

Who saw him die?

It was me, said the fly, with my little eyes, I saw him die.

Who took his blood?

It was me, said the fish, with my little plate, I took his blood.

Who makes a shroud for him?

It's me, said the beetle, with my needle and thread, I will make a shroud.

Who will dig his grave?

It's me, said the owl, with my chisel and shovel, I will come to dig the grave.

Who will be the pastor?

It's me, the crow said, with my little book, I will be a pastor.

Who will be the deacon? (Also translated: Who will record his history?)

It's me, Hibari said, if I'm not in the dark, I'll be a deacon.

Who will hold the torch?

It's me, said the Cardinals, I will get it right away, and I will hold the torch.

Who will be the chief priest?

It's me, said the pigeon, I want to mourn my beloved, and I will be the priest.

Who will carry the coffin?

It's me, Yuan said, if I don't walk at night, I will come to carry the coffin.

Who will help the coffin? (Another translation: Who will provide the turban? Or who will be responsible for the coffin cover?)

It's us, the wren said, we are married together, we will come to help the coffin.

Who will sing hymns?

It is me, said Thrush, standing on the bushes, and I will sing hymns.

Who will ring the death knell?

It's me, said the cow, because I can pull the yak, I'll ring the death knell.

So goodbye, Robin.

All the birds in the sky sighed and wept. When they heard the death knell, it sounded for the poor robin.


Inform the relevant parties,

This notice,

Next time to the Bird Court,

The sparrow will be judged.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: smile without leaving one;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 2 A Jing;

Thank you for the little angels who cast [land mines]: 36367651, 2 Lala Lala and Dudu; cute drawing board, tired bird knowing the meaning, meow sauce, Qingluhuo, *, Bilder, 25585705, 桜1 A

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

56 bottles of Matatabi; 30 bottles of grind to cry; 25 bottles of Wuyang Moon; 21 bottles of Ah Jiu; , Xidao’s dog’s tail grass, I’m very calm, 20 bottles of Coke and Bacon; Rongyou, 3772650717 bottles; 15 bottles of Yue and Ming; Shen Chenqing New Year’s Eve, vests, people who eat melon everyday, green heron fire, hyx get the most total attack ! , Ah Wu, Qing Feng Yu, Ju Ju want to eat Tangtang, Radio and Television General Ju, Bobo Village, Nam, Giant Chicken Team, Long Wu Mu, HJH 10 bottles; Han Yiyi 7 bottles; Adu, Shen Qingmo, Xian Quick warning, 5 bottles of round cake kid; 3 bottles of lavender de bells; Shi Pao Pao, 38630474, 2 bottles of boxes; Jingxi, 36367651, Xidandanna, Jueer Shenweihehe, overflow, dumplings, 1 bottle of I love Shurachang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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