Shen Jue deliberately left Lin Chuyan's dream. First, he knew that he couldn't get things easily, which was often more memorable, and second, because he had to leave because it was too early. If he drags on, I am afraid that it will be dawn. He is now a painter and has the instinct of painter, and instinctively hates sunlight.

After he left Lin Chuyan's dream, he walked out through the wall, but as soon as he went out, he saw Xie Zhi.

Xie Zhi didn't seem to sleep all night, and now he was standing outside Lin Chuyan's door. He couldn't see Shen Jue, his eyes were just staring at the door. Shen Jue glanced at Xie Zhi. The existence of Xie Zhi is an obstacle to his breakthrough, but he can't kill Xie Zhi. If a ghost kills a person, the spirit of the ghost will become heavier, and it will become a ghost. .

If Shen Jue becomes a fierce ghost, then the ghost chase is likely to come, so he can't kill Xie Zhi now, but if Xie Zhi stays beside Lin Chuyan, maybe Lin Chuyan will fall in love with Xie Zhi first .

When Shen Jue thought of this, his expression couldn't help becoming a little serious. For a moment, he turned and left the Taoist temple.

This time he returned to the mansion and took a while to paint himself again. Xie Zhi once had a elder brother who died young. Although Shen Jue had never seen Xie Zhi’s elder brother, he could draw himself five or six points similar to Xie Zhi. After painting, he fell into Xie's mother's dream.

In the dream, he pretended to be Xie Zhi's elder brother and told Xie's mother that Xie Zhi would suffer a **** disaster this year and must be sent to the temple for repairs. He could not go down the mountain within a year, otherwise his life would be lost.

In order to convince Xie's mother, Shen Jue even asked Xie Zhi's troubles for a few days. At first it was a little trouble, such as pushing the vase down secretly while Xie Zhi was passing by. When Xie's mother became more and more nervous, Shen Jue set a fire in Xiezhi's courtyard in the middle of the night.

The autumn was dry and windy, and the fire suddenly ignited. Shen Jue saw that the fire was on the rise, so she immediately awoke the dead servant at the door.

The fire went out only half an hour later. Although Xie Zhi was awakened by the young man in time, nothing happened, but Xie Zhi's study was mostly burned.

Mother Xie was completely suppressed by the fire, and apart from anything else, she would send Xie Zhi to the Thousand Buddha Temple outside the city for repairs. Although Xie's father did not agree, he could only agree with Xie's mother after several tears. Of course Xie Zhi knew that he was going to be sent to the Thousand Buddha Temple for repairs. A hundred and a thousand people were reluctant to go to the temple for repairs. What is the difference between this and confinement, but Xie's father is an out-and-out tiger father, directly People tied the Xiezhi Five Flowers and tied them to the Thousand Buddha Temple.

The monks in Thousand Buddha Temple are basically both civil and martial arts. Xie's father left several practitioners and stared at Xie Zhi. He clearly ordered that Xie Zhi could not leave the Thousand Buddha Temple at will during the year. Xie Zhi was angry with anger, but his mother came over again with red eyes, and said that he was the only precious child, saying that he must have no trouble, and if something happened to him down the mountain, she would not live.

Xie Zhi was given such a combination of hard and soft, and could only temporarily live in the Qianfo Temple.

It was half a month since Shen Jue settled the matter of Xiezhi. He entered a dream this time and found that Lin Chuyan's dream this time was in his own yard.

Shen Jue raised his head and looked at the dark clouds above. Dreams usually reflect a person's mood. Lin Chuyan's dreams are full of dark clouds covering the sun. I am afraid he has not been in a good mood these days. Shen Jue found him in Lin Chuyan's study. Lin Chuyan was sitting at the table, and in front of him was the portrait of Jinghe.

Shen Jue stood outside the window of the study. As soon as he saw that the painting on the table was Jinghe, Lin Chuyan raised his head. He saw Shen Jue outside the window, his eyes couldn't help changing. After a while, he got up and walked to the window, "Here you are."

"Hmm." Because of the current height difference, Shen Jue had to look up at the young man in front of him, "What are you doing?"

Lin Chuyan stared at Shen Jue without blinking, "I'm thinking why you haven't come."

Shen Jue smiled softly when he heard the words. The two of them were talking through the window, and the clouds were rolling outside, and they were whispering here, "Now I am here, you don't have to think about it."

Lin Chuyan lowered his eyes when he heard the words, "No, you are here this time, then I wonder when will you come next time? Tomorrow? In seven days? Or half a month?" He said this. At that time, the tone was very light and gentle. If the person in front of him was not Shen Jue, he would have been moved by someone else.

When the words fell, there was a rumbling thunder outside. Shen Jue was surprised by the sound and turned his head to take a look. When he turned his head, his lips were kissed. Lin Chuyan did not know when to bend down, and even with strong hands, he directly hugged Shen Jue's waist and hugged the person in from the window.


Lin Chuyan opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, he first looked at his hand. The touch in the dream was so real that he didn't think it was a dream, but it was a dream.

A beautiful and short spring dream, every time he wanted to do something, the other party disappeared from his arms.

The opponent came and walked like a gust of wind, he couldn't catch it at all.

"Second Young Master, are you awake?" The young servant outside heard the movement inside and asked in a soft voice outside the door. Lin Chuyan responded, was silent for a while, and said, "Are there still peaches to eat now?"


For the next ten days, Shen Jue will enter Lin Chuyan’s dream, but every time he clicks to the end. He is like a fisherman who deliberately dropped the bait to arouse Lin Chuyan’s interest, but he will never let Lin Chuyan the fish. When he is full, he wants to let the other party get into his fishing net a little bit.

When he fell asleep on the last day, Shen Jue could already feel Lin Chuyan's irritability, because he was deliberately reducing the time to dream. In the next few dreams, Lin Chuyan would leave Lin Chuyan's dream state before Lin Chuyan said a few words to him.

So this time when he fell into a dream, Lin Chuyan couldn't help but grabbed his wrist from the first time he saw him. It was too tight and Shen Jue felt a little pain.

"Why are you holding on so tight?" Shen Jue lowered his head and glanced at the hand clasped on his wrist. Although Lin Chuyan's hand was beautifully born, like a beautiful jade, it was a literati hand after all. The **** has been practiced all the year round. Of cocoons.

Lin Chuyan's eyes were deep, "Don't hurry, you are gone again."

Shen Jue heard this, but said: "It's useless if you hurry, I won't come anymore."

These words really changed Lin Chuyan's expression, "Why?"

But he didn't wait for the answer to this question, because the girl he caught disappeared again, like the wind, and when he woke up, he found that what the girl said in the dream was confirmed, and he never dreamed of the other person again, even though He looked at the painting many times before going to bed.

As time passed, it was winter.

After the winter, Lin Chuyan was also busy. Although he did not take up an official position, he had always helped his father to help his father and cook porridge. This winter came very early, and as soon as the winter entered, it snowed in the capital.

The snow for more than ten days has caused many people on the roadside to starve to death. Lin Chuyan had to lengthen the time of cooking porridge. He went out early and returned late every day, and his hands were frozen with frostbite, but he didn't care at all, Shi Shi The porridge is done by himself, and he doesn't care about his identity as a young master.

On this day, the snow fell even harder, and more and more people lined up to receive the porridge. By noon, the team showed no signs of decreasing, and the few servants were all sweating from exhaustion. Lin Chuyan had been serving porridge all morning, delivering porridge, and doing more than a few young men.

When he handed the porridge, he would smile at the person receiving the porridge to comfort him.

When it was almost night, the team finally lost a lot, with only a dozen people left. Lin Chuyan packed the last bowl of porridge. He laughed all day. In fact, his smile became stiff, but he still passed the porridge habitually. , The person who met the porridge smiled, but this time, the smile stopped halfway through.

Although the person in front of him was ragged and his face was stained with dust, Lin Chuyan still saw at a glance that the boy in front of him looked very much like his sister-in-law, and if strictly speaking, he looked more like the girl in his dream.

The same snow-skinned red lips, the same smart eyes.

Lin Chuyan stared at the young man in front of him almost gaggedly, waiting for the opponent's hand to move impatiently in the air before he could hold his mind and put the porridge in his hand into the opponent's hand.

Because it was the last person who came to receive the porridge, the young man next to him was busy packing up and preparing to return to the house. He didn't see this scene, so he didn't see the boy's face. Only Lin Chuyan saw it.

He watched the other party carrying the porridge and walking forward on the snow. The heavy snow fell and the pear blossoms on the young man’s shoulder fell. When the young man disappeared on the street corner, Lin Chuyan finally couldn’t help chasing him. Don't forget to pick up the oil paper umbrella next to the pillar.

"Second Young Master! Second Young Master, where are you going?"

The voice of the young man came from behind, but Lin Chuyan could no longer hear him. He just took the umbrella to chase the boy. When he turned the corner and saw the boy again, he was relieved and relieved. Later, he was afraid that it was a dream, so he dared not stop at all.

When he was only one step away from the boy, Lin Chuyan opened the umbrella, took a quick step, and blocked the snow falling on the boy with the umbrella.

The young man stopped and turned his head slightly. When he saw Lin Chuyan, his eyes flashed with caution, "What are you doing?"

Lin Chuyan has been praised for being clever since he was a child, and he is not surprised at everything. Even if he goes to the palace, he can deal with it calmly. But this time, when faced with a teenager's question, he didn't know how to answer it for the first time, so he could only be dumbfounded. Look at each other.

The boy's eyes rolled slightly, and he glanced at the porridge in his hand, "Are you going to take this bowl back? Then I'll drink it now. Give it back to you."

As he said, he took the porridge in his hand and was ready to drink. Lin Chuyan couldn't help but reached out and stopped him, "Don’t, don’t drink, you just came this way, the snow fell in, and the porridge is probably cold. I drank it. For diarrhea, you..." He hesitated, "Would you like to eat at my house?"

When Lin Chuyan said this, he dared not look into the eyes of the boy in front of him.

It is too abrupt, and the first time I meet, I invite the other party to the house for dinner.

"You're not a bad guy?" Just as Lin Chuyan regretted his abruptness, he heard the boy's answer.

He was taken aback for a moment, then immediately raised his head and replied, "I am not a bad person. My father is Lin Yan, Shaoqing of Zongzheng Temple."

The boy said, he didn't seem to be surprised by his identity, "What about you? You introduced your father, why didn't you introduce yourself."

"My name is Lin Yan, my name is Chuyan, I am twenty-three years old, and I am second at home. There is an eldest brother who goes to work and a younger sister who can just walk." After Lin Chuyan finished speaking, he gently pressed his lower lip and put his hand in The umbrella was turned aside, blocking the wind and snow sweeping towards the young man.

His shoes and socks had been wet by the snow, but he had no intention of caring about it.

I don’t know how long I’ve been standing there, maybe it’s just a short moment, maybe it’s a long stick of incense, Lin Chuyan finally heard from the other party--

"Well, anyway, I have nowhere to go. Even if you are a bad guy, I don't care. Just have a place to warm up."


Lead ghosts into the room

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: a little cute, 25015719, a cute drawing board, Jue'er God Weihehe, Azhang grows a long one;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Oh my goodness, stay up late every day 30 bottles; 21 bottles for you; lovely readers happily make 20 bottles; 10 bottles of self-closing daffodils; 9 bottles of Tata; 3 bottles of commercial mixed; 2 bottles of Qu Cai; Jue The son of God is very powerful, and one bottle is changed quickly;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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